/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

Everything is red edition

-- Links --
Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting chatrooms:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Premarket Movers:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.


Other urls found in this thread:


AMRS to the moon tomorrow


Moon mission part 2 about to start!

I forgot to change the 'edition'

I added some links to the OP post

do you rike it?

>Earnings Report Calendar:

>Premarket Movers:

Les go

Who is in?

I am ready to short it when It climbs to 30

so what happens now?

tfw bagholding

I hope it does lads!. My 80% portfolio right now is AMRS. My exit is $2. I am not greedy.

Half in AMD half in AMRS. Shold I dump AMD for more?

Explain why as thoroughly as you can, with sources, please. This was a popular topic of discussion towards the end of the last thread. It looks pretty good as far as I can tell, but I don't think I understand the level of excitement and confidence that I'm seeing here.

What does it mean?

Dump half of amd at end of day. Buy AMRS and make em money.

i wish jdst was a man and pounded me

The day before the Ryzen release? If you are feling that good about it, please respond to

Get in on OCRX now, they have a big presentation and announcement on March 8th. The stock is crazy undervalued and is set up nicely to explode next week.

already in at .60. AMRS shills really see earnings beat, good luck

me too

whats everyones position in AMRS?

25k shares here

Proof or tits

Well fuck. Time to bow out of JNUG

Made a few bucks but not as much as I had thought. Worse ways to use my 3rd day trade though.

So I had 2 day trades last week. Does the 5 day clock restart since I used one today or does it keep going from the date of the day first trade?

should be funny to watch when everyone and their dad is trying to sell their 200k shares after announcement



Too rich for my blood and for that reason I am out

I think you've been smoking a little too many memes

Got ya beat

WEAT for anyone looking for a guaranteed long play to pad their memeing

$BSTG dipping, finally going in if it gets to 35 cents

Let’s all jump into $ICLD at 3:00

no $ICLD on RH

Ok ill buy 100k shares from you at a nickel at 3 be there

Lol, most ppl here dont have OTC

what makes you think that turd will do anything?

>non-compliant with 5550a(2) and 5550b(1)
>already had a notice of delisting last june
>makes 0 money, has 0 money

if you want to sell it at $2, prepare to wait for 5 years. even if the company miraculously does well, it has 180m float. do you know what that means?

Why are we betting big on AMRS again?

CEMP was quoted at $4.7 by analyst and look what it did to all of us

I kinda wish I bought that dip

It means in the best case scenerio it gets a temporary spike to 70 ill be shorting it from there to oblivion

it’s still “dipping”, so you have time

I bought in at .385 this morning. fuckkkkk me

That's exactly why I'm not buying it. No more memes for me.

while true, i was hoping for .36 flat, i'm already in for 500 @ .32

gents, those who know, know.

AMRS should become a major major company within a few years.
at first glance, on the surface their financials are shitty yes, but you have to look deeper.
they completely changed their business model, and have made a shit load of recent partnerships.
Their revenue is going to start multiplying.

Now we may be too early, but soon enough the price will rise, and rise very very quickly

but yeah good god man why the fuck would you buy at .385.....

how many shares u have and what price u hope to dump them?

well i think it will go something like this:
1. reverse split
2. pump "could, would, possible, potential, expecting deal, next few weeks..."
3. offering
4. further drop of price
5. repeat
until delisted. your money would do better in the bank with a savings interest of 1%

When did /a/ find /rgt/? Old-DragonJew-Kun should be our official mascot.

this is an anime image board

Whats yout PT?

I have 25k shares.

I expect 1.20 then 2.50 then 5.00, then 10.. etc etc etc

tfw no thicc dragon gf to match my thicc stock portfolio

Hey anyone got in on that SPPI move from the calendar?
in $5.84 out $6.69
hell yeah.

Did u jump?

strange volume on otc's MGT
something could happen

Post a cap of your 25k shares to prove you're not a bag holding shill trying to reduce losses and then I'll consider buying.

i wouldnt buy AMRS, regardless of what kind of miracle news it might have. look for AMRS's public float, its 180m. at a price of $0.5, it would take an absolutely massive dominance of buying power to push it up to those prices that guy said. it would need like AMD volume. unless bill gates is dumping his bank on this, you'll be watching paint dry pretty much. save your money for more volatile stocks

And I'll be ready to take your sloppy seconds after the initial drop

Thanks based tripfag. Also noticed that he did post his shares earlier in the thread, I'm just a speed reader. Thoughts on OCRX?

>$17000 in penny stocks

How do you sleep at night?

I'm going to through a timid application process at Interactive Brokers to be able to access pre and after-markets trading.

When will SNAP be available to buy? And is there a buying line already, making it a race as soon as the stock is active? What should i do?

Is BLPH gona go way up again?

I hope so ^____________^

If I see 1.31 ima grab 1k shares to make a quick 50 bucks

HTGM is back

>tfw you didnt buy HTGM in a dip

he sleep comfy!! He will land in moon m8.

I grabbed it at 1.17 right now, feels good man.
feels bad man.

BLPH not doin the thing :(

I sold most of my shares, hope to get back in

I bought at 1.16 and sold at 1.39.
Was repurchasing at 1.26 a good choice?


Be careful holding it overnight and understand it could make a big move pm or ah on phase 2

my guess one morning wake up to see +150% or -50% move depending on how the data is released (expecting from 2 dif trials)

I have traded it 4 times now since 70s, 10 min ago held 6k shares now down to only 600

Just measure your level of risk, I debated today if I could stand to risk holding more than 1k shares and take a potential 7 or $800 hit and I think I could, figuring in the potential gain with good data on both trials

even if i trial fails, there's the possibility that the other will not, at least doubling chances of getting my $$ back

I am also perfectly aware of the possibility that I made a mistake by offloading most of my shares...if it goes up then its really no skin off my back I still made money overall and will make a bit more with the few shares im holding

I hate the feeling of having waaayyy too many shares going into a major catalysts and not sure what the outcome will be and have lost quite a lot of money over the years betting the wrong way

I hope that was a detailed enough answer for you to get a better idea of my investment thesis, and to perhaps formulate your own


No clue sorry. If you're putting money into stocks you have to do your own research, and no that doesn't mean just read the news or buy what "analysts" .

Go to SEC website and look for the files of the company you're looking at. How are they financially? Who's the CEO and the executives?
Next, watch how the stock trades, figure out the technical analysis aspect of it. If the future me told me to buy AMD for example, I wouldn't buy it if I see it's already up huge 5 days in a row. I'd wait until whoever is in it sells off, let the price pull back before I get in.
Then decide what price you're willing to cut your losses or take your profits when you have a position.

All of this is very much math based, not gambling

>literally bought 1 single stock of NVAX
>it's now up 9 cents per
I feel like a retard for not buying more but I'm just doing this for fun
should I sell it now or wait? pretend I have enough stock for it to matter, since I'm just starting and trying to get practice

And yet you still manage to post shitty stock recommendations that, had they been followed, would have cost people tons of money.

KYS fag.

>bought into GERN
>Reports loss of 19¢ per share for Q4

You mean Friday you cuck. They're releasing it after hours

Not sure who you're confusing me with. I told people to buy marijuana stocks when they crashed a few days ago. Look what price they topped out at yesterday.

My account more than tripled already since Jan, how's yours

Blast AUPH! 48w p2 Highest compete remission rate of any lupus nephritis study. Can you say new standard of care?

your good guy i wish i was like you

Where do you learn this stuff? Did you go to school or self-taught through which websites/videos?

has dram/ptn fallen out of favor here or are you guys bagholding?

Just bid on 10,000 shares of SNAP
How fucked am I?

Averaged down to 45 with ptn :/ hoping for a miracle

>Stocks skyrocket!


Bagholding at .44 here.
Send help.

honestly, I'd really like to know too. I haven't looked into it but would like how to use a scanner and to read out volume etc/catching algorithms algorithing it up

I know you guys mostly are swing trading here because it's robinhood but what stocks are keeping long term? I think for a new investor Facebook, Tesla, AMD, and Snap would be good to keep in long term because I think they will grow a lot in 10 years and don't cost 800+ like Amazon. Thoughts?

As in, $160,000 or more of equity? Do you really have that much money in your robin hood account?

Is it worth buying AUPH now in hopes that it jumps even higher when the market opens again tomorrow?

the entire market is going to crash 3000 points this year between Trump and congress, please drive it further for me goy

Trust in the Speigel.

people have been saying this for 3 years now
enjoy missing out on gains

I invested $11 in AMRS just to test the waters and I lost a lot of confidence in them.

Do you have a link to the news about their business model change and new partnerships? I really want to believe you because I'll be using my gains from other shares towards another potential moon mission, I can't accept meme magic as legit credibility.

stay diversified

Lol tech IPOs. No thanks

What, are you gambling your retirement, old guy? No risk no reward.

>no profits
>no plan to be profitable
>500mm lost last year
>shit class shares
>slowing user growth
>instagram does their best feature better
>26 year old fuckhead ceo

Hold that bag

What do you guys think about AMD? They've been green for like a year, might buy some just to sit on for a while

It looks like they're going to have a great year.

I got in at 14.16 and everything has been just peachy

I'm looking to break into trading in general using Robinhood as my platform, and I had a few questions for you /rgt/.

1. What amount of cash did you start trading with? What amount would you recommend anyone else start out with?

2. How much time would you say you invest in this, do you do it as a side project to make a little extra on the side? Or do you do it as a primary/secondary source of income?

3. I've had an account open with Robinhood that has sat empty since I got instant access, is gold worth it, or just a meme?

I appreciate any additional input as well.