Car trouble

I don't know what happen to my car.
It can't rev over 4k. When it get to 4k the engine just lose power (like it cut off the intake (dunno)) and it slow down like crazy (engine breaking (I guess (I don't know))). Can someone have any idea what it could be ?

You car has a 4k rev limit you ding dong.

I had that car for 2 years. It's the first it does that. Why would it suddenly won't let me go over that limit

new computer is needed

Well... What fucking car is it?

Does it has cable link throttle or is it electronic?

Is it diesel or fuel? Is it carbed?

>Well... What fucking car is it?
chevy cobalt 2010

>Does it has cable link throttle or is it electronic?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no idea sorry

>Is it diesel or fuel? Is it carbed?

Do you have a digital tester to check volts? If you do, i know a way you can check the TPS and find if you need to replace the throttle body. Could also be a miriad of things tho. There's always some cheap OBD2-bluetooth adapter and some shitty free software for android that you can use to check the failure codes.

>¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no idea sorry

how in the actual fuck do you not have a basic understanding of your car?

get the fuck outta here you fuckin schmootz. go buy a new kia every 3 years like the /n/ancy boy you are.

>Do you have a digital tester to check volts?
I think i got that.

And yeah I will try to get myself a OBD2 bluetooth adapter to check the codes

The most basic shit you can do is use the code reader.

Out of the back of my mind it could be many things. Computer fucking up, cable/installation fucking up, ignition system fucking up, fuel delivery fucking up, etc.

Ok I'll begin by checking that.

You're right, I should know that.

Thanks Everyone for the help.

In his defense most people don't know if they're fly-by-wire or not.

I got the troubles codes.
P1516 is described as "TAC module Throttle Actuator Position Performance" (For GM)

You've got a lot of troubles pal. Try fixing the easiest one first and see if they all go away.

You gotta fix all of them my dude. And that's a lot of issues.

I'll fix them all for sure. This car has done +260k km and want to reach +300k before I'm done with it.

>I got the troubles codes.
>P1516 is described as "TAC module Throttle Actuator Position Performance" (For GM)
Erase them all and see which one comes back, that'll be the code to focus on

Right. This is a good point, OP.

Replace the battery for a good quality new one, erase all codes, and try again. Low battery voltage or low quality can make false positives appear.

could be that the valves are set incorrectly.

Your MAF sensor is bad
At 4000rpm GM systems switch from Map to MAF.

MAF is more accurate at higher RPMs but MAP is more consistent.

Good idea. Thx

That could be it. I'll definitely check for that one. Thanks

Yeah came here to say the same, MAF sounds bad, spray some cleaner on it and see if that helps