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sup nig

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Hermeus Mora is cute! CUTE!

What up my glib globs

Why should I solo dungeons, /tesog/?

So for how long have the "making sales and deals" shit been gone?

Potentially faster compared to waiting in queue, potentially faster compared to playing with pugs.

>Not shitposting in the "we wuz canon n shit" forum

it's fun

Sometimes you just want the one key from the pledge, other times you want gear so you grind them. When grinding out darkshade 1 for netchs touch, I could go through in about 20 minutes, then go to ds2 and do that in 20 mi Utes, no last boss, and repeat.

yeah, sometimes its easier to grind for gear solo than it is in a group. sure in a group you can share, but if you are all after the same set, like netches touch bsw or spellpower cure, then its just frustrating. no one will want to share, theyll lie about what they got, the one autist will have the spy addon to see what everyone else got them call them out on it, etc. and if youre in a group, itll seem like everyone else is getting drops while you get nothing, just making you irritated.

I play a stamina DK orc dps. Please bully me.

I bought the base game like a year ago before the big quest change patch that evened out leveled content.
Do I need to buy anything more or can I just play everything now? Was Morrowind a paid expansion?

Why would I? My dk orc also moonlights as a subpar stamdk dps.

Why? Orc is the master race desu

morrowind is a paid expansion but you're not really missing anything if you don't buy it unless you really want to play the Warden class.

you could go play the game right now with just the base game for literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of content

>Don't. breathe. a. word. about me to Almalexia
>standing right near an Ordinator
k :]

The vanilla game has over 100 hours of content in it alone. There are DLC's with new zones and skill lines, like thieves guild and dark brotherhood, imperial city for some new dungeons, shadow of the hist for new dungeons, and the morrowind chapter (really an expansion) has morrowind and a new trial. You can go ahead and play the base game now and get tons of content. If you want to try the dlc later, you can sub for a month and give them a go. When you sub, one of the perks is that you have access to all dlcs while you are subbed.

don't know why people keep saying this, morrowind is really fun
if you played morrowind, it will really get you hooked into this game - it sure did the trick for me

one thing I will say though, if you're not in a rush, play the base game first

honestly speaking, the quests in Morrowind are generally higher quality and designed with a bit more care to quality of life and purging out needless running around

some other zones like stonefalls really feel like they drag on forever in comparison

naryu is best girl

I haven't murdered any innocent and I'm not really looking forward to, is the dark brotherhood dlc something that I could / should play ?

I usually had a thief/assassin character in the other TES games that I made for the thieves guild and dark brotherhood content, but i'd rather play on my main in MMOs

t-thanks Mother Morrowind

Nobody is innocent my friend, time to send some souls to the void. Hail Sithis.

>Breton armor

Fine taste friend.

Then you can target only assholes. There are plenty of drunks, thieves, cultists, mercenaries, etc. that are killable. Besides, if you want to do thievery, the best way is to pickpocket twice then shank them. All NPCs have 3 items in their inventory, so steal 2 then kill them and loot the third. When they respawn, they'll have a full loot table again.

is that breton armor? good to know. this all dungeon items, I like the look and was a bit sad to find out there is no transmog in this game.

If you like the look, and don't mind spending a bit of cash, you can get the armor in the crown store as a costume. I got it with my zos shekels that I get for being subbed, since there isn't much else that I want from the store, so it just piles up.

usually women worry about cellulite, but holy shit she needs to see a doctor about whatever that is

>booty is divine

Naryu a slut.


Would still hit it tho.

it's really nice, i'm 200 shekels away and will prob get it, thanks!

i'll wait a few months and see if they're going to join us in 2017 and add transmog tho

can you wear a costume and then use a hat costume on top?

dagon statuette when


She's supposed to be a motherly figure, not a sexual one. Expect a little fat, cellulite, varicose veins and flappy arm skin.

>She's supposed to be a motherly figure, not a sexual one.

I beg to differ.

>Naryu implies she fucks random dudes all the time
Yeah, Mommy-tier more like.

That isn't naryu you fucking goon thats almalexia

Naryu implies she (Almalexia) fucks dudes all the time

How to not be a shitter in game?
This might be an weird question but I've been thinking about this. I did in the past being a dick to other players but not always ex. asking for gear check, being extremely rude before kicking or after being kicked but I do have a feeling that I'm still better than most pub: I don't lash out when thing goes bad in dungeon, being patience and explained each boss fight to new player.
The problem is I don't see the clear line anymore, I'm having a feeling I'm be coming something that I hate.

This. Why do you think she was so open to opening the border to argonains and nords? It's more than the borders she's opening, if you know what I mean. You won't find dunmer men like this.

I am new at vma. And i can not beat stage 6. Do i need to dewep all pillars? I focused boss only several times while i kept 1 pillar alive but somehow never managed to bring her under 40%. Either she healed herself or i am just too noob.

The Veeky Forumszard is quite the specimen.

Ok, I can help you, because I had the same exact issues. Another user made this a while back that was a huge help.


Basically, as soon as the fight starts, you are basically on an enrage timer. You have something like 120 seconds to kill her or she will one shot you. Each time she does her stage wide AoE, it'll get stronger until you are one shot. You can reset this timer by activating all of the pillars and stunning her. So when you are fighting her, the webspinner spiders need to die as soon as they appear to keep them from webbing obelisks. Hoarvers are next, you need to keep an eye out for them to open up the pillars. Next are the mini spider-daedra, they put a slow on you, so they need to die as soon as you can. Once she hits a certain health point, I think 60%, a lurcher boss will spawn, but you can make short work of him.

What I do is I start the round by having as many pillars undone as possible, lay down my aoe's and light attack weave and heavy attack, keep my resources up and make sure I have max ultimate. Kill the webspinners and mini spider daedra as they spawn, get to obelisks during spider swarms. If you can, make sure you interrupt her to keep the damage down, otherwise she doesn't put out too much damage too quickly. Once you get her to like 70% - 60% health, grab the power powerup, pop the last obelisk, and drop your ult. If you're lucky, you can nail her and the lurcher at the same time. Keep your aoes up, and do as much damage as you can. Once she is back up, main priority is dewebbing obelisks for a safe place from the storm, killing mini daedra, and burning her down before she enrages again.

All of the zones released post game-launch are higher quality zones. Stonefalls is a contender for the worst zone overall, too- it has a few high points but it's absolute trash compared to even zones like Greenshade.

But Morrowind is only just that- a Zone. It's better to inform people that Morrowind expansion is essentially just another zone, a class, and some PvP stuff. It's not an MMO expansion in the sense of unlocking a higher level cap with new end-game content or any of those things.

It's a blurry line because most of the asshats deserve it desu
the whole mmo community in literally every game has no patience for anyone or anything. they want everything and they want it NOW. they don't have time for new players or for whoever isn't on the bandwagon of getting epic loot as fast as possible. You have a weapon set equipped that does 7% less damage than the best option available? go fuck yourself, time to initiate a vote kick

no one is nice in pugs. you want to be nice yourself and write things in chat but these faggots never wait, never stop. ever. they want the dungeon to be over with ASAP so they go back to whatever they were doing. they expect you to skip all dialogue and keep up, otherwise you're a slow piece of shit that needs to be kicked

you might find a nice person here or there but they keep to themselves because they just accepted that you need to be on the bandwagon and just get the dungeon over with

tl dr play with friends or a guild, randoms are shit and will always be that

I like these steroidgonians because it just adds evidence to my theory that all the Argonians outside of the Black Marsh really are a lesser race

technically all you need to do to win the round is never miss a hoarvor spawn to clear webs from an obelisk and never miss a webspinner spawn that would put a web on an obelisk, and then not die.

Timing obelisks stuns to also get the Lurcher, interrupting the boss to reduce incoming damage, timing pickups, killing the mini-spider daedra quickly and such are all just ways to make it run smoother.

I am not a clever man, I'll take all the help and i can get.

Thanks anons

i-is this sexual?

what's the crafting motif dwemer shoulders worth? does anyone have a pic of how the heavy variant looks?

it's about player intent and player demands between other players

ex: you queue into one of the 2nd act veteran dungeons and find 3 sub 160s who pull collectively less than 8000 dps. What do you do? You politely tell them how they're not playing intelligently and then refuse to participate, because they're asking you to waste your life trying to drag them through content they simply don't need.

Did a guy queue as a tank with bow/bow and not even a taunt on his bar? Roast the shit out of him in group chat convincingly to get him votekicked AND to make him feel stupid.

Does one of the DPS have some weird ass build you've never seen before and could he jump from 16k DPS to 25k DPS with some rearranging? Well, if he's also staying alive, responding to fight mechanics, and otherwise not sucking I don't really care that some vet dungeon boss takes an extra minute to kill. Same thing with a tank- if he knows how to manipulate the boss mechanics and stay alive then the rest of it is just fluff, we'll get through the content and they get to play they want to play.

Lastly, everyone is noob at some point. Some of the difficulty differences between normal and veteran are so dramatic that many may clear a normal dungeon a hundred times and never be able to recognize an important mechanic until they run into it (and their death from it) in veteran. Give them the benefit of the doubt and explain, and they should be able to make it. If they really, truly cannot, just leave.


Only if you want it to be.


For all of your fashion needs. That is level 1 look, the color will change with the type of material it takes to craft it.

As for the price, depends on platform. On NA PC dwemer stuff goes for anywhere from 5k a page to 14k or so.

is it just me or do random dungeons not award the bonus xp at completion? did 2 and it really doesnt feel like I get xp at the end... and is the loot supposed to be a container? because I dont get that either

Its a known bug, only the group leader is getting the xp and loot.

Can that item be used as decorative? If not they should change that and then it will have value again. I want glowing magical crystal balls.

>regularly pug vet pledges
>notice one member stopping for quests
>tell the whole group to wait for that person
>they can't do shit because I'm way above the CP cap and do 80% of the group dps

Abnur Tharn reminds me of my dad

sometimes the guy stopping for quests is clearly on an alt with several hundred cp

but when the guy is like 194 cp and doing the quest and is playing like it's obviously his first time (and it's not a joke of a dungeon like a couple are) I just get mad

I am a Bosmer bow stamblade.
Please bully me

can someone explain some enchanting shit to me
i can use Denata now but find tons of jejota, is there any purpose to using jejota? it feels like anything i try to craft gives me fuckall xp except the highest tier things i can use, but i keep finding jejota everywhere anyway
why do i keep finding low level shit?
can i just mark jejota as junk? i guess i have to keep getting ta just for the crafting writs?

It's just RNG fuckery, most of the time you'll want to use Rekuta for non BiS items, also it's just better to buy the aspect stones on some guild store, as they sell them in bulks and are pretty cheap.

I bet you smell bad and lack fiber in your diet.

Is your dad a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything?


hug any trees today elf?

thats like saying i should whip a masochist. i see your game, not going to indulge in your festish.

I think they're just differently inclined. Maybe these steroidgonians aren't self aware.

the breed found commonly outside Black Marsh is the closest physically and mentally to the man and mer. I think the hist influenced that form to infiltrate.

did i fuck up if i made a dark elf dk and decided to respec to stamdk?

i dont fucking understand this shit, i got a set that gives a lot of weapon damage as a bonus. i used to play with restostaff + 2h or dual wield as magdk but decided to respec for faster kills while questing

i do the same fucking damage on my AAs with melee weapons as before, the only difference is that my damage now comes from stam skills instead of mag skills and my healing skills do fuckall

am i missing something here? the tooltip on weapon damage said that the damage is affected by stam, but after putting all my 28 points into stam that number hasnt changed and i dont notice any aa damage increase

>Maybe these steroidgonians aren't self aware.
The Veeky Forumszard in RoM is probably more clever than you give him credit for.

what is 30 cp and the trial + class + mp shit

>when you're friday night guild auctions kick off and people are upping each other in increments of 50k

Interesting, haven't gotten to that content yet.
I didn't mean to imply they are retarded lizards but just not like as conscious as humans, I guess I can't figure out how to word it.


>They are now bidding twice as much as the whatever the item is worth.

How are your legs, /tesog/? Are you working out?

all goes to paying for the trader, so its not a bad investment to make. overpay a bit for an item, maybe 50k, so i can sell 600k+ worth of items this week.

you clearly don't understand how auctions really work

That's not how legs are supposed to bend.

>when the salesman convinces you to double down on the security system

there has to be a point where insurance is actually just cheaper than that level of security

I hope they make an 'elden root bank vault raid' dungeon before this game is done

Its all worth it if it goes to the trader I suppose.

>harder than 10,000 blue sailor dickballs before a quivering virgin dunmer pussy
>designed to only be completable by .01% of the playerbase
>awards literally tons of gold and no other loot

>Tons of background model gold that you can't interact with
>Reward: 305 gold, random piece of Vault armor

there's a metric fuckton of over factors at play other than what market price of the items

>there's a metric fuckton of over factors at play other than what market price of the items
Such as?

intimidation. if you show that you can bid huge sums of money in the auction, you intimidate people into not bidding against you later (or intimidate other big spenders into outspending you too early)

% of auction money going to a cause. it lets the spender spend without feeling wholly selfish. this is why a lot of charities combined with an auction are successful

ppl have spending limits. you could up their bids on early auction items and prevent them from outbidding you on later auction items

heart rate. rich people get a thrill of seeing $ values actually relevant to them being thrown out. it's adrenaline and emotions and people are literally paying for that feeling as much as the item itself.

those are just a few

More pls

My solution is asking friends that are looking for a set to farm with me for my set then we do their set. For example the other day I was farming Blackheart and after we were done we would go do WGT and switch between them. It breaks the monotony and gives you more chance to get what you want especially if you get 3 other friends to help.

>100 hours
try 500. I'm at the 1k hours played and haven't even finished all the vanilla content

No actually
Also I'm think of rolling either a nord or redguard stamdk
might try tanking out on him

Good, fuck tree huggers SHROOMS FOR LIFE

ugh, okay

when a x300 Tempering Alloy lot comes in, they're trying to factor in how much that quantity of Tempering Alloy is going to influence the price of Alloy while also evaluating what the liquid capital of their competitors are going to be on top of how much their competitors think they can get value out of a stock of Tempering Alloy of that size which won't move immediately.

are they essentially donating to the guild trader and intend to sell at a loss? Do they plan on sitting on 300 Tempering Alloy and get a slow but high return because they can afford to tie up cash funds in that way? Do they have an edge on you in the quantity because they've found buyers that will bypass guild/trader tax with direct sales? Do they just enjoy staining people's pants brown?

If you've never sat through an action while tied to several top end trader guilds it might be hard to understand. you can see the spam on the price of a certain item being refreshed in real time as people start crunching the numbers.

there's also the factor of gold per time. The overall economy doesn't adjust as rapidly as an auction does- prices are tied to other prices, such as raw ore to tempering alloy and ingots. But in a video game economy everything is tied to time, so x ore = y time = z value, and where x ore and z value are tied together in the economy of TTC, MM, and guild traders, y time is highly variable depending upon the time efficiency of the individual person, and if that person is a bidder in the auction where he generates 91k of ore in an hour and the next guy gets 48k, stuff starts to go free radical on the bids

>doing yesterdays pledges
>just wanted to blow through them
>wayrest sewers 1, easy
>zone in, still in vet, forgot to switch when I left vma
>oh well, give it a go
>at the last boss with little issue and no deaths
>just read the hard mode scroll
>lets see what happens

one attack, 20K shield + 14k health damage

guess im not soloing hard mode

>not dk tank orc

You are missing out my dude.

Truly the most patrician DK tank race.

respec into magicka
it's the best class for it

stamina and magicka only affect how many skills you can use before you run of said resource. So when people say your dps goes up when your stamina goes up that's what it means.

If you're under cp160 don't worry too much about numbers and gearsets. Steal everything when you level up, wear it until it breaks or you get a drop to replace it. Try to keep 5 pieces of light armor, and one medium and heavy at all times. Also to match your level. Save your gold. Hell, bank it so you don't spend it. It's a complete waste, and things at endgame are expensive as fuck :/.

Dark elf is fantastic for magicka dk builds.

You can be a mathlete after you get to 160