/bdog/ black desert online


>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, group pvp, infinite grinding and a pseudo-sandbox experience.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR Patchnotes

>Useful Links, Guides, Guilds & Info
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whyfu needs a real good dicking desu

Did our guy Summ1t already stop playing the game, didn't he say he was addicted and loved the shit out of it?
He barely even played it for one week...


yeah and it is silly to expect such a prominent streamer to play an mmo that is mainly about afking and doing the same grind rotation for 6 hours

More alpha than (you)

I keep it hotbishi at the same time too. Don't even try and compete with me.

Dont lewd my waif

>A screenshot of Whyfu and I hanging out

Reminder the guild list ranking list for Bdog is this:
1. ITC
2. Who
3. Baka
5. Sardine
6. IC

woah haha her face is so small the other one looks like that character from the kids show?

>calling guilds that recruit in server chat /bdog/ guilds

He did it again the madman.


I think the only /bdog/ guilds on that list are Sardine and IC.




Some guild one guy who posts here is a member of and needs to force his guild in our faces and overcompensate because he wants to be accepted among his peers.

what kinks are mayyd into


>be Kakao/Duam
>wake up early in the morning
>hear the cries of all pvp'er who dont enjoy the game of "whoever can grind sausans/pirates the longest without quitting or killing himself wins"
>tell them "dont worry im working on it"

>increase pearl shop prices in mp


is it sausans? I thought it was sausages


>Be me, kakao/duam/pa
>Players complain about how pirates/sausans are the only good spots to grind
>They simply ask for valencia to be buffed so they can explore it without losing exp/silver an hour
>Tell them "dont worry ive got the solution"

>Buff sausans

Honestly most things that arent vanilla and bland.

and tentacles.

Post more houses Yummy food!

>There is a person with the name kakao/duam/pa
>He has three names so people will blame one and not realize it is all the same person
>That person is me
>Tell people from na/eu that there will be no p2w if the game is b2p
>They agree

>I had my fingers crossed the whole time

Why are you EU? I want to hand out with you.

>They call me kakao/duam/pa
>Suggest my game is a sandbox
>Show off features of trading and raiding
>Promise sandbox features of owning houses and not just instanced rooms
>State night/day will have a large impact
>Night will be complete darkness without lantern

>Remove all these features I had already made/implemented and then casualize it for carebears


Chimpy is that you?

nice. are you on na?

>My name is kakao/duam/pa
>After killing sandbox themes, suggest that there will be pve content like world bosses that are hard and challenging

>Reuse trash mob ai
>Reuse story mode bosses and slightly enlarge them

How to spot literal new fags who weren't here since beta.

Such a lust for shitposting.

Why does he wear the golden mask?

>Hear my name: kakao/duam/pa
>Create great combat system
>The literal best combat system in an mmo
>Advertise your game as a pvp orientated game
>Make gear the only thing that matters
>Put gear behind a thousand hours of terrible pve content
>If that wasn't enough put rng accuracy/evasion chances as if this is some d&d rp game
>Put no gear equalized arena
>Call your game a pvp game

>Mfw I'm kakao/pa/duam

How many hours do you have in this game?

More than you, faglord.

na yes.

>Legends tell of of man named kakao/duam/pa
>It is said that he had a game with the best combat in an mmo
>His followers ask for less rng and have enchantments stay at +15 to keep the grind down and keep pvp balanced

>john 12:54 "goys love rng and grind, let them eat sausans/pirates"

yo is there any of you guys that dont mind me leeching? Either for free levels, or even a guild that can just give me a lot of money to start with?

I just wanna get ahead of my irl friends, and i dont have the time to play like they do

You shouldn't! I think I'm cursed...
I see ghosts inside my house through the window, but they disappear once I get in.
And on top of that, my horse in the background keeps trying to hump EVERYTHING. I think he might be possesed...

Why are you not cheating/exploiting user?
The worst thing that can happen is that you can be really unlucky and get caught and get a 3day ban.

darn. do you have discord? i want to see more of your cute elf

>I am the one named kakao/duam/pa
>Promise openworld pvp to have consequences

>Remove any real consequences to pvp death
>increase punishment on pker

It really doesn't work that way. You need to be active while someone is helping you with powerleveling. As for the guild pay out, pretty sure that has to do with the amount you contribute back to the guild, meaning you need to grind/guild quests.

No free rides in BDO

Hm, I dont like adding people but I think ill redo my gallery tonight and delete most of it for new pictures.


Do people really grind sausans and pirates after 57?

someone convince to buy this game instead of FFXIV

>Am myself kakao/duam/pa
>Wiz/wit/dk are overpowered
>Tell them I will buff the other classes


thanks! I hope we can meet up sometime

Final Fantasy is a stale game that hass run its course and is slowly dying. Waste of time to start it now.

Do some research.

>When no life neets get upset that people are exploiting to skip the cancerous grinding of shit ai mobs that even dsp could beat without complaining

welp, so perhaps XIV might be a better choice

Cute cocks in a cage

I said do some research.

>33 grind spots
There are only two grind spots in the game once you get past the tutorial levels

>world bosses
They use the same ai as regular mobs, its just a zerg fest of people trying to get the most dps. Literally 0 skill or tactics are used

can't you just tell me what to think already

Hello team!

cancer, I hope they get banned



The spots exist, whether an individual chooses to utilize them or not is up to them.
I would tell you to go play XIV if you prefer being able to do actual group content frequently rather than play a single player MMO.

How am I doing been playing for a couple days

you're on the right track, keep it up

>can't you just tell me what to think already

Not that guy but lad ill give you the real arguement between the two

You will have fun from levels 1-56
Once you get past 56 you will realize you will grind shit ai mobs for 800 hours to get to pvp
You will realize there are two spots that are the best exp/silver in the game with no contest, those being sausans/pirates
You will grind these in a mechanical braindead fashion called a "rotation", aka running around in a bg circle oneshotting a pack of mobs as you run
You will want to kill yourself everytime you load up bdo to grind these
Maybe after 800 hours of grinding these mobs you can finally pvp in laggy desync'd combat that has accuracy/evasion meaning even if you aim perfectly there is a chance to not even hit.
You will do 100% of this grinding solo or you lose major exp/silver an hour.
There is no real pve content
pvp endgame are 5 fps node wars
The lifeskills are pretty fun though, they get old after a while but it isn't so bad.

Its just wow but better in nearly everyway
>ff compared to bdo
it has actual social interaction
actual pve content
you can get to pvp earlier
crafting is slightly worse IMO

It ain't much, but it's comfy enough.

if you like tab targeting dogshit WOW clones that are worse than WOW sure

>steamshitter that never tried lifeskills and tried to race as fast as possible so he could be l33t

But I literally said
>The lifeskills are pretty fun though, they get old after a while but it isn't so bad.
and said
>ff crafting is slightly worse IMO

>Crafting is slightly worse IMO.
FFXIV crafting is leagues better because it's actually interactive, you can control the craft quality, you can acquire the means of being more proficient in them by buying them from the market or crafting them yourself, and you have a free market to peddle the things you crafted unlike BDO.

BDO is just clicking a button and watching a progress bar.

crafting isn't lfieskills though only a part of lifeskills and yet you say there's no social interaction but some lifeskills require it such as hunting, which just shows your inexperience

BBC time

why does a free market matter when you hit gear cap instantly and the pvp sucks though? oh wait it doesn't AHAHAHA

>he doesnt play active fishing: ddr edition

>some lifeskills require it such as hunting
You mean literally only hunting, which is literally just killing blue whales or khalk. Hunting as a skill has almost 0 content to it besides killing these two things. Its pretty terrible as far as lifeskills go

Hi crocutie

ok it all just sucks, you can go back to your worst WOW now

I'd rather just watch a progress bar over weekly scrip caps or collectibles.

hang yourself

Where is tied-uo-chan?

I want to tie you to your new bed.


That's when I dropped the shit out of FFXIV. Even gathering was fucking time gated.

>actual pve content
>2 dungeons and 2 trials that are completed in literally 2 days
>a raid with instant teleportation, no exploration and 4 bosses that are done within literally a couple of hours
about that pve content

>your s teamie because you didnt lifeskill
I btfo you out because you didnt even read my post

>l-lifeskills are social like hunting
Get btfo again by giving the single only example of group content in lifeskills yet you state the other skills have social aspects to them.

>g-go back to wow clone
mfw pic related

Because some people like amassing wealth and like playing virtual markets rather than dealing with fixed price trash like in BDO? Some people like to actually be able to buy an item without having to wait on a shitty bid system that locks you into an effective queue to buy an item that's not on bid because you can only buy the lowest price thing. Hello?

Gear and PvP has nothing to do with that, stop being retarded, thank you.
>Fishing is crafting.
That's the only good thing about BDO "crafting", you can do other shit while it's automated. Doesn't make the system any less dull.

>pve content: bdo edition
>literally nothing
about that pve content


>smig anime poster vehemently defending XIV
It's like clockwork.

>Please be NA

I want to pvp youhard

I wasn't the retard bashing WoW when FFXIV doesn't have a fraction in terms of launch content.

FFXIV has the story and the rest of the game is a barren wasteland.

>user loses argument so resorts to ad hom
like clockwork

>FFXIV has the story
Except it's story is shit. Even by "JRPG" standards.

Yes I'm NA.

Battle Arena?

>finally finished gathering to pro1 on all my alts
im glad its over, now just cooking and processing


It's ok by modern JRPG standards. Which isn't saying much at all.

>Story content bdo edition
>subpar translations that make little sense
>its literally just a naruto tier shounen kill le ebil bad man boss to save the world with no characters of any worth or interesting plot of any kind

Based Poothy Oothy

>Make that much from 1 character

Thanks whyfu you can stop being obsessed with poo whenever btw

It's at least better than any story after IX, I'll give them that. Some characters are pretty dope as well like Gotetsu. I played SB for 2 weeks before getting shit bored but I had tons of fun with the journey from 60 to 70. Too bad Square still has no clue what to do with endgame and has zero creativity and ideas.