LEague of LEgend /lolg/


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xth for full leth j4

>and then i lived.webm

So you are in mid lane farming with you're waifu and then this guy slap her ass, what do you do? Remember he is a late game fully farmed 6000HP tank

Anyone on OCE wanna play?

dodge all his skills since they're telegraphed as fuck

xth for Urgot

Dont get too close to him...

First game in D3 and my mid picks his 22% winrate Kha'Zix and my top plays Mordekaiser for the first time.

hehe -3 lp

stoneborn pact Gragas
rush cinderhulk into ardent censor

I wanna pound yordle pussy.

Who will be the first team that will abuse Ivern by making bushes for Duskblade procs while sieging?

>play lethality meme mf
>play crit mf with lethality runes

xth for Syndra

1-shot freelo

Kled is the cutest! The cutest and also my boyfriend!

>tripfag op

Very fucking interesting. Support Gragas feels a bit useless in lane tho


>ywn see Urgot completely dominate and mindbreak Camille
>ywn see him lift her spent body over his shoulder and parade her though Piltover and back to Zaun
>showing everyone who sees him on the way that he now OWNS her


I wanna pound yordle pussy(male)

w-wait a s-second...

Does underwear exist in the world of League or just shit to cover up lewd bits

Why would underwear not exist?


>tell jungler not to go near my lane
>they do
>they die and give my laner the first kill
why is it so fucking hard to listen to typed words or pings of "no you dipshit do not go near my fucking lane"


>splitpushing toplane with splitpush champion
>3-4 enemies show up
>back off
>instead of getting objectives ~2 teammates decide to "help" me by running into the enemy and dying

bonus points for feeding the enemy toplaner which i destroyed on lane enough kills to go even again

How come that all sion mains are dumb?I swear this is the only character stereotype that i find 100% true

reminder you are garbage if you are complaining about kayn

What champion amuses you the most?

because tank players are jocks, jocks aren't very bright.

how come that all sion mains are have big dicks?I swear this is the only character stereotype that i find 100% true

I see you haven't met anyone who touches Akali

who needs a brain when THIS IS WAAAAAAR


currently nunu shields with locket

So this is the new champ?

He can revive himself again? What the hell? how is that not op?

Post your favorite league related image

Because they removed AP Sion which was the true thinking gentleman.

>Get Vayne
>Beg her not to rush shiv so she isn't worthless
>She agrees with me
>Rushes boots instead

Please gas all Vayne mains.


I like how the kledfag is trying to send cropped veigar nsfw thinking that it's the drawanon sending the anti kledfags image

it's the new champ indeed, he's not reviving, he's just *teleporting inside me*.

So I ulted and simply collided with him when he left my body.


>autofill protected
>que in as support anyway
Insane in the membrane! Insane in the brain!


>tfw to intelligent to play tank sion

Oh I didnt play this game for months thats why

thanks lad

ok so what full leth meme works now that theyre buffed


>remove audio from clip using vlc
>it makes a six second clip 2 hours long

Why people say tryndamere is not fun? I really suck at him but I play only him top cause it's the most funmy champ to me. His damage feels good

>I think the more I concentrate the more the heat inside my body rises and I have to fan myself to cool myself down

Me too, but only Poppy



fun is subjective and people who try saying otherwise are usually riven/lee/yasuo mains

does akali wear panties?

What did he mean by this

Reminder - If your waifu is bigger than an A-Cup that means she's a slut.

fun is subjective

im having fun on ruining games with nunu atm and most people hate playing him

Is Warwick a good boy?

Why don't you ask her?


Tell everyone why don't you

how can ezreal's squirt gun even compete against Lucian's Magnum?

>get autofilled to adc
>my support got auto filled into support
>goes katarina support because "he wants to have fun"


what can you do when your team is retarded


No. If you really want to you can bring her to practice tool and just recall as much as you wish. You'll see riots forced black spot between her legs when she does her flip.

Because there's a bunch of people that hate dying to things that aren't skillshots and want to ruin fun. If it's not a skillshot there's no counterplay, that's how they think.

your best!

go back to playing looloo

xth for boy tristana

how do i carry games if i dont enjoy plaiyng mid and adc

Can Diana actually survive long enough past laning phase for her burst without buying ROA?


fuck lendo

>he thinks mid or adc carry games
jungler and top do the most

Lethality broke the fucking game. I've had two mids today pick Kha and Illaoi because ''Duskblade is broken''. Two losses of course because they're dogshit in mid, and keep in mind this is diamond 3.

Autistically splitpush top or get a good ganking jungler with mobis.

Implants are not allowed into breast contests, user.
Sona is disqualified.

what if my best is not enough
I just want a box Ido not really care about winning

Objectively true that if every skill that was ranged (or things like Yas Q) were skillshots then the game would be healthier and better

wait what?
you can hit him on his E?
I was urgot vs him top the other day and he would escape my q on eq combo by going through wall

I played against a Rengar today, he was 1/6/0 or something like that. And suddenly he started 1 shotting niggas. I don't understand the maths but there's something wrong that has to be changed by next patch.


>Dont get too close to him
This morning I witnessed the satisfaction of executing a TF after he teleported away, as well as a LeBlanc who had recalled.

>not ultra-snowballed spent the last 5 minutes triple proxying nightblue3 in silver 10khp tank with damage items
what now? he has tons of movespeed and can auto you to death.

yeah he means new urgot aka the shit urgot

Sounds like a great gay bar hentai


>tfw have Final Boss Veigar in loot
>tfw want the objectively inferior skin more
I just love the mercenary-esque look, artillery-based role and the fact that the electric fence gives me major Jurassic Park vibes.

Why don't more people play Veigar, I have never seen a more disgusting teamfight in my entire life

He one shots people at 20 minutes merely through existing, the only way to shut him down is to kill him so often he never touches a wave. You do not even need to aim.

>imaqtpie hosting SaltyTeemo

is it back boys?


It doesn't bother hiding the names and shit any more

There were a bunch of ASSFAGGOTS that tried to be all about skillshots, they sucked.