/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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kill all tripfaggots


Tranny thread

Sonya is shit and only /v/eddit spics like her.

>brain telling me to roll for doot and mommy
>dick is telling me to roll for tits
>tiny voice in the back of my head is telling me to save my orbs for CYL you fucking retard


Who rightfully wins the RoyBowl?

I wonder how many times this has been posted






Blue mages are kind of all the rage aren't they?

You have the Dire Thunder siblings, you have Linde, and now you have Delthea.

>not using her to buff a mixed team
absolute garbage

I really like Tharja.


Severa is forever cute! And a great unit too!

Give me my husband IS

So this basically confirms that Sonya is the canon choice right?

Why is this jailbait confessing to me?

Sonya is both cuter than Julia and a better character.

Can someone explain what this does?
Why would you report a tripcode and an image?

Gimme the MILKIES!

Go for the good unit who actually has good art. Deltea

>spent 80 orbs
>rolled both doot and sonya
>both are -atk










Elise's sweaty butt!

this isn't /srg/

She's shit.

>so little sp


Xavier goes down all to easy.
And older Asvel looks pretty good.

Nino is a lewd girl! Lewd!


What the actual fuck happened to Etruria for the mage general to go form Pent to Cecilia

Do we even know how they will be dressed up in CYL?

Tharja is my wife.

Someone noted that in their Cipher cards Sonyas text is regular conversation text or something and Deens is the quote he has when he fights you(the nothin personal one)

So yeah, for as much as people think IS favors Deen it seems he dies in the desert, never to play the clarinet again.

I want my penis trampled by Mathilda

No point in keeping an extra Reinhardt ontop of my +1 right?
Should I just send home or merge them together?
Both +ATK, but don't get any significant points from a merge
And also already get defenses easily enough

Please, please run the Xander GHB again. I just want to upgrade mine to 40+2.

Should I run darting blow or fury on Sonya?


What kind of team would you put her with? For now, I'm thinking of throwing her with Manaketes.


Fala Ishtore, Reidrick and that Bishop sprite all seem to own the Desert.

>that single half second of panic when you roll a unit that can be either 4 or 5 star and you don't know which you got yet

They'll probably release Deen later and he'll be better like he was in every other game he's been in.

>When you wasted 20k on giving Cecilia an emergency Gronnblade+ and find out the cock can't have CA

A-atleast I can use her to skullfuck shit in future GHB's, right?

Me of course

What happened to the Sonya that you rolled? I was kinda busy caught up in my own plight while rolling.

Kill yourself spic

Claude is back and Red Meng and Corple are about.
Leen also.

I was going to do darting blow probably

Sonya is good. Cuter than Julia and Nino too.

I've spent almost twice what you've spent and got none.

Not only will they be on banners again later, you might even get them while rolling CYL if they drop in rarity well probably not but still keep sitting on those orbs

>rolling for Shitya and Delarrhea
>not saving orbs up for the Halloween banner
See you spooks in October.

Clive, has much screen time in Echoes, has cards and he is in Heroes. Fandom don't care or dislike him.

Forsyth and Python, they don't have cards and they are not in Heroes, Fandom loves the 2 guys.

Save for impossible maps

Looks like Sety and Asvel are all that can defend Leonster.

Sakura's is better

He's -Spd / +Def. Could any Leonbros tell me if this could work?
>Brave Bow+
>Draw Back
>Close Counter
>QR or Vantage
>Threaten Def
>HP+3 Seal

I never got Hinoka so I'm using her as a placeholder flier emblem buffer. If I had all of the dragons SI'd I'd definitely run her on dragonteam though.

Is Mathilda good for anything besides some meme DC mage tank build?

Man, I can't believe they had a dick joke in Fire Emblem.

I don't like holiday meme units desu, I don't care if they're OP their aesthetics are bad.

Oh and Yuria!

Holy shit what the fuck are those toes.

Why is the spic pretending green Tharja is any good?

It's just very persistent butthurt

+Def/-HP. Unusable garbage that I've already fed Nino and Shanna to for Draw Back and Desperation. I'm shooting for a +Spd/-Def one and will give her Fury too whenever I get another Hinata. My Tharja has Hone Speed so she'll be able to reach 42 speed with the speed seal

Today I learned that if I am stuck at something, just use Cordelia. This little cucklet is really good and glad I listened to you guys when deciding who to promote. Thank you /feg/, I love you.

Why would I save orbs for a Fates banner?


I got a +spd -def one myself. I'm worried that Kinda just sabotages his whole Ignis shtick, because -def is a -4 bane

Claude is up to something.
Hard to believe I thought he was killed 20 years ago.

You should use an actual good mage like Nino or Julia

Sick who gets her weapon

I'm neutral on this statement. Post her butt or chest to change my opinion.

I have a fully built Nino fuckboy, but I want to use Sonya too

>It's just very persistent butthurt
Pot meet kettle

Kill yourself already you cock slurper

Hey it's Blonde Linoan!

Suck my cock dude.

You can brave lance her, but then Peri is the best BL cav, followed by Abel, then Mathilda.

Oh, I made a mistake. You're right, this is really good. For some reason I thought it was if fang attacked.

Because it's just as nuFE as Echoes you numale

>maybe flora

Best build is Clarisse Bow/CC/Seal Attack or QR

I'm not reposting the same image every thread telling people to filter me.

>+Def -HP
>Unusable Garbage

That's pretty much neutral you fucking clown. I rolled a -SPD Delthea

>Fuck the guy the sucked your mother's tits
Sasuga Woruto!

So what does CA actually do? From the description I can tell it cancels -Raven tomes. Does it cancel TA? Anything else at all?

>Gotta grind to 99k to recover all those lost orbs yesterday
It's going to be a long day

>Fates shit
At least I get to save orbs

May i get some help to build a team for the 11-12 and 10-11 lunatic chain challenges ? i beat everything else.
I can build up to 2 fully decked teams i guess with my current roster. Here is the roster.
>Ike , Michalis , Tobin , Reinhardt , Boey , Nino, Olivia, Lissa , Camus , Marth , Summer Robin , Summer Gaius
I can promote also 1 more unit to 5* to join the roster. Est Cherche Lilina Subaki or Bartre. I have brave weapons to pass Cherche and Est but they are not +. Reposting from old thread since no reply.

Gray actually looks pretty solid. Kinda hard to fit in the huge pool of reds, but nice. Only problem is that he looks like he needs Saber's sword.

>so desperate for a 5* red mage I'm considering promoting Sophia, Henry, or Raigh
Somebody please stop me, I know I will regret this.

Guys I've got a -atk/+def Hinoka and a +spd/-res Mae
How fucked up am I?

So far on Sonya's banner (after blowing most of my load for a good Doot)

5* Raven
5* Hawkeye
5* Kagero
5* Saber
5* Athena

In something like 35ish orbs. This is a lucky banner

Looks like Dean wants Gungnir back.

>this hypocricy
Play in traffic

>get three greens out of 80 orbs
>they're all Cecilia
I want to kill somebody.

My only choice is a +spd -res lillina. I know that feel