League of Legends General - /lolg/

Classic Edition

Previous thread: Bonus video: youtube.com/watch?v=TCr8Ffrld8g

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lolg rocks!
and people who draw for it!


gold is the most humble elo of very safe players who cant really carry but dont drag their team down

Yorick is good as fuck right now IMO.


Kled is my husband but I'll post about Veigar today!

Omega Squad Veigar is cute and I want to rub his ears!

>Lose because some retards wants to try kayn in ranked and feeds on him


Im a great Kayn player, AMA

>tfw you'll never get that twisted fate icon from the bilgewater event because you stopped playing right before it
>tfw twisted fate most played

Because then they'd get reddit backlash, and the only thing Riot loves more than ruining the lore is sucking reddit's dick.

Post your OP.GG you PUSSY

If all yordles were genderbend, and only lulu trist and poppers were male, which one would you date if you had to date one of them?


>have teitch otp
>forget about zaun event
>don't get little poison icon
>ask support, get told to fuck off

Oh, well. At least there's the low res poison vial icon everybody starts with.

>AD Morde

Pretty sure they would be ok with it

When it was introduced to overwatch there was positive feedback

I cant do that I dont want you stalking and fangirling me sorry bruh

not him but veigar would be a qt!


I want to kiss Kog'maw!

He actually scales pretty well with AD

There is going to be some post about how some people "only get good at champs by playing in ranked because of the pressure xd" and it will get 3k upvotes. 3 patches later, Riot will revert the change.


>reading print media

Probably Poppy.
She's the best female yordle and the only girl yordle I enjoy playing. All three of them would be better as boys.

>urgot finally being reworked
Is there anyone left?

Thornmail is such a godsend holy fuck I can actually do something against lifesteal stacking fucksticks

Xth for I want to marry Tristana. Also all waifus are nice and respectable!

except camille taliyah and xayah

Evelynn is still there. But I think that's about it


who here /permabanned/

Should I quit or spend 30-40 on an account?

like half the fucking roster
udyr, singed, eve

Kennen because I've seen 63 porn of it already and it was NICE

Who's the artist?

I don't want to play league with you toxic shitlords. Just quit i f you can't reform.

comfy bfs~

>tfw inting multiple accounts to bronze and still haven't gotten hit with literally anything

what did they get you for, just curious

we're not going anywhere nigga

>more mundo changes on PBE
>still shit

Question for Bandlebro and yordlefags. Why is Poppy the only female yordle that is always drawn with cowtits/ big tits? Why not Lulu or Tristana?

calling teammates trash, literally that, no racism, no telling people to kill themselves

sjw game

I only play ranked because of you fucks. I don't run into as many toxic people in higher elo, and it's rather nice.

uninstall please


>I only play ranked because of you fucks

Ah, gotcha.

Ezreal is insatiable!

Because she's always been drawn as the more stout one. Seeing as how she's a warrior it would be bad if she had the proportions of a skinny stick

who else here flame the fuck out of their teammates when they want to act like bitchy hormonal teenage girls when you tell them to help make the game winnable instead of continuing to feed

i don't care if you fed as long as you are willing to acknowledge that you fed your ass off and put us into this position. when fuckers want to get pissy for me calling them out on it, i tilt my ass off and just split push the rest of the game. just be like, "okay yeah sorry i fed, how can i help get us back into this game?" and i'll be okay with your feeding

no u

liar, his bf satisfies all his needs

t. Genji main

xth for breast metal waifu

>ywn see Urgot completely dominate and mindbreak Camille
>ywn see him lift her spent body over his shoulder and parade her though Piltover and back to Zaun
>showing everyone who sees him on the way that he now OWNS her


I love this cute little fucker in this skin
I don't know where to find art of him, should I go to dumblr?

is wingsofdeath the only based league streamer?

what is a genji


He's like Yasuo but completely different.

Either commission someone or submit a contest suggestion

tumblr, if don't mind swimming in a pool of filth to find good stuff.
veig don't have much good art, and the lewd is either just, plain bad, shotas, or shitty big tittied rule 63.

I want to say the Yasuo of Overwatch/Hots except that it's not fucking possible for them to feed so uh

Keegun, Quas and Boxerpete

t. unbiased top laner

Cause she is more top heavy.

>gf is probably the nicest quietest person I've ever met
>when she plays league she become an autistic screecher
She's not horrendous at the game but this is concerning

>Lux's first item in ARAM is seeker's arm guard
>Goes OoM in ten seconds
>We manage to get outpoked with Lux on our team because of one retard that doesn't understand how the game works

I don't know how idiots like this survive in the world.

>commission someone
>believing anyone would/could draw Urgot

it hurts to live

My man,truly the greatest.

t.trynd main

"its aram dude no one gives a fuck"

i'm sorry, did i queue up with the intention of losing?

>except that it's not fucking possible for them to feed
Says who?

If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person.

>expecting anything from people in the "I'm too drunk to play the real mode" mode

Eve, Morde, Nunu, Akali, Cho'Gath, Shyvana, Swain


It's just someone getting emotional because of how much effort is put into the game. People don't act like the same person in every situation, this isn't the movies.

>his gf satisfies all his needs

*cucks Ezreal*
psssssh... nothin personnel... kid...

I'm gonna put a baby in Sjokz and we'll go shopping for clothes she likes that frame her nicely and emphasized her huge belly

correct post

Throw money at a poor artist and they'll draw almost anything

new honor system is cancer you shouldnt be allowed to give ppl in ur party honor. So many times do i get into games where im just the 5th or 4th man and the rest are in party so they just honor each other. Ill never get level 3

So how's Kayn? And how do I defend from him as an ADC?

Sjokz already has a bf now.

they should've given start guardian jinx a school girl skirt instead of shorts

he's shit and he literally cant get in range of you because of how shit he is. W is slow and telegraphed, wall ganks turn out to be a complete meme, and q is distance neutral because he dashes then stops to spin, meaning he gained virtually 0 distance compared to just walking

Pretty sure they said you get honor 3 by just playing games.

also; that constantly playing with a group of friends would diminish the effect of being honored by them, even if it didn't work in the old system

Is Gleeb having a nervous breakdown or something, or has he always been this autistic?




I feel bad for Grossgore. He was telling the truth about Kreppo, but Riot pulled some shade and got him banned.
However, it does seem like he came back stronger than ever from this. Good for the dude.

When is Riot going to unban Tyler1??

I thought he was working in Riot?

Are you sure? Ezreal can be hard to please, especially if you don't have range~

What do I build on Vi now a days? Is it better to go full tank now or bruiser? Haven't played the game in a year.

know of any poor artists?

Paging Metroid.
I'm sure he's lurking somewhere around here.

Talon doesnt need range when he can get up close and personal

he can get ez to burst in a second or two

threadly reminder to take advantage of free climbing with jungle chogath

Pretty sure he left, made an AMA on plebbit recently.

>using Kayn's Q for a gap closer

I'm sick of seeing this shit.

too boring for me id fall asleep midgame


Kayn is incredibly good against ChoGath tho.

>When is Riot going to unban Tyler1??

Literally never. They banned dunkey for one bad game. Doubt they'll be lax for tyler.

>Did I mention it's mating season?

What did she mean by this?

>play rhaast kayn
>fight cho and get low
>chunk the fuck out of him and heal back to full life
never laughed so hard

krepos just lucky she had a birthday before the nudes leaked gross gore had him pegged but got fucked by riot trying to protect creepo

>Be adc main
>Find good support main
>Play couple of games
>Find out he is toxic as fuck
>Find out he got banned for being toxic in the past and he is now "reformed"
>Ask me to honor him every game because riot is "fucking him up" with the new honor system.

Should I just tell him to fuck off and block him?