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Anyone ever gone to one of those legacy WoW servers and find out that they just don't like the old game that much?

Some friends of mine want to go and start up on some legacy vanilla server, but frankly I think that the QoL changes are just too massive, I don't know if I could go back. Has anyone gone from live to vanilla recently? Is it that bad, or am I just overthinking things?

fuck off to your containment general shoplifter

>937 ilvl

Time to get the fuck out of this garbage general and join the elite of WoW like this guy. I bet none of you losers even have 910.

stop posting pictures of my character faggot

who the fuck is this kid anyways

that ilvl means nothing if you got no transmog


>940 portalguard helm

titanforging was a fucking mistake holy shit

>tfw Modera apparently has no qualms about helping me kill Alliance NPCs

I love her so much.

im 910 and i just do wqs and invasions to buy relinquished gear lmao i havent done a dungeon since 7.0 and ive only done lfr once

why does quin69 look so sweaty

cool tansmogs dude

>using transmogs
waste of money bruh

>get fed all the gear by your loot council
>I'm so skilled guys

>val'sharah invasion
>3 ragnarosfags
just kill me now

dwarf,draenei, or pandaren for shaman?

I'm an RP lorefag.

nth for f2p

NElf Pallies are already a thing. Delias Moonfang and her shitter ancestor are fucking champions in the pally order hall.

Yeah, Pallies don't have Sunwalker Dezco or god forbid a fucking dwarf pally champion, but we get two fucking nelves instead. Delias at least has an explanation because she goes from a Priest to Pally to wield the Light, but her ancestor has no fucking explanation whatsoever. It's a fucking joke.

Oh, but we get Maximillian of Northshire! Fucking joke.


Trash weapons, gg son

Draenei because from an RP perspective they're the perfect species.
They're basically just better than everyone else with no strings attached.


how does your pvp look like

i obviously mean two
they both have 2k health
also we're wiping to the wrathguard at the top of the tower
epic my dude

do you guys like my mog?

You don't talk shit about Maximillian nigger.

>#502341256 warlock to use those shoulders and helmet

I honestly thought he was a warrior.

look at this independant slut sitting like this on the dinner table
you think she would have ruthless sex with you and make a hole in the condom?


I'd print a newspaper on your vulva

Lord you are dumb, you should get the hairloom mace (2.8 speed) MH and the Recruit's axe (2.6 speed) as OH, gives way more damage on your melee skills.

xpoff is a great site for any type of twinking, these kids are so fucking fat that they sit at home and calculate how to get bis stats and max dps on twinks at any level

>the Fallen Avatar, a representation of one of the titans, is 'crucified' with its wings bolted onto a machinery created by the titans themselves
What did Blizzard mean by this?

I'm aware of XPoff

also those are worse

>finally get valarjar stormwing
>the flare wears off after 10 min because it's the same drake we've all been riding since BC
why do I still play this game?

what else is there to do when you f2p level cap?

>Japan tier transmog

duels in goldshire

try not to get killed doing world events

>#untold billions of people who wish they rolled warlock so they dress up as one

Question, if I could hypothetically be ilvl902 but with subpar gear, would that be better than ilvl898 but with the right stats I need? Consider that for 4 ilvls I would go from 32% haste to 24% haste.

she's not sitting on the dinner table, retarded cursed vision poster

Did this guy become a meme?

Dude the heirloom items are way better

Just buy a month you jew

post puppos

wear the ilvl 902 stuff when you're pugging, people dont care about stat optimization

Sim it.

>when you wear low ilvl gear that has good second stats and still suck at dps and the 905 vers crit does more

if you pay for even one month it's not true f2p

beides, i have heirlooms thru darkmoon tix

Not only that but it's the same drake everyone else has by now

sounds kind of boring. all my other toons are lvl 90 and i don't feel like grinding them up so i don't pay for a subscription anymore. i had one starter toon that i played to 20 but he's pointless now too. i guess there will be no more wow for me...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this dumb
Ok dude, you want slow weapons on shamans, as damage from weapons is scaled based on speed, and not ilvl. Slow weapons hit way harder when you use shit like lava lash. But whatever have fun with your weak 500 hits, im here enjoying my 1.5k crits 3 shotting nerds like you

32% hasteto 24% haste is a fucking apocalyptic loss for a ret, are you stupid?

I don't understand this, so you're willing to devote that much time and effort into the game but you won't even rise past completely irrelevant stuff?

I don't understand it, but if you're having fun then power to you dude

>special snowflake headpiece
ev'ry time

I'd fucking destroy you, hands down

*spanks u*

That's what I figured I might do which is why I kept the replacements around, but I don't feel like getting kicked because pugs are full of tryhards who bitch about DPS meters.

I'll look into this.

I was under the impression I needed haste above all?

No I'm not, but I wanted to doublecheck to make sure. I fucking hate the 5k void shard necks because none of them offer haste. Should I just look into buying an obliterum neck off the AH and then upgrading that to 900?

Why is Arms Warrior so bad?

>but you won't even rise past completely irrelevant stuff?
everything we do in wow is completely irrelevant, all items get made irrelevant when the next expansion rolls around and everything else is cosmetic.

>doing WoD raids
>nobody has flying

wtf is everyone a legionbabby or what??

>wearing warlock gear as priest
>wearing the most commonly worn warlock gear

You seem like the type of faggot to wear purple judgment on a warrior.

>kil'jaeden is now the longest lived boss since cataclysm


>actually taking the time to get flying for a dead world
get a load of this loser

>getting kicked because pugs are full of tryhards who bitch about DPS meters.
you only ever get kicked if you are slow, they dont even kick you for being rock stupid and standing in shit.

Dude not even that guy, but since you have worse gear I doubt it.

While I do technically agree with you, even at 100 the amount of things in the game you can do increases dramatically. You can earn so much more gold, do old raids and so on... as a level 20 you're so limited in what you can do.

You can never go back. I love Star Wars galaxies. That was the greatest game I ever played. I was really upset when the game closed. So I was thrilled to try one of the emulators. While they had the game like it was before it was different. There was something off and I stopped playing.

So what does this have to do with a wow emulator? Simple - all the fun times that you had in vanilla, burning Crusade, wrath, cataclysm, etc. those are gone forever. That time And all the things you were doing and the things you enjoyed are all memories. You cannot relive those days no matter how hard you want to.

You'll never relive the first time you saw Ironforge. You'll never hear that epic music flying into stormwind for the first time again.

One last thing. You are spoiled at how easy this game is now. You would not be able to go back to how difficult the game was.

So let those memories go. Or give it a try. Your experience might be different from mine and you would love it

I have no desire to spend any more time doing tanaan dailies or farm sabermaw. Especially when I can spend that time doing transmog runs, mount runs, and repeatedly fucking up the Razormaw achieve.

It happened a lot early in the expac for me so I've been trying to avoid it ever since. I've been trying to get better, hell, when I first hit Suramar at 110 I had no idea what stats to have and my mastery was at 48% and my haste was 3% at one point.

whats the addon that showed these HP half moons around your toon

i'm not that guy either, and i'd shit all over him

>doing falcosaur world quest on DH alt
>see some prot warrior pull 3 packs along with 2 patriarchs
>run up and do 2 eye beams in a row because head legendary
>everything dies
>he goes "jesus christ, you fuckin melted them"

I impressed someone today

i can't be fucked to finish the questing achievements for nagrand and the arakkoa place

so fucking tired of orc shit

>You can earn so much more gold
and what the fuck are you gonna use that gold on?


Dude half of your armor is complete shit, those trinkets. Plus since you don't have heirloom armor for the most part you're missing out on actual good weapon/armor enchants. +1 weapon damage? Seriously?

>tfw to smrt to spll melle rite

can you comment on the phrase "exploit early exploit often" ?

>he plays melee


Tokens? Mounts? Pets? Transmog? Sending it to an alt to buy him 310 flying? Are you seriously asking me why gold is important in WoW?

You want to get the pvp armor, as you can roll them to be ilvl 28, at thats bis, but hes weapons is trash, also he dont have the fishing trinkets which are ilvl60, hes also missing out on 6 ilvl from one of his rings, as he can get a white ring with lvl30 on it.

Hes just all around trash, and thinks hes good

i've had to do all my own enchants

it's capped at 100


>legion was released last year Aug 30th
>someone deduced it to Luke 8:30 "Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him."
>the expansion supposedly ends with Illidan taking THE demon (Sargeras, embodiment of the Legion) inside him

deepest fucking lore

>Mounts? Pets? Transmog?
so cosmetics, gotcha
come back when you have a relevant reason.

>pvp song compilation


Whatever, dweeb

Im Cal-I

You're just salty you didn't get the legion gear

You missed when I said tokens, which means more game time. So thanks for skipping the incredibly relevant reason.

How do you make money in this game?

Im not salty, as i shit on nerds with it all day, but it would be nice to get full ilvl 35, cant disagree. But you dont have any ilvl 35 legion gear, so whatever son.

buy low, sell high
farm raid pets
undercut by 30%

It doesn't take long to run out of things to buy.

Buy things and sell them for more.
Farm herbs/ore/skin whenever it's worthwhile (comes and goes)
Farming trash in new/recent raids, especially during the first few weeks
Keeping up with the latest cheeses/exploits and knowing which to not touch
Buy things and sell them for more.
Don't spend gold, if possible. The more you have the easiest it is to make.
See above; pinch pennies. Don't constantly mog or change your hair. Be in a guild that offers repairs.


Are you kidding me? I'd be absolutely shocked if you were completely out of things to buy with gold. For one, you can stockpile tokens. For two, I really doubt that you own all of the mounts and pets you can buy for gold. And there's LOTS of things to spend gold on. Like upgrading heirlooms, toys, flying on all your characters...

I highly HIGHLY doubt that you've spent millions upon millions of gold buying everything available.

I like these bears

Here's a money making tip.

>make a worgan toon
>level it until you are out of the worgan zone
>when you get to the night elf zone buy the gilnean pet
>sell if for 1k gold

Bam, 1k gold for nothing, only takes a couple of hours to complete the worgan zone and pet battlers buy that pet because its good.

>get accepted to groups with min ilvl 920
>equipped ilvl is only 917

>guild does timewalking bt
>before supremes
>they whine about melees not being able to kill flying drakes
>remember from tbc raiding you could kite them away
>run way far away to get it down
>"user what are you DOING over there????"
s m h newfags

>spelling worgen "worgan"

what the fuck is wrong with (You)?

>a couple of fucking hours

what in fucking release day cata?