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Fanmail Edition! Post your fanmail!

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>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ NA Wild open Tournament
$1000 prizepool, games are livestreamed and commentated. The signup deadline is this sunday, so get your entries in
Rules: pastebin.com/5qDhbkLi
Sign Up: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1XfhvpBIVK8rF8P7_EDddWGq4NmiOH9pYvZ_lu463X3aAKw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Discord: discord.gg/hsg
Stream: twitch/hsgtournament

The tournament gives HCT points for the official Blizzard tournaments.

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Fuck Jaina

Fuck Mage in general


snifffags begone, cease your faggotry

Reckon we can do a general where every post contains the word fuck?

reminder to fucking accept all friend requests

Your friend's name is wang



Fuck YOU im running secret mage right now and got to rank 12 suck my sniff you fucking dfirty fagets

Can you send me this guy's battle tag?
I'm BR too, it's quite hard to find eachother in the NA server since we just assume everyone is either USA or Canadian.

Brewing a quest shaman that's gonna break the game

How many wins friends?

git gud brah, you should be legend with such a stupid deck



Do you miss me?

As a twintails fan, go fuck yourself. Stop shitposting like that


Still see you every few games desu, wild is my jam.

Made a budget memedeck. It's only purpose is to have enough taunts to stay alive to draw my Prince Malchezaar leggies. Working pretty well so far.


>still have to deal with this in wild anyways

fuck this game

is blizzard using its normal degeneracy of making you have 50% winrate? or is this actually fair?

>Reminder you should always close your account even when you are being taken to a mental institution.
>Reminder to kill your friend after being released

context behind this?


I like these

Maybe if it was a horse


I'm playing on EU and I never got any Fanmail :(

>guy spends a shitload of money on Hearthstone, stops going to work/school
>family takes him to insane asylum
>brother deletes all his golden cards and wastes all dust crafting/disenchanting Varian
>brother doesn't realize that fully stacked HS accounts like his brother's can go for huge prices online

The worst fanmail I ever got was a simple "fuck you" after I killed a guy with a 50-damage fatigue Warrior play.

Same in NA. Happened once in like half a year, and it didn`t even make sense, he said I abused RNG when all I did was play Holy Nova and he conceded

Took it from the last thread.
Some user's friend was spending tons of money are dropping college and his job for just playing HS assuming his stor is real and wasnt just a jerk dusting all his collection.
For those who said its fake, the dust is decreasing each time he's disenchanting and crafting Varian.

What the fuck? I would have just take over his account and not let him have access to it.

Is there a compilation of these anywhere? I love reading fan mail.

EU here, I get a bunch of these.

I had one guy messaging me in Mexican for about 4 days straight, can't even remember why but i don't think it was a real dirty victory. I just kept responding saying WALL to anything he said. Translated a few messages and it was all shit like "fuck yourself in the ass" "you are a dead man"


I didnt know you could sell your heartstone account (battle.net account)

How much could you get for an account with 60k dust like the guy who deleted all his goldens from his friend?


It's 1k bucks for accounts with 98% complete collections (including wild)

For 60k dust AND all adventures locked out because those cards were dusted too? That's like 10 bucks at most




>bragging about rank 12

Sometimes I forget what it was like before I became a dumpster legend shitter that is only marginally better than rank 5 guys yet still doesn't hand track or play percentages particularly well

I actually like PLAYING as Secret and Freeze, but Secret mage is easily the most higholl deck in the game and it feels like you have very little control over whether you win or not, much less than even Pirate Warrior


Anyone I can bully into helping me with my quest on EU? I need 5 wins with Warrior while also specifically avoiding the 'Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes' quest. Can't wait for reroll because quest cap, can't take to ladder because shitty quest. Would be easy if someone just conceded at 15 HP five times and never talk to that person again because I only play for 10 minutes a day.


60k is a fucking lot of dust user. If the guy had also most of his decks golden, that could cost a lot.depending of how many golden legos and wind/standard decks he had.

why is ben brode such a hormonal fagot?

>This Dreamhack match
What a fucking joke.

why is everyone saying freeze mage is top tier at the moment its fucking bad, theres no way to fdeal with aggro druids and shit

>paladin handed a win on a platter
>makes the worst fucking plays to """""stabilize"""""


Has anyone seen much Murloc Druid lately? Aggro is still a thing obviously but I haven't seen people putting Murlocs in.

Goddamn that match on the GG stream

That's one of the best match ups for freeze mage

>need 5 wins with Warrior while also specifically avoiding the 'Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes' quest.
Why? You're earning, at most, 40 gold by re-rolling the deal 100 damage quest. That's around 50 cents maybe? And that's assuming you re-roll it into a 60 gold quest. There's no guarantee it's not going to re-roll into another 40. Is it really worth all the extra work winning your warrior quest while not winning this one?

Happens in heroes of the storm all the time. Ace the enemy team, could core, but take the other keeps instead, bonus points if the team just backs off and takes camps+boss, gold star if enemy team respawns, aces your team and pushes down your core.

>reading /hsg/ threads from days old
>open one from 2 years ago
>Warrior is the best deck in the game, expansion right around the corner, everyone is generally happy with the game with 3 threads filled in a day
>open thread form 1 year ago
>threads filled with shaman hate, morgl everywhere and zeriyah posting, people are starting leave the game, one thread a day, lot less discussion
>open today's thread
>see hatemail from people who've stopped enjoying the game, a lot less new players and everyone bashing Blizz in every thread with maybe one thread a day if we're lucky
Honestly, it's a visible downhill. What the fuck happened?

How could an aggro druid deal with freeze+doomsayer?

Why do you want to believe hearthstone is dying when it's the largest its ever been

Aggro doesn't handle Freeze Mage well. I have having to tech in a Eater.

Even if it wasn't for the quest it's still way less effort to do it with someone else rather than ladder if only for cutting the play time by 70%, but I ended up playing the ladder anyway.

Packs when? I need to decide whether I'm going to craft elise or not.
Anyway, anyone got a list for a greedy control mage with pyro and n'zoth? Would you also run medivh with that kind of gameplan?

>captcha paco calle

I'd cut medivh since he's there to fill your board late game and nzoth does a better job of that if you're running his synergies.

medivh for burn/spell heavy decks and nzoth for minion heavy is usually the rule

>still going by total account numbers.
By definition, it can ONLY grow.

Active online players, on the other hand...

Let's talk about the Brawl. I didn't think I would play it but after a few gqmes it seems deceptively in-depth with the decks you can build. What's been working for you guys?

### Brawl Deck
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Abusive Sergeant
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Clockwork Gnome
# 2x (1) Glacial Shard
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Selfless Hero
# 1x (1) Sir Finley Mrrgglton
# 2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha
# 2x (2) Haunted Creeper
# 2x (2) Knife Juggler
# 2x (2) Shielded Minibot
# 1x (3) Coghammer
# 1x (3) Divine Favor
# 2x (3) Muster for Battle
# 2x (3) Steward of Darkshire
# 2x (4) Keeper of Uldaman
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (7) Dr. Boom

Here's my dick, played three games and only lost to a mirror. The one drops, Dire Wolf, Creeper, SHIELDS UP, Muster, and Keeper of Uldaman seem like staples, although maybe I'll play deckhand over Corsair. 7 mana 7/7 destroy his board seems bretty gud and so does Tarim, haven't played them yet. Thoughts?


>buy $20 of packs
>no legends
>not enough dust for a legend

If you can't handily beat Druid with the majority of hands dealt, you're doing something wrong. It may be AIDS to play against but Freeze is still one of the hardest decks to play and a deck prone to a cult of "specialists" like Miracoli or old Fedora Warrior


It's not the game that's dying, it's this cancerous thread from all the polposting and also the fact that players dedicated enough to be active in a forum for it experience burnout after a while.

The game is on a major uptick now that people are coming back in the wake of the worst xpac ever, but they really did fix a good number of major metagame issues and it's in a balanced (if a bit boring) spot right now. I've noticed an uptick in the past few weeks, we're back to at least a thread a day again

How many more days until my hoej packs show up

Why does it matter, it's not like you're gonna open them before the dupe patch comes in anyway

i am though. Im not an autistic faggot like yourself

Challenge a friend quest, 160 gold

added on africa

added on narnia server

Oh sorry, forgot to say I'm in America

Don't come crying to /hsg/ when you get a dupe legendary in your free packs

Remember that neet that was complaining about race mixing in the hearthstone streaming world

its so unlikely it doesnt even matter though

Allow me to explain how the new system is terrible. You are forced to keep or shorts of crap legendaries out of fear you ll get them again. I dust everything and i craft whatever i want without having to worry about anything

>Not having a golden boogeymoster
You are a man with no taste sir.

race mixing is an abomination & a sin

>mfw bringing back 3 Tyrone with N'Zoth

Let me tell you the remorse of a man who just foolishly blew 1000 gold only to get his second copy of warrior's quest.
This guy is right, though

Alright which one of you just memed me with n'zoth sneed in wild as shaman?

So is wearing clothes woven of 2 different materials


*tips fedora*

I got doubles of 4 different quests. It's not at all unlikely if you're opening a lot of packs.


You can't pick and choose what to take literally from your middle eastern tombs

How do I make this more cancerous? I don't have many paladin cards but this is a lot of fun

I absolutely can & will

sniff my shit losers

The world as you know it is scheduled to end if Benny boy doesnt deliver the packs from HCT in 48h from this post. This is not a test.