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Why all these shitty ass OPs today?


Doot is a reddit meme
sluice is /ourmeme/

Bow down to Mommies!

Azura is shit

i want to stick my doot inside doot


Soft~ cavalierboy when?

Reminder that Nino and Julia >>> Sonya

Soren > Sonya to


>be rolling for delthea
>used the wrong orbs by mistake.
I knew it was blue.

Azura a best!

Just fuck my shit up, senpai

What game would peter play




He is retarded after all

I have 193 units with only 200 allowed but I don't know who to throw away because because I don't know when their skills will be useful

The second banner will be Kliff, Silque, Forsyth and Python..... and Conrad as GHB

should've promoted rutger boi

You need to send Rutger up further and Marcus to the left

Conrad: Masked Knight
Lance, Cavalry
39 HP / 33 Atk / 34 Spd / 24 Def / 25 Res
Iron Lance -> Steel Lance -> Ridersbane -> Ridersbane+

Learns Dragonhaze, Grani's Shield, and Hone Cavalry.

Dragonhaze has a charge of 3, and adds 50% of the enemy's Spd as damage. Preceded by Snakehaze, which has the same effect at a charge of 4.

I was planning on trying to summon a Sonya since she seems like a pretty good unit. How about Mathilda though? The anti-cav spear sounds nice but I hear her stats are pretty mediocre.

Sonya is the most heavily disputed character on this banner and I think it's pretty clear why. She's definitely on the borderline, and most people aren't evaluating her correctly.

For starters, her Level 40 stats are 36/33/31/15/32. People claiming she's shit while declaring she has 5+ less res than Julia are retarded or fishing for (you)s

Mommyfags/Poorfags who don't have Julia want her to be the defacto green mage tank/Reinhardt counter. Julia is just better, period. Stop spouting shit like Sonya is better because she's obviously not, Julia is pretty much min maxxed to do her job perfectly. Sonya has the res to imitate but still not do the job as well.

The other camp is people threatened by the existence of a green mag they might have to pull for but don't really want to. If you have Julia, there's pretty much no need to pull for Sonya. People saying she's worse than Soren are insane because while he has better stats, Soren involves real dedication (eating a better green mage to have a half-decent performance).

tl;dr Sonya's at least decent. You should pull for her if you don't have Julia and not pull if you do. She is probably worse than Julia but not by a lot. People saying she's worse than Soren are just weirdly threatened by her existence and people saying she's the 2nd best green mage are fucking retarded. Ignore anyone who doesn't put up an argument.

Roy is a manlet! MANLET!

sonya is basically just an anti-reinhardt
mathilda is terrible, worse than peri all around

HM? Just properly use your chokepoints, cavs and rescue fampai.

Green mage discussion up through yesterday:
>Peaceful, everyone amicable, everyone acknowledges that the characters bring their own strengths to teams, even Sorenfriends are humble and acknowledge that they will use their character despite his faults.
Green mage discussion today:
>Shitposting on the level of monkeys flinging poop at each other, Mommyfags everywhere, literally red mage tier arguments all over again, only a matter of time before random JP tier lists start getting posted for """proof""".

You can expand the barracks.

breath of life or hone spd for +atk -spd klein? i already gave him rally speed. Does rally speed and hone spd work at the same time?


Hags are shit, ISIS agreed


If Ninian is Roy's mother, and Roy marries Sophia, is their child a half dragon?

True. But I don't want to waste orbs right now.

It was mixed yesterday, people were laughing at Sonya getting BTFO for having 31 speed rather than 34 speed. I think people catching on that Tharjafag likes her really fanned the flames.

Nino's currntly on a banner too and better than Sonya as well though

You can merge 3* units that you plan to upgrade to lower the feather cost.

He's part dragon son they always look young

Their stats are basically the same, Peri is stronger, but has less Def (barely) and Res (by 4) compared to Mathilda... can't recall the HP.

Mathilda is like the inbetween of Jagen and Peri really.

I'm still rolling for her because I need all the horses.

>3870 SP

What the actual fuck


Rally and hone don't stack with each other or themselves. Only Spur stacks, but Spur stacks with everything.

Go for Breath of Life

Same shit happened with Berkut and Camus, Reinhardt with CA against Cecilia, who the best red mage was, and a ton of other petty shitposting.
Get used to it.

>Quick Riposte
People mention this skill a lot, but I've been playing since release and I've never seen it on any unit I've pulled or any unit I've fought against, PvE or Arena.

At this point I'm not certain it even exists and isn't just some elaborate cross-community meme.

the only good thing about mathilda is her jp VA
her voice makes me diamonds

Mistakes were made. I just wanted Faye because she's cute.

Only things of note to come out were 2 Hinatas, 1 4* Lonk and a +HP/-ATK Eirika.

Why not just keep Iceberg, he'll be fine without it?

Yes, but probably the long lived retard type like sophia as opposed to the ghetto manakete type like Nah.

Peri has 36 HP in neutral 5*

Reminder that Delthea is a delicate glass flower, and you need to be a good man and protect her.

Can't forget all the shitflinging that happened when Xander came out.

QR is better for the player.

Most people put Vantage on their Defense teams.

Do you have Tsubakis? then you have Quick Riposte.

Problem with Quick Riposte is that it's only available to 3 units, and aside from Tsubakis those units are rare as fuck. It doesn't help that you can only get QR 3 at 5* too.

That was just Eliwoodfag.

Roy is still a growing boy, user. He will get taller.

Managed to pull Ninian (+Atk -Def) and Delthea (+Spd -HP) after 119 orbs. I wanted to save for CYL, but Delthea was too cute to pass... Are Ninian's IVs workable? 28 Atk is pretty low

You've never gotten a Subaki?

Actually, since Roy isn't a long lived autismo, does that mean he isn't a half dragon?

Eliwood x Lyn confirmed?

>(eating a better green mage to have a half-decent performance).

Like who? Soren only seems to be behind Nino, Julia and probably Sonya and I don't see why any would need to be sacrificed to Soren.

>I think people catching on that Tharjafag likes her really fanned the flames.
Can I just like everyone instead and make /feg/ hate FE entirely.

I'm gonna rape Berkut! 22 SPD isn't enough for him to run away! 34 ATK isn't enough for him to fight back! Boost skills suck and I won't stroke his "lance" so he just can't RESist!

>anti reinhardt

You can kill yourself and make everyone like ou.

But we already know you hate Lucina, Severa and Cordelia.

How easy would it be to coerce Julia into consensual sex?

Not a lot of roy x lilina hentai

Rein destroys Sonya you dumb spic

>Subaki has it.
I've never noticed. Finally I can put these 5 smug pieces of faceplanting shit to use.

Shit, that means that the only fodder I'm missing is all 5* exclusive stuff.

I got Mathilda, Clair, and Katarina in ~30 orbs
I think I'm becoming a luckshitter

stat below 35 = Bonfire, Iceberg
stat above 35 = Ignis, Glacies

For Niles and his mediocre attack, Glacies should be more useful

Genealogy appreciation month in August screencap this

Because lilina is a massive cuck


Yeah I will protect her with this *unzips dick*

I think his tome just needs to be replaced outright.

Make sure to always pass QR1, QR2, and Swap.

>god tier art
>god tier voice
>absolute garbage unit

The second time this has happened to a unit I really want

It's Caeda all over again fuck my life

>people catching on that Tharjafag likes her really fanned the flames.
Not really. Sonya has always had a cancerous fanbase filled with autistic mommyfags and waifufags who overrate her as a unit,

>no one uses vantage
>camus, hector, and lobster are all very popular and top tier units

Just to name a few

They're too busy cuteposting for that couple to do anything truly lewd.

Hey, the "Reinhardt kills Julia" crowd has finally decided to grace us with their presence

Reminder that if you don't think Echoes was the best Fire Emblem game of all time you are Drill.

What is the verdict on Cancel Affinity?

no bully p-peasant

>Hates Severa AND Cordelia
>Likes anyone in robes and sheer with tits and a book.
>Likes the inferior Thotja even though Rhajat is better in every way personality-wise.
How can one man have such abhorrent taste?

Cheer me up please. I rolled 200 orbs sniping for Blue and got 3 5*s with shit or only meh IVs.

I like Hana

me too

what were they?

Ya but with Cecilia's. Cecilia is hardly a loss.

What's the best special for Doot? 33 res is pretty good for iceberg, but maybe she'd benefit from draconic aura or moonbow more due her tome not having +1 charge on special?

>No argument


Do not lewd Lilina and her husband.

Uh no he does not
Player phase
>Reinhart hits
>Reinhart hits
>Sonya procs moonbow and doubles too

Archers can use it. B.Cordelia has to forgo Desperation, but in return isn't stonewalled by Raven tomes anymore. Pretty much a waste of a slot on everyone else.

Honestly, from my experience (+atk/-spd), not really, unless you're able and prepared to lug around a healer or medic Linde to keep Ninian running. Since she gets absolutely fucked by falchions she needs TA3, so she doesn't get to cover her unexceptional speed. And even then she only gets fucked a little less; you'd better hope the remaining enemies are only reds because anything else (and a lot of Tempest Trial reds) will shred you.

The only advantage she has over Azura is to have pseudodistant counter via lightning breath. But even with +atk that gets her to a stunning 39 attack.

>Reinhardt hits
>Sonya dies