Cancercraft Edition
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Cancercraft Edition
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Tool for deckbuilding and card checking
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>Is this more retard friendly
>need 2 cards to do one thing
Yeah no. You're going to brick horribly.
What is the most budget retard friendly yet good deck?
u mad?
Spawnless neutral blood I guess. You only need 3 Alice.
Kill yourself, shadownigger.
my dad works at cygames and you guys are gonna LOVE the new changes
Is Calamitous Curse worth using?
I miss /svg/, the meta is just too terrible to play right now.
I want an /svg/poster to wear a blonde wig while I spit in his mouth and tell him Forestcraft sucks!
Anything blood isn't safe same with neutral packages
Best option for someone who doesn't already have them is waiting the nerfs
Rose queen leader pls
fucking ugly hag
i want aerin
The neutral package on any craft of your choice really. Blood is the most budget one, followed by rune. Yes, the T0 of this expansion costs almost nothing. But there's no way the nerfs won't chop it down.
>go 2nd
>have no turn 2 play
140 IQ game
just conflagration bro
Get fucked ramp cancer.
>2 wyrm gods
your deck is retarded, you went first and this STILL happened to you, what are you doing
>he hates a meme variant of storm ramp more than neutral cancer
kill yourself retard
>builds a greedy deck with a lot of high cost cards
>loses to low cost aggro
You are literally not allowed to play control at this game for good winrate. Fuck this shit.
Good, you controlniggers need to go fuck yourselves. Especially if you're so greedy that you can't readjust your deck to fight the current meta.
kys ungabunga
kys by playing your own lousy control decks lmfao
Man you must be genius to vomit goblins on board.
Man you must be a genius to play T2 Oracle into T3 Rahab
don't reply to retards
that does literally nothing
Rats is a fun card, transform is a very strong ability.
arguably CaraBurn Aggro
Replace Carabosse with imp lancers if you don't have her
>Replace Carabosse with imp lancers if you don't have her
or Cat I guess
>Cat in a pure blood deck
Neutral Alice-less cat could also work
>bloodnigger used Emerelda on Officer Timmy
If anyone wants to watch Wallet Rune feat. Ginger.
>drawing 2 cards in an aggro deck is bad
>Illusionist into Taboo
This meme is so spicy
Someone please concede 63182
All I'm really saying is that you could build towards neutral better if you go for the cat route. It's arguably less efficient to mix it up, but I agree that it could also work.
when will they announce which leaders won?
Thanks Ginger!
Yes I agree too, I was just memeing :)
>Phantom Cat
>Phantom Cat
Dealing damage with followers with 2017. All about how many cancerous cards can deal direct damage to the leader.
>15 turns
Fucking hell, still better than some retarded spawn bullshit
Shadow still hard to play
I said it in ToG multiple times and I want to say it again. Grimnir needs a nerf. Remove his enhance just like lightning blast.
>still whining about a balanced card
Just stop. I get that you're mad because dragon could use it on turn 6 last expansion. He's pretty balanced for a 10pp card.
well outskilled i guess
Remove damage to face.
Either make the enhanced just hit face, or just hit followers. It should not do both
>t10 in 2017
He's nothing more than a 2/3 with ward in this meta.
This looks fun as fuck, do you have his decklist? Pretty sure I have everything for it.
Why do the nips get a better looking win/lose screen?
And is there a way to mod that in like isabelle's tits?
Nerf Yurias.
i actually finish games with grimnir more than often though. If you go first you have the grimnir advantage by default. You can't pull 123alice every single game.
This is the list he was running yesterday, not sure if he made any changes.
So what was with the leader poll results last thread.
Is there a source?
>not tia
shit taste just like the voting nips
I don't think they have released any official results. Closest thing is probably the gamewith poll the nips were voting on.
>costs less than 40k vials
not wallet enough
I want to fuck satancat.
There was another version with Israfil, Bahamut and Falise but he only played it a couple games with it.
Nice brick house.
>he streamed clash royale instead of sv
shadowverse is really dead huh
Can't really play memes anymore.
I blame Alice and her goblins.
He's streaing sv now though?
>tfw he almost got raped by face dragon but she didn't draw any storm/burn to finish him off
I can't imagine alice not getting nerfed. She just has too much synergy in neutral based decks. There's no way to fix neutrals except to nerf alice.
>people complain about BKB but not halo golem
>requires dirt
>implying you can ever run out of sigils
You aren't very imaginative then. :^)
ざわ‥. ざわ‥.
That one point of health actually makes a huge difference.
>implying you going to draw any in the first place
You definitely haven't even tried playing the deck yourself.
Haunted house is hidden gold card.
1pp can summon 3 storm 1-1.
>watch it a bit
>just endless losing to neutral blood
Why do cards that cost 6+ pp even exist anymore
>dirt bricks every game!
I literally don't know how you people manage to fuck up. My dirt deck almost never bricks, but then again I go full burn and ignore retarded control tools that makes no sense in this meta like muh taboos
So yeah, it seems like we are going to have censorship for the yet-to-be-available sleeve. Nips get left while everyone else gets right.
Just play the game in nip bro. It's not that hard to figure out.
>don't draw any sigils on first turns and fuck up you entire curve
>don't draw any sigils at all
>only draw spells like Brick's death and PR/D.Strike
>only draw activators but no sigils
>don't draw enough sigils before illusionist cunt eats them all
It's easy really. Sometimes I don't want to play illusionist because I have much more important plays to make later with that one single sigils which results in do nothing turns.
No one wants to look at a pair of saggy boobs anyway.
Right is better anyway
Taboo completely shuts down spawn AKA the most played deck in the meta, and he swings the board big times with evo, how can you say he makes no sense?
Something about Isabelle always gives me the idea she's really bushy down there. The volume on her clothes doesn't feel right.
Nice I found a gay user, I have some questions for you.
How you decide who is the guy and the girl in the relantionships?
How you deal with you and your partner being horny 24/7 since both are men after all?
Do you even use condoms?
Do you let guys cum inside you?
Your fetishes are not appropriate for a children's card game
You sound like tha gay one tho.
He makes sense on paper. Chances are that by turn 6 you are either dead, don't have a sigil on board, they have a full board or Master levi is a better turn 6 play in general.
I think it will be released at the end of the month
Having another turn 6 play doesn't negate another one's usefulness.
It's like saying Storm Haven should only run Garuda or Dark Jeanne
Then you're moving into brick city territory. You need to give up on Mutagenic bolts or levies then and then you're moving away from burn dirt entirely.
That only happens if you are playing magic illusionist. Simply remove that fucking leech if you plan on using taboo and suddenly he is incredibly good.
There wasn't an official poll, it was just some 2nd rate fansite doing it. Spoilers: The winners will be whatever Cygames intended, they vote was just a placebo
Need a win