Invest in minimizing your expenses. I don't know your living situation but there's always room to be more efficient. Power friendly appliances, etc. Look into going solar? Never have a light bill again. An easy couple hundred a month saved.
Am I doing well? I'm a 20 year old. I have a $10,000 paid for as well
Your doing good ,keep saving it opens up a lot of opportunities having money in the bank ,I'm in a position where i can just quit work and live off my savings for 5 years so losing my job isn't a worry.
What country you from? I'm from Aus and we can get over 3% on savings accounts. Is there anything better available for you?
Heres some tips: Work out all your expenses like phone bill, petrol, gym etc. but don't include miscellaneous spending in this (like food and fun) and cancel out all the bullshit and stuff you really don't need. You should be left with just the absolute necessary such as phone bill and petrol. Now work out exact what you NEED to spend per month and put it against your income and see how much you can easily put away into your savings account per week, leaving you some left over for necessary stuff and miscellaneous spending.
Back when I was saving hard I put away $300 a week, not that much but you'll be surprised how quick it adds up. Especially with a bit of interest behind it.
Also sort out all your bills and expenses, get the best deal, and find out if you can be paying less
What bank in the USA could get me 3% with my balance?
i do
Well I'm not sure, have a look, is there anything decent? As I said I'm from Australia and we can get over 3% here.
Also get a big money tin and literally whenever you come home with coins, throw them in. I put in golds and silvers every time I have coins. Had over $1,000 last time I filled one
i'm 30 and i have 5k rate
There aren't any really. Savings accounts are pretty terrible here in the US.
> $2500? I work a good paying part time job while going to school so I don't have much time when ( as of right now ) my job would net me more than a investments - correct?
Yes. 2500$ won't get you shit, but it will continue to grow through the years so you might consider putting some % of your pay into investments.