If the killing of the Lancer Evo and their failed ousting of the president didnt convince you that mitsu-chan is going up in flames, I’m not sure anything will.
what does this have to do with automobiles?
Kobe Steel, Suburu, Nissan, Takata and now Mitsu. wtf is Japan doing?
the age of Japanese manufacturing is over, weeblord
>Kobe Steel, Suburu, Nissan, Takata and now Mitsu
Kobe Steel got a lot of bad metal from chinese suppliers.
Takata is a chinese company with offices in Japan and China.
Mitsubishi's problems were probably the most japanese of all because it was simply full of corrupt managers thinking only of short term decisions to look good on their records for bonuses. Because so much corruption occurred in just one company in so very many levels, it might be a symptom of a truly bad executive management decision to create a reward system that fostered such types of short term corrupt actions.
You'd think a company that designs a/c units would be able to put a usable one in my mom's eclipse
>2 years after buying the hydraulic for the door tore in half
>hydraulic for the trunk went out soon after
>pulley was made of shit plastic and wore itself down on the superior rubber serpentine belt
>self-corroding brake lines, cause for a recall
>o2 sensor wire burned through the """"rubber"""" coating, grounded out on the alternator, killing the alternator instantly because there's 2 feet of wire just lying around with no harness or clip
>can pull the o2 sensor out with your hand but need to take the entire block out to change the serpentine belt
>ac blower motor rubs against itself and sends smoke through the ac
>negative terminal on battery harness corrodes, positive soon after because zinc coating is apparently too expensive for mitsu to bother
>cheap plastic on the car key broke when trying to turn over, backup carkey broke for same reason when im still on the original key for my 00' 323i with no issues
>tfw when 90's
>own Mitsubishi television
>Mitsubishi microwave oven
>Mitsubishi stereo system
>Mitsubishi air conditioner
>Mitsubishi refrigerator
>Mitsubishi 2000 GT
besides the electrics in the 2000 GT, they all worked great
>*3000 GT
Why on earth did your family buy so much Mitsubishi stuff? My dad wouldn't even allow Mistubishi stuff into our house growing up.
Probably why we had so much Sanyo stuff at my place, it's what the nearest store had.
>fell for nip meme
>muh chinese shits
Who made the crappy decisions? Japanese guys.
>Mitsubishi 3000 GT
a meme car cuz you know it is unreliable pos.
>I am in deep shit.
Say it with me folks.
The face of Kobe Steel CEO is golden
pretty much
My dad didn't care whether anything was union made, it was because of anger over Mitsubishi making Japanese planes in World War II.
If you're getting metal from Chinese suppliers, you do fucking 200% QC on the metallurgy of every fucking piece that comes through the door.
Takata has been based in Japan its entire existence.
Mitsu is just another shitty Japanese company.
I thought only white guys did that dumbass face.
>he didn't touch his head to the ground and then cut his belly open
>I thought only white guys did that dumbass face.
nope you are retarded.
Pretty soon. for now, he has to low his head while walking around.
Senpai pls it's happening in various industries. Take jewzuki with their oil starvation: the bike, or yamaha with their R1/R1M's that repeatedly snap cranks at the first crank journal on stock power and very few miles/km's. Their QC became a shit too. Nissan is now french-tier manufacturing and Shitsu is killing nice cars and bringing them back as grossovers.
Japan is ded. Even the italians produce better quality stuff