/rpgmg/ RPG Maker General #215

I made a cheesy ~super dramatic~ entrance for my final dungeon.

It would have been nice to have the hero's sprite shrink as they get closer to the cave, but at least for now, I've decided it's far too much work to make that look decent.

looks cool

It's literally just your character walking into a cave.



It is my character walking *dramatically* into a *dramatic* cave okay don't judge me

To people having black screen problems with the MV link from the OP.
Delete MadeWithMV from the plugin list.
We really need to add this to the OP.

Any opinions on engine001??
I'm using 2k3 but I would like to turn my game into an action rpg and after looking around this engine looks good for one.

>grid based movement and hit detection
>good for action games
You can push objects around. Jump holes. Rudimentary projectiles. But close
Range combat is not so great. You're going to want to use common events for attacks.

To long to detail in a post. There are surely old rm2k tutorials saved somewhere