>tfw the only thing I'm passionate about and good at is learning and debating politics, religion, history, race and such issues
Is there any way I can get rich through these passions?
I'm super ADD/ADHD-PI and I cannot into math at all. My initial plan was to brute force my way into math/coding/trading but I just dont have it in me.
I was thinking of starting my own blog or news website; the former would hardly be profitable and the latter requires a huge capital, no? I definitely have a political niche that hasn't been fully exploited yet.
I'm also a minority with unconventional views (similar to black conservatives) so I have that going for me as far as branding. I also have weird facial aesthetics that would make me unique (ugly to most but unique).
Anyone here successfully do something in this sort of space? Maybe we can exchange emails, idk or post here. I know I have the right amount of unique attributes to be a memorable personality or have a decent following but I'm unsure how to proceed.
>ADD/ADHD-PI so this is the new excuse for being bad at math. 20 years ago they would have called you mentally impaired, now they just slap you some amphetamines and some false hope that retardation is curable/
>inb4 im not retarded, my brain just doesnt function the way it should
Alexander Jackson
No, retard.
Politics is all good and well(you're probably much less informed than you think though) but you're going to have to put food on the table somehow. No one is going to pay you money to babble about your meaningless findings.
Christopher Baker
I agree with you that its over-diagnosed and I can totally see why you'd see it that way.
Eli Price
Actually political consultants get paid a ton. But you'll need a lot of experience and education. I just feel as if you don't have that OP.
Michael Hall
>(you're probably much less informed than you think though) im not cocky. I'm always reading and learning. Debunking my prior opinions. I'm addicted to this. Its what I want to do. I know its saturated but I think I have the right qualities to pull this off. I'm not a stock fedora, SJW, anti-SJW, libertarian, or any other stock character.
Hudson Robinson
maybe "politics" wasn't the right word which is to say like actual political campaigns. I suppose I mean political and social commentary and the like. I'm mostly autodidact.
I know I don't have the education; I'm a college dropout who tried Econ. (ya my math is that bad).
My dream scenario would be to pull this off first, and then go back to school to study my passions after I've made it financially.
Levi Evans
posted too soon. Then after I've acquired the qualifications, I will be even better informed.
Parker Sullivan
Well I like studying various things but your passions won't necessarily make you money. I like to travel so I decided to teach English abroad. I'm already accepted but this typiclly doesn't make much money without a lot of experience. Besides that I've started to freelance write which will pay peanuts but I figure both of these things can be a start for further networking and career moves.
I also might ship cheap Chinese goods back to some people I know to make some profit. I would say keep your eyes open and do things but don't focus on one thing and keep your options open
Jacob Harris
learn it and then teach it to others, think of being a teacher and treat it as a think hive, a brain tank where you can storm out ideas and gather new ones from the next generation of faggots
Jayden Roberts
get involved in business management.
Andrew Bell
im learning project management and its challenging as fuck. is "business management" the same?
Ayden Barnes
join infowars become a humble water bottle salesman who deals fake steroids on the side
William Cox
mfw i am you
Jackson Ramirez
I am almost at the point of deciding to use my politics/history interest and my physics and technical background to make money through finance on specific sectors.
The real question is: do you win your debates and convince people?
Jackson Garcia
Journalism or a blog maybe.
But in either case you have to be the top of a pile of other people wanting to do the same.
Opinions have little value unless you are very smart and very hard working.
Carter Campbell
Go into politics.
David Hall
>I bullshit about current news Welcome to adulthood
John Taylor
I am going to give you some golden advice here, because you sound young.
The things that you like to do others like to do as well. You like sex? So do I. You like to win arguments? So do I. You like money? Fuck. Me too! If you want to make it with those 'passions' you have to be seen as the best, or damn near it. There will be extreme competition, and many of the players will have advantages you do not have. Experience, personality, attractiveness, money, etc. etc.
Notice how I didn't say 'you need to be the best' but, you need to be seen as the best. SEEN as the best. The way you do that is with education.
It is unfortunate that you are a college drop out (for this career path). It is unfortunate that society doesn't care if you are actually good, but that you have that piece of paper. I can empathize - but that is reality. If you want to get rich via debating politics, religion, history, race and such issues you will need a PhD (or equivalent) before anyone takes you seriously. So that's 4 years for your undergrad and another 6 for the PhD. It will be extremely hard and expensive the odds are against you, the vast majority of Americans (not sure of other nations) do not have a PhD. i think its 1-2%. If you drop out again you will just end up in terrible debt with a black mark on your academic record. I'm not saying this is how it should be - but that's how it is.
Or you can do this
But you won't because in sales the only person you can blame for your failures is yourself and I don't think you are ready for that kind of responsibility.
You could become a canvasser, the lowest of the political careers, and go through various ghettos getting yelled at for minimum wage, as well.
Andrew Sullivan
Start a YouTube channel
Dylan Gomez
Make youtube videos.
Adam Young
Actually get into politics.
I was like you but then I realized the analysis you like to do means almost nothing compared to the networking and power plays. Get into a think tank - that's your best move, and mimic the paths of those you admire in those fields. Whatever your political inclinations are:
Like conservatism? Do some financial analytics and internships.
Like social justice? Do the peace corps, or America Corp. those will pay the bills until you get a footing.
Hunter Jackson
Nigga you need to make youtube videos
Ryan Clark
Cameron Cruz
If there's a way to mitigate the impact of your ADHD on your mode of operation, it might be a huge step in the right direction. Anxiety obliterated my stint in grad school.
btw, you really sound like a good friend/classmate I had in college. Hispanic center-libertarian contrarian. Smart guy but programming was the bane of his existence, and more esoteric computing theory drove him up a wall.
I'm contemplating hitting him up about a logistical role at the small business I'm trying to get moving.
. . . Jacob, is that you?
Alexander Lopez
The manner in which you write, and your dilemma, is pretty amazing. I feel we have a lot in common - it's weird reading this, really.
[email protected] if you'd indulge my interest, OP. I'm in a similar place in life to you -- caught thinking about my career path when I simultaneously feel this passion over communal formation and self-actualization.
Julian Perry
Holy shit, I was wrong to abandon the thread, figured it was dead.
I'm strongly considering a think-tank. I am looking into the requirements now. I am actually a weird mix of left and right views which sounds contradictory but yeah.
>If there's a way to mitigate the impact of your ADHD on your mode of operation, it might be a huge step in the right direction. Anxiety obliterated my stint in grad school. Stims help but kill my appetite which is bad because im skinny af already. Meditation also helps greatly but I've fallen off of it for a while. I will need to get back into the routine.
Haha, no I'm not your friend. Feel free to hmu though; [email protected]
I will contact you now!
Liam Kelly
in fact, I would love to start my own think-tank but again, that requires huge capital.
Jace Edwards
Hope you're still around; I am US in terms of nationality. Shoot me an email maybe? [email protected]
Gavin Lee
Plenty of people are getting rich sperging out about politics on YouTube. Get a channel up and work that subscriber number up to 50k. That's a sweet spot where the money gets good. The key is consistent output and at least put some effort into the production.
Jose Ortiz
If I do that, I want to do it right with excellent production and such.
Julian Jenkins
Just get it started. Get the ball rolling. Get on your phone and put up a video TODAY. Get some eyeballs on your shit. Share it on appropriate Reddit groups. This is your "passion" but you make pathetic excuses not to take this first tiny step? Worry about production later, in a "rebranding" or some such. Those that knew you in the beginning will appreciate it.
Connor Nelson
MOREOVER you create a portfolio if you do this, demonstrating your dedication to this area, and that gives you credibility when you pivot to something else.