Stocks are gonna crash real soon right
Stocks are gonna crash real soon right
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we're twice the size of the last 2 bubbles, and we just added two more mini bubbles on top of it
Debt ceiling won't get moved, Congress will shit on trump, stock market will crash on his hands like it did Reagan and Bush Jr who both also inherited bubbles.
It will be blamed on the republicans and Trump is playing right into it being a fucking populous president and taking credit for the stock market. "I made the rich 2 trillion dollars richer, isn't that great folks?"
Hopefully it's this year because i stand to make my retirement.
How exactly does one profit off a market crash?
this picture isn't satire btw, this was on CNBC this morning
Puts and shorts
So gambling, essentially? Good luck.
Im all positioned for the drop, I'm getting killed right now. I bought JNUG and TZA one week ago. My anus is currently bleeding, but it should reverse next week.. i really hope.
Puts, shorts.
Inverse ETFs too, but they own puts and shorts, so it's the same thing.
I bought TVIX and SPXS
I'm expecting them to pay off eventually, but it might be a few years. I just hope they haven't shrunk to such a degree that the payoff is offset by the loss.
I just realized the market went up so much today because crash probably starts tomorrow.
i hope you work as a Walmart greeter in retirement.
every form of investment has risk, and therefor could be called gambling.
although making profits in a market crash is hard, a diversified portfolio could be a form of risk reduction.
What would happen in case of a market crash? Would all stocks loose some value? Would bitcoins and ethereum loose value?
I have sold about 20% of my portfolio in the last few days. Mostly shares with the highest PEs.
Kept hold of those with decent fundamentals (IMO).
Keeping that cash to be buying when everyone else is crying!
BTC goes up, it's digital gold
>Keeping that cash to be buying when everyone else is crying!
elaborate please amerifag
You love your wife. So you bring her a rose. One of her "friends" starts bitching. Bitching about how there's no brand name on the package so it doesn't matter. You bringing the rose implies that you can love your wife. Your wife is giving you the benefit of the doubt with your love since it seems like you care bringing her a rose. She has sex with you because she thinks you love her.
The media can't accept that there is a certain level of optimism in the country now, especially so because it can be associated that Trump caused it.
ifyou can reasonably time the market you got a rich life ahead of you
>muh black swan
>muh taleb
People around the world will be scrambling to park their money in the only 3 things that will be appreciating: bitcoin, gold and silver. But it won't be a market crash that causes it, it will be the derivative bubble pop.
these inverse etfs are not designed to be held for longer than a few weeks, months tops
they are designed to lose 99% of their value over the timeframe you describe, assuming stocks generally perform as they historically have even up to and including an '08 style recession
Based Taleb.
Learned more from him than from countless professors.
How do these work?
Yes, and it's going to be Great Depression Part 2: Electric Boogaloo since Trump's not bailing anyone out but the jews
The tech bubble is going to eventually burst and put the economy in a slump with it. The good news is it wont threaten to collapse the entire system like 2008 because it wont put 100+ year old banks out of business and render millions homeless. It'll be just a regular ol economic downturn, which for most of you guys with ~$1000 in a Robinhood account will actually be a great opportunity to buy good stocks at affordable prices.
It is not unlikely that the worst economic crisis of your lifetime has already happened. Everyone likes to prophesize doom but really the controlling interests in this country (which pulls the strings for the whole world dont ever get it twisted) are not interested in a repeat performance of 2008. Not saying its impossible, not even saying its a long shot, but there is no real cause to be freaking out about an all out collapse and moving all your money into gold or bitcoins.
>repeat after me
No one can predict the future
No one can predict the future
No one can predict the future
With a short, you borrow the stock, sell it, and then buy it back (hopefully after the crash). Then you can give the stock back. It's basically buy low, sell high in reverse.
A put is an option that lets you sell the asset at a predetermined price at a predetermined date. If prices fall below that strike price, you can make money by executing the put.
>these are the people giving financial advice here
near the end of trumps term probably.
DOW will hit well over 30k and normies will put their savings into the market and lose everything.
Any recommendations and tips for investing in gold (particularly gold ETFs). Gold should rise during all recessionary periods right?
Interesting. Thank you, friend.
>repeat after me
Everything is fine
Everything is fine
Everything is fine
Stocks can't go down.
Dow at 30k by Friday.
Yes.. Yes.. good goy, buy stock
$SNAP is going to the moon OP, deal with it
It's just like doing the opposite of going long on a company with great undervalued financials. People who call this gambling are mistaken. Yes, there are risks involved, but the amount of news and data that are at your disposal to make a calculated assessment is plentiful.
Wife = economy
Rose = speechs and trump plans
Hasbo = trump
friend who will never marry anyone = media
You guys are forgetting that the recession didn't happen in one night; it was a gradual year long process. Even the great depression took about a week. If the next recession starts, wont most of biz be prepared
I am buying non-meme stocks, if they would get wiped out the end of the world would probably be near anyhow so it would not really matter that much.
I put 10k away in the event of severe economic downturn. Assume a crash did happen much like what you described, what would you immiedatly do?
same just get out of AMD it was a long hold bought in at $2.76 I'm probably gonna sell off everything.
THIS the tech bubble bursts, but other stocks are going to bleed will be slow and market will trade sideways as a whole....also small and micro caps that ARENT in tech are going to go fucking gangbusters!
LMAO 5$ gap... oh noesss
Everything is will trade sideways to down when tech bursts and slow bleeds for three years. Lots of other stocks will do fine. Micro caps will on this
Buy consumer staples and high dividend ETFs at bargain prices by the bushel, go long on high quality retailers like CAB and COST while they're low and load up on anything I believe is fundamentally strong in tech/software/gaming because it will be available for pennies on the dollar (SQ and ATVI are two I absolutely love). If surefire winners like WM, HAL and big tobacco get dragged down by a broader downturn those are must-buys even if its redundant with already owned ETF's. Winners are winners
That's why I have investment in: Peer-to-peer lending, commodities, forex, and bonds user.
>What is a stop loss order?
Great Recession I just loaded up on cheap ass blue chips and (good) banks like a fat kid and waited.
People have been saying that since 2013 while I'm enjoying my 60% gain.
I honestly think people will look to invest in BTC before gold
you'd be an idiot to buy either