Touhou general - /2hug/ - #24

Marisa is Pure and Beloved! edition

Previous Thread >So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Why isn't this in /jp/
Some Cirno poster made a thread just for a get and now we're here.

>Where should I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there
some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>Touhou guide for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

Four seasons:!hIZTTapC!1A4MTSueiirqFTfLkMeSab3cd6B9b5s4uITU-DlUs2c


eratohoK (plus other era engine games): (embed)

Touhou video game

Other urls found in this thread:

Marisa sux

You had one job.

Marisa is a slut!

>Touhou video game
Why is it getting shorter. On a side note I think I appreciate Eratohok being on the OP now, makes me feel a little less out of place.

What do you expect from marisafags?

wat do?

Sanae is on good terms with Marisa, as seen in the manga.
Kosuzu and Marisa interact very often and are on good terms.
Sakuya keeps Marisa hidden from Remilia when she visits the mansion
Alice and Marisa have friendly banter in IN and SA
Marisa and Nitori/Patchouli also have friendly banter in SA
Marisa seems fond of Cirno in Fairy Wars, and they seem to be on good enough terms
Aya cares enough to hide Marisa from the other Tengu, according to DS

I searched for Eratohok and its just a text based game? Am I wrong or is that everything it has to offer?

Fixed OP

>Trying to get us kicked from Veeky Forums

Then move over there.

Oh wow, playing with a premade character. Each of them give a little description of what they do as you should know by now.
As for what I recommend it depends on what play style you're going for, if anything I recommend Strange Charm since it boosts a little bit of everything when it comes to making your partner do something like taking them out.
Copy and paste: Eratohok pretty much is a war game featuring Touhou characters as officers, units leading troops in squads made up of 3 officers and x amount of troops. There is an interaction system to allow you to bond with the characters you wish to, punishment and persuasion system for officers that you have captured. There's also the choice to purchase skills from Touhou characters to aid the main character, or other allies if you wish to purchase skills for them, in battles against other factions. Battles take place in a very simple way, you form a unit with troops, officers if you wish to do so, and send them to invade a place. However it is basically required to have officers in a unit with troops, for you see stats take into account as well.

Heavenly Envoy makes people like you faster
Engineer makes research take less turns
Insatiable lets you fuck longer
Lordly makes people submit faster during "training"
Dependable makes Dependence go up faster
Money should be self explanatory
Not sure what Strange Charm does though

Alright, fixed the issue user had.

That sniping makes this obviously marisafag bullshit.
enough is is enough

>Each of them give a little description of what they do as you should know by now.
No, I clicked on Heaven Envoy and it stuck. For better or worse.
Is there anything wrong with playing premade characters? An OC would feel out of place to me.
Thank you for posting this.

>A literal angel

No there's nothing wrong. People tend to go with a custom made character normally so it's rather surprising to see somebody go with a premade. Although the only thing it that I could imagine that's wrong about it is the fact that Satori has one character event, since you chose her as the main character I don't think it will happen. As for Heaven Envoy don't worry about it, every single option is beneficial and you can get all of them in a playthrough. Every 5 characters gives allows you to grab another trait. Since you already trained 5, then repeat what you did until you get 10, then 15, then 20, and so forth. Eventually you'll get them all.

>encouraging this faggot

Actually, as humans cannot ascend to become angels, and Tenshi was originally a human, she is not literally an angel.

>Tenshi was originally a human

never forget

What even happened to Adam anyways? Same with the Soldier player, he just stopped posting right when the story was getting good.

>Tenshi was originally a human
Where are you getting this from? Don't remember reading about this anywhere.
And her profile calls her a celestial.

More info from her profile.
>A delinquent celestial living in the heavens.
>The Hinanawi clan used to be a family of priests who were tasked to protect their keystone, which kept earthquakes under control.
>However, even with the Hinanawi keystone, earthquakes occurred rather often. They occurred so often that it went out of the hands of Oomura-no-Kami, a celestial who was in charge of earthquakes at that time, so the Nawi clan, who had been serving the celestials, was ordered to take over the job around the Gensokyo area.
>The Nawi clan was a family of earthbound priests, but were enshrined as divine spirits after their death in a small shrine beside a mountain lake known as Nawi-no-Kami. The Nawi-no-Kami still watch quietly watch over Gensokyo.
>At the same time, the Hinanawi clan ascended to the heavens as a reward for serving Nawi-no-Kami when they were still alive.
>However, unlike other celestials, the Hinanawis became celestials only by serving Nawi-no-Kami; that is, not through training. So they didn't have the reputation expected of celestials, and some even called them "bad" celestials.
>When the Hinanawis became celestials, their daughter Chiko Hinanawi followed them and became a celestial as well, even though she was a young girl.
>Chiko renamed herself Tenshi when she moved to heaven.

>Last thread saw a lot of user had Mokou between their favourites
I always tought that she was underrated, huh, well its nice to see anons have some nice taste and that she gets some love.
But Im mad that almost all of her doujins are about getting abused and tortured by kaguya, that is not nice ;_;

She became a celestial only because the entire Hinanawi family became celestials when the Nawi became divine spirits
She doesn't know what it's like being human, that's why she's so bored and caused an incident

>thread war starts
>OP becomes even more retarded

when will this end

I mean, she kind of had a taste. She was't celestial'd from the womb.

She might as well be, even Alice could be considered more human than her

Marisa beaten up and raped!

I know who was behind this!

Eh, that's debatable. We talking more human in mind and behavior, or more human physically?

Just get ready for next edition, his love for marisa won today.

I think she is more human in every possible way, shes just a shut in autist but that doesnt mean she doesnt have a human behavior

Whose shoes are those?

Behavior, sure, but physically speaking Tenshi is objectively more "human".
Celestials are just ascended hermits, who are just ascended humans.

>even Alice could be considered more human than her
Rereading what the other user said I got a question, wasnt Alice like born human but turned into youkai through magic?

Maybe. Akyuu believes she was, but Akyuu also thinks that Mokou is several ninja.
Alice was either
>Created by Shinki
>Came into Gensokyo with a group and turned into a youkai and murdered the ones that survived.
First origin is super ambigious. second makes her a former human for sure.

Is the second one the same alice from MS?

Second one is the nameless girl from the story that originally came with the Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD.
A very common theory is that she's Alice, and DoPP was meant to retcon her origin story.
Some things that support this are
>The girl in DoPP starts human, then becomes a youkai.
>Only girl among the "honest men" the story focuses on. Is described as blond by Reimu.
>Said girl is found living in a western style manor, where she murders the surviving honest men.
>The title of the CD itself
Might be more, I dunno.

You might be right.


why did we suddenly die?
It's almost like all of it was just posted to push this thread

Tenshi only became a celestial because her parents, who actually qualified for becoming celestials, didn't want to leave her behind. She's the result of Divine Nepotism.

Why not post something then?
Dont get too surprised tho, its only 8 posters that have made most of the thread.

She's still an angel

Oh, it isn't my theory or anything. It's been a popular theory since before I became a Touhoufag.
Frankly, the only reason it really exists is because Alice's existence, and more importantly her backstory, is a minor plothole in and of itself. We don't know if PC98 is entirely canon, and Alice's existence in Touhou is confusing as a result.
If I had to write out the points for and against her having been retcon, I'd say it's something like this.

>Alice appears to be more mature than she was in PC98, both physically and in terms of her personality. Which is strange as she claims to be inhuman in MS, and thus shouldn't age in the same way Marisa or Reimu would.
>PC98 Alice is heavily implied to be inhuman, which would shoot a hole in the whole "Alice was a human who became a magician youkai" thing. And, since she's from Makai, her being created by Shinki also implies that she was never human.
>Alice in Windows never mentions, is seen in, or even hints at being associated with Makai.

>Alice is always seen carrying around a book in Windows canon. While it's never explicitely spelled out, it's implied that this is the same book as the one she used in MS's extra.
>Alice is familiar with Reimu in PCB. While Reimu responds with confusion, it should be noted that she didn't recognize Alice in MS extra either, so that's just kind of expected of her.

But yeah, her history and Marisa's history are the two plotholes that have popped up between PC98 and Windows

Why does ZUN not like dealing with the PC-98 Days?

I don't think it's really like that. PC98 is just very different from modern Touhou in both style and presentation, and ZUN probably has a bit of a disconnect with it because it represents a Touhou that wasn't fully fleshed out in his mind, at the time.
By his own words, PC98 isn't explicitly non-canon, it's just that Windows takes priority over it.

Can someone give me a quick rundown of PC98 touhous? I only know that Yuuka and Alice were in it and that theres some snake leg girl that is evil or something.

play the games

Best way to learn about them is to play the games, user.
But if you're really that lazy then just read the wiki.
These are the only ones who really matter (aside from Reimu, Marisa, Alice and Yuuka obviously).
>Snake leg girl

Yall mind if I dont Are they really even worth trying? I still havent played anything past touhou 9 and would rather first finish the pc games but I think that would take too long before its done.

Play 2. 4 and 5
Then go back to windows and finish the rest

1 sucks and has no story.
2 is decent but janky, the story is fun but mostly inconsequential unless you ever wanted to know where Marisa came from. The most lighthearted game in the series.
3 has fun concepts and a very unique story, but is ultimately a pile of poorly executed gameplay concepts and an incredibly frustrating final boss. It's a shitty 9.
4 is a solid all around game, will give you a better idea of who Yuuka is, and is on the easier side.
5 is the best PC98 game, and even compares to many of the Windows era games. It's a culmination of many of the ideas found in PC98, and feels like a good mix of Windows and the aforementioned PC98. Also it's Alice's debut!

Basically what said. I suggest using the T98 or Neko emulators. All the PC98 games are english patched, if you can find the english patches.

reminder that marisafag skipped an edition that insulted his waifu.

I have to emulate pc98? I tought someone by now would have ported it already to Windows98, but thanks for the help.

>The Butthurt OP keeps bumping his thread alone

What kind of video games would your favorite 2hu play?

Probably an MMO, if anything. I doubt she'd be too hardcore about it though.

I don't think Kogasa is the kind of girl that spends much time indoors.

Visual Novels

wtf man i don't know

Danmaku shooters

The darksouls of touhou...?
Speaking unironically, I would enjoy a sandbox game where you can explore gensokyo and bully 2hu girls

just play them all, user. be fucking yourself.
nobody told me what to do. I went my own way.
they're all silly games


SA implies that she plays RPGs. I would also imagine that she plays Shmups, if only because it's kind of her job to live one.
Marisa would be fun to play games with. Judging from GoM, she knows not to take games too seriously, and would overall be a chill partner to game with. I can only hope that such a trait would rub off on me.

Oh shit I misinterpreted the question, I tought it meant about a genre I would like touhou to be.
Probably danmakus or fighting games but I dont think she would be good even though she would be too competitive in them and she would get mad when she loses.

Who is the waifu in question here?



the Chield of Miare

>Chield of Miare
There's an Akyuufag here? Neat.
She loves FM Synthesis music no, really, that's canon, so I'd imagine she'd be a fan of retro games, especially those found on the PC98.

If I molest Akyuu will she remember it forever?

That's how it seems to work.
You horrid beast.

im the last of those you quoted

I had the "PC-98" vibe of games on my mind, but all I could say was visual novels lel because I imagined some kind of PC game to begin with

whatever, akyuu a waifu
too bad her days are numbered
really, pretty sad yo



I think you're probably right. I don't know why, but I have a strange feeling that she would enjoy rhythm games as well, especially the dance oriented ones. No idea where that thought came from.

It certainly is.
>Not making her few years left the best years of her eternal life, which she will remember forever.

Akyuu's life is pretty sad in general
>you need to constantly die at a young and reincarnate because you can remember everything forever so you can right stuff in a book
I mean shit, it's kinda pointless since we can do that just fine with pen and paper

I think the point is having one person who can remember everything that happens, to give the Gensokyo Chronicles more validity.
That said, I don't think she minds, and in a way knowing that your memories will live on even after death, and that the "you" that's defined by your experiences will never truly die, is a strangely comforting thing that most will never feel.

Going to bed soon.
Does anyone want to Fight Me?

I have to wonder how mature she is at a young age.

loli or grown-up??

yeah, but imagine dying before you even reach your 30s over and over again, shit probably gets pretty lonely, and the only reason she isn't upset about is because she made friends with some Youkai, you might as well drink the immortality elixer

I love this chink's silly pictures

Reminder that Akyuu was a dude in several past lives

She's around her early 20s now, so she is a Loli no more.

>have a strange feeling that she would enjoy rhythm games as well, especially the dance oriented ones
She probably has a ds or something else to play those games but unlike kaguya which goes full neet she just uses it as a hobby when she has free time. And I also think since she is always fighting or losing against kaguya she takes fighting games too seriously but takes it chiller with other games, but still gets mad when she loses in danmakus.
Those chinks siily pics are part of what got me into touhou.

Really. IaMP, Soku, HM, ULiL, PoFV, anything. Hell, I'll play EFZ. I suck at EFZ. And Soku/IaMP, actually.


What's his endgame?

damn that makes you a relatively new fan, this series always finds a way to reel new fans

Thanks guys, now I wanna fuck Akyuu.

I hate these pics

He shall sire the 10th child of Miare.

how dare you