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Are the new SKT skins legacy?

>beat my main using my counter
>win lane
>all lanes win
>support blows it by feeding while we're ahead

xth for breast metal waifu


>tfw soon we will be getting another set of skt skins and everybody will be so assblasted

cant wait

Cute Gnars to make life worthwhile.

xth for convincing naive Demacian virgins that they can't get pregnant if they're on top.

xth for Syndra

Teemo has a present for you user!
Make sure to say thank you!

Are ice waifus fertile?

Except Sej, she's FERTILE AS FUCK.

I want to give Kog a sloppy kiss!

xth for I miss wraiths

Arigathanks gosaimuch

Only good one is Olaf

Yep, their sale ends on the 19th if I recall correctly.

Oh hey Sej how was high school today? Did you finally get Chad to notice you or was he too busy flirting with all the cool girls?

>tfw can't get skt jhin

>Faker's mind is going to be full of TnA during worlds qualifying
>SKT still plays stupid fucking well and stomps everyone even though Faker ends up like 1/4/3 in a 15/7 game in favor of SKT
>He gets his head out of ass and puts the other one away for a while, just enough to round out the tournament and win again.

>SKT Orianna or something with massive fucking tits for no reason
>he might even take the lazy way out and SKT Sona even though no one picked Sona at any point


very poor

what region?

I want to ____________ jinx!

haha look at this poorfag

I actually don't mind anymore since the new take on esports skins is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the old shit that we got.

Le Blanc? Uh, what are you doing with Fishbones

>Draw some random bitch art
>Draw clouds on her shoulder
>Pur fishbones somewhere adound there
>Its now jinx

im pretty sure they will go with untara who is more disciplined and will worlds with him while huni is going to be stranded to a post in gookland being tomatos thrown at him for not being able to follow instructions

very rude
honestly feel like them winning all the worlds have made competitive stale and boring to watch

But Faker wants SKT Ahri more than anything.

Time for lewds. Post lewds.

comfy bfs~

can't help you out then



Ah yeah, that one works.

So yeah look forward to South Korean Tits T1 Ahri

wew why did you (you) me

Good names for a janna/Support main?


next "my shop" when


Best Mid, Best Noxian, Best Wife.



>just realized Kayns who gimmick is literally just rehashed Elementalist Lux

wow.... I feel kinda scammed now


Because she knows you like it. She aims to please.

I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed in a blue board.

Would you like to bang one of them or be one of them?

he just wants some more attention whatever that means

>8k IP

>30k ip and nothing to do with it
I mean I guess I'm waiting on another chroma sale

>sub 6k IP

Based on past teasers to releases, do we have any idea when these omega squad skins might be coming out? I really want this shit and I've never followed skins before so I have no reference on time periods

I gotta represent my man Veigar's fluffy ears finally being inducted into canon

It's okay dude, I would of rejected it anyway.
I only play bots'


That's a pretty tough choice actually, are they mutually exclusive?

Will you pay attention to me, then?

>15k IP
>Not planning to spend any anytime soon because I already onetrick one champion

Well, next patch. So maybe a week or two from now the next patch hits. That will have Newgot.
Later on in the patch they will come out.
So probably some time in early-mid august.

I think I need some advice.

>go into ranked after finally getting a winstreak
>been slumping in both TK7 and Lol so I'm kind of doubtful I'll do great but I think I can win
>jhin and morg vs trist and janna
>get ahead
>get tower
>help pantheon top
>ezreal mid is kind of having a rough time
>i get caught out twice
>get into a state of anxiety and self-deprication because I know I'm slumping and making so many dumb mistakes again
>this fear grips me hard to the point where I can't even position right
>lose a teamifght mid after trying to get mid turret
>eventually get shoved in
>morg flames me for being trash and everything just sort of falls apart after that
>get super depressed

This emotional shit happens every ranked game, sometimes even in norms. I have low confidence and when I get a good game I usually make arrogant plays that make me lose.

What am I supposed to do with this? I know confidence and arrogance are different but fuck it i just wanna get better and get to gold.

Diana's a bit better but she's still pretty bad. Especially now that the jungle has fully shifted into a Cinderhulk tank meta

Goddam why is she such a qt?

>tfw you actually kinda miss the days where you'd plan out what to spend your IP on and what champs you were looking forward to learning

This must be stockholm syndrome or something but it feels empty having nothing to buy with IP and it's been this way for years

how do you do it? ive tried many times, and ive gotten close with brand and graves. but i got bored, and if i didnt get supp or jg, i didnt know what to do

It means the skins are ready theyre just doing some internal phasing stuff and a survey on pricings (please god dont make them all fucking Epics AGAIN. We just had 2 Legendaries and for some reason, the newest champ released with an Epic skin PLUS SIX SKT skins all Epic priced.

Veigar sure, Twitch fuck no he doesnt have enough particles to ever justify an Epic skin without drastic changes
Maybe whatever fucking tier is 975 but only in major cases. Not sure how much of the model is changed (like silhouette etc., or recall animation) for OS Twitch

100% serious. I love her very much.

IRL traps are fucking disgusting and unnerving while also being absolutely plagued with countless mental problems (just look at Remi)

I would fuck the girl and get the other one help. being trap should remain in the 2D world where it belongs. Just a fantasy,

>those fluffy black ears and glowing eyes depicting facial expressions

this actually REALLY makes me want a Veigar VU already.

the Powergauntlet of DOOM should stay and the big Wizard hat but everything else should get redesigned. (should add Earholes to the hat)

Cant wait to see a updated VA too that keeps him the Chuckles the Silly piggy of LoL.

What is the worst champ in the game and why is it Ryze?
Who is the most forgotten champ in the game and why is it Morde?

You only need 5100ip for a 6300 champion or Kayn.

so is it like you have a sona tulpa? kawaii user!!

>100k RP

Got to used to playing Gnar and forgot to play other champions. Got too comfortable to his playstile and overall gameplay and now it's hard to pick up another champion. It still never gets old somehow.

Do I recommend it? No, it's kind of unrewarding.

Not at all. I do like switches better. I'm 'indecisive' too

I actually want him to keep his current hat, but make his cute cat ears a joke.
>When you ult and kill someone he gets blown away a little by the power of his own spell
>His hat blows off revealing his cute cat ears
>Doesn't notice until you stay still or back again
>Is very embarrassed

but ryze actually has some neat stuff in his design and is fun to play
morde is forgotten because the last time riot reworked him they decided he should be the juggernaut with literally nothing to help him offset his juggernaut status while all the other juggernauts have at least one form of either cc, a dash, or an ms steroid.

>He's never seen a good Ryze before

You're playing a game of legolegends and this guy walks up and slaps your ADC's ass. What do you do?
Keep in mind he's 12/0 lvl 18 300 cs (10/min) with full build and your ADC is lvl 14 with 3 items.

Yet another video of Cait being literally one-shot. youtube.com/watch?v=tOy0EuhGhNQ

Kog'maw wants to do lewd things to ninjas

I think buying FM on Gnar is pretty bad tbqh, it's just a waste of a slot for a defensive item.

if he somehow got to the adc by walking, I take the loss and pray the next adc wasn't born with an extra chromosome or playing with their monitor turned off

>playing Varus
>win lane quite convincingly
>their toplane Garen is full build at 30 minutes and 4 levels up, has like 16 kills

what 3 items? is one of them boots and the other a lord doms?

just ult bro
>presses W and invalidates any cc
just use your pool slow bro
>presses Q and cleanses all slows proceeds to spin for 50 % health and executes the other 50 with true damage
nothen personal noxian

Koggles and I have that in common then.

why do asians keep coming on the oce servers reeeee fuck off back to china

>most forgotten

Pick one. That award goes to Skarner or probably some other champion you can't even think of

Skarner is not even a bad champion, he is just ugly

Is Kayn good? He looks fun. Should I buy him?

Face it, without the chinks OCE would be dead

Then I guess it would be either depending on my mood.

so what are you supposed to do against the new bramblevest as a melee autoattacker? there is no counterplay to it, since dealing damage to enemy champs cuts your sustain and gives the enemy free damage

trynd, fiora, jax, yi, aatrox, trundle. xin, might as well not exist in lane anymore, because after 900g you literally cannot fight the enemy anymore

am i good enough to be gold 5 yet user

have some wholesome bullshit ult OTPness.

It'd also be a lot more satisfying to play if it were dead. Playing with chinks is horrifying.

>dft and fervor instead of warlords on literally both

post opgg and ill have an actual sample size to look at

If there was an AD equivalent of Protobelt, how long would it remain in the game before riot realized it was broken and deleted it?

i'd willingly have double queue times if it meant that there wouldnt be any chinks in my games

Skarner not ugly ;_;
Don't bully him
But, for me, last rework was pretty thrash. Less fun, more minigames(and actually bad minigame) oriented.

dft is based on jhin kill yourself and i haven't tried new warlord yet keep forgetting.

no please the past 2 days were too intense to be shown to the public