/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General


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First for the Comet

Second for shitters blowing up your car for no reason

Might as well ask from last thread: anyone know where to get the Just Cause mods for single player? That author's put his downloads behind patreon

>Broughy never got a box full of R* swag
>MrBossFTW did

How does this make you feel?

How do I make this character

I thought he did?

that Rockstar's favorite demographic are the underage passive-popping shitters that pray to MrBossFTW everyday

This has become the most overused female character now.

[citation needed]

You messed up the PC crew link Kevin


2nd for life. I still love Broughy.

Does it really cost 1.4million to change my MOC's cab from the regular one to the custom one?

So did they fix the crashing every ten minutes yet?

>check snapmatic
>see this
this character is recently the new image of a shitter

>One constantly complains about car balance (or lack thereof)
>The other indiscriminately sucks jew dick no matter how much they fuck him in the ass
Really makes you think.

Do you think this is correct or do some characters need to be moved around?

I feel like Lamar is further right and a lot further south.

like this?

Yeah that looks about right.

And where's Roman? Or Brucie?

you and any other user can help me out with other GTA characters as I honestly don't know where to place Roman and the others.

So I've been doing some thinking and research but I need your guys' help

I got a cheap MC back in the day but now that my bunker is maxed and my new CEO office is constantly running I was feeling like expanding a bit

Single Story
101 Route 68, Great Chaparral ($200,000)
47 Algonquin Blvd, Sandy Shores ($210,000)
1 Paleto Blvd, Poleto Bay ($242,000)
7 Del Perro Beach, Del Perro Beach ($365,000)
1334 Roy Lowenstein Blvd., Rancho ($420,000)
75 Elgin Ave, Pillbox Hill ($455,000)

Two Story
2111 East Joshua Blvd, Grapeseed ($225,000)
68 Paleto Blvd, Poleto Bay ($250,000)
4 Goma St, Vespucci Beach ($395,000)
137 Capital Blvd, La Mesa ($449,000)
1778 Hawick Ave, Hawick ($495,000)
2214 Clinton Ave, Downtown Vinewood ($472,000)

I've read that the 68 gas station is close to come, meth and another business, paleto bay ones are closest to a bunch, and grapeseed is too. Rancho is aesthetic but doesn't sound useful.

Kind of leaning towards the gas station, anyone have a quick rundown on it?

Any other opinions about other businesses are also appreciated

tfw my cousin just joined and made this character first thing

At least they're not ugly trannies like when I started, and they changed the hair style but still

The gas station one is very good, its only disadvantage as compared to the Sandy Shores one is the lack of nearby ammunation and traveling a longer distance to the airfield.

if you don't care about ammo and flight that much, the gas station is perfect and you can purchase a bunker directly north of it.

Why arent you drivin the classic?

I haven't been crashing recently, I think it's fixed.

>almost buy gta v
>check general
>ded thread
yeah cancelling that purchase

It's not even noon on a Friday, neets are still asleep and jobfags are at work.
Might still be some people in game, but yeah, thread is slow.

I don't do MC businesses, but I went with the Grapeseed clubhouse. I much prefer the two story interior, and Grapeseed is the only one of those in the desert. The only thing is that the wall mural options are all n*gro shit. The gas station is cool but I just don't like the interior.

because it drives like, looks like an abortion, has mismatched body panels, and the liveries are so half-assed you'd think that a 12 year old made it from all the errors you'd find on it.

The stock Comet is much superior.

Also it's pretty close to the Grapeseed bunker

>Uptown Riders-influenced interior
>related to a gang that is originally based in North Algonquin, the home for most of the Black community in Liberty City
>complains about the murals being negro shit

>the murals aren't negro shit, they're negro shit

It's fine for the clubhouses in the city, but this one is way out in the desert
They could have given us both sets of murals to pick from, but nope, how many floors you have dictates what artwork you get on the walls

This makes me wish I hadn't already bought and upgraded the farmhouse one, the gas station one sounds like it has the things I want

>Center of map ish
>Coke and Meth
>Bunker close by
>Single story aesthetic


is the game still crashing like crazy?

Ask again in about 15 minutes.


does anyone else make up backstory for their characters

I did for me and and my two buddies characters I play with most since they don't do that

I think

Your club house doesn't have to be near its businesses because you don't operate them from it.

which is the best bunker and why it is the route 68?

Well I'm an alcoholic, so..

I really like my Route 68 one, but I also kinda regret not getting the one in Chumash. So I dunno.

>request vehicle from mechanic
>die few seconds later
>no vehicle spawned
>cooldown on vehicle request


I kind of like how my friend has his. He has all the Paleto Bay stuff; bunker, clubhouse, three businesses, he basically owns the town. Plus Ammunition and clothing store up there and he has the garage upgrade, he doesn't ever have to come south except for deliveries

invite to gtag PC please


blacklisted, we're trannies not real girls

>woefully prepared
And before I joined this general I thought I looked ok, but after, I had to make changes to my appearance because I could see how I fucked up compared to the characters I'd seen here

Let's hear the backstory then

Only bad thing about the Chumash bunker is that there isn't a supplies mission near it but even Humane Labs is only a 2 min heli flight.

I find it more convenient to have it in the part of the city I'm at often, which for me is close to the warehouses.

maybe there isn't one right near to it, but it's close to the city where most of the missions with trucks come from while most missions in the desert are crates you can carry with your own buzzard or oppressor,

Yes, I like the short drive to my Lombank office and the sales missions in the city pay better while being closer than Blaine County.

I'm literally transitioning

>Rockstar's PR team livestreaming with personal friends yet again

I bet they'll play in safe-space Public sessions they personally created for themselves so they don't get griefed and bullied like in previous live streams.

They're also playing this guy's music, and my fucking god, it's so goddamn bad.

The Pro Era one was pretty cool

dude niggers lmao

>invited and immediately kicked


>there are people in this thread not watching EVO right now


Looking for 2 cool dudes to help a new guy out get his grind on with a office add me on PC JudolfKreditler

Fuck off, sniff-fags.

i'm kinda curious about the Grapeseed buniker. Deliveries would likely be shit, but it pretty much comes with a free plane being so close to the strip. So, uh, something to consider?

Just get the oilfield bunker or the one next to it you have a clubhouse, a six car garage for your weaponized vehicles and the big airfield nearby

I already have the Route 68 one, it's just a random
>wouldn't it be nice to have a plane just outside of your bunker?

I can't get the idea to start some MC businesses close to my bunker out of my head, as I guess having the Oppressor would make them less tedious?
Is there a set limit of stock in businesses. like in the bunker, after which it it's pretty much undeliverable solo?

Just one more

>encouraging people to shit on other players' work
>forced to create a private session when they get shitted on

Yes, it was pretty handy for getting to my vehicle warehouse, back when I was actually using my bunker.

Is there any way to get the Fixter in Online?

I just want to be /n/

no, but I recommend the Scorcher.

everybody and their mothers have the chumash one though. That, and the farms one, which is ironically the most expensive one.

Why do people always create that character? It's not that hard to create one that looks different.

I have all the other bikes, I just wanted to complete my collection


Proving that the weaponized Tampa (with dual miniguns) is the fastest Tampa


This makes sense

I don't blame them because your character looks like the result of a one night stand between a methhead hooker and a pig.

They create those characters because they want to have a Barbie doll femme fatale that they could sexualize for maximum GTAForum karma. I mean really, I could barely get any likes on my male even if the shots were fantastic, but when it comes to my female character who I dressed up and had her do nothing but walk and looking around, I've garnered over 20 likes.

tl;dr: some people are desperate virgins and make waifus to temporarily quell their disappointing existence.

Do people actually spend money on unarmed planes?


tfw I know a girl who looks exactly like this.

she gives tattoos as a hobby

>insulting my hard work

1v1 me faggot I'll knock your dick off brobi.

You really can't change the nose on that character. Full shoot, that was the best I could do. I'd rather have a character that doesn't look like the rest. My problem with the generic female model is that their jawlines look weird.

I used to really like flying planes in SAMP; tried it in GTAO but it just isn't the same

Yeah i'd go with the 100k and get yourself a complete makeover

My only problem is I can't tweak the nose. It's stuck being wide. That and I wanted to be a cute latina, but my dreams were shattered. At no fault of my own, but rather Rockstar's.

there's a new redneck in town

I used to think that the nose depended on the parents of your character, but after noticing that way too many people have this specific problem and all they could edit was the bridge of the nose and the tip's length, it then became apparent that it's just a yet another sloppy modelling error from Rockstar.

agreed :^)

someone in crew accept my request


no bully plz

It's especially annoying if you called it in, get killed after 5 seconds of waiting and it won't spawn. Why can't they fix this

were there any good updates since the bunkers? May consider installin gtao again

Why is the PC crew migrating to a new crew?

crew request
SC: ch00gler

crew RP got too high and it became within the top crews on Social Club, and because of this, low-life shitters are able to abuse the spectate options on one of its crew members that have it enabled to join /gtag/ servers they weren't invited to.

A new one must be made and people have to disable spectation.

Being hunted down by other crews for sport

It's not hard but a lot of people accidentally make ugly characters; they want it to look nice without either much effort or having to redo it

I used one of those pretty girl guides but I deviated a bit face wise because I didn't want to be a sheep, but it still looks 100% better than my first try

Anyone else drive a Penetrator?

how do the tampa miniguns fare at long ranges?
can it take your average shitter with sticky bombs underneath them?

because autistic kids and hackers started to follow gtag groups around to grief and people got sick of having constant RDM following them, or just being exploded every 30 seconds

drive around mirror park and run over the first person you see on a bicycle

at least that's how it used to be

friendly reminder