League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best girl edition!


Other urls found in this thread:


>Be adc main
>get mid
>ask bot for swap
>he feels like playing bot
>I'm shit in mid
>lose game

why can't you fucking silver surfers just give me my role?


>No Urgot nerfs on the PBE yet
>Got a buff in the form of reduced mana costs on Corrosive Charge

They have 1 week left to do anything. From there, its hotfixes

xth for Urgot

You could at least add some stupid phrase instead of just spamming a non-canon character.

how to #DMG on Kayn pls

xth for Syndra

>was thinking about making the general for once
>"nah it'll just be late"
>end up with a lulu thread
sorry, /lolg/

Sona Buffs when?

Frozen Mallet and Warrior. Your damage scales almost entirely on THEM building health
Yoiu can get a duskblade but only because its so strong right now, once it gets nerfed you'll be rushing the mallet

>A bunch of sliver/gold memers spam "LOL ADCS 2016/17" meme everywhere.
>They do this because they think it's a problem with the role and not the fact they are shit with ADCs
>Riot indirectly buffs the fuck out of ADCs
>ADCs are now in the best spot they've been in years and no one can stop them since they have insane defensive items and lifesteal and assassins are garbage.

This is why Riot shouldn't listen to Redditors


Holy fuck Gbay, I like you and all but you get so damn whinny sometimes.


The azir cosplay at around 1:57 is the best part of the video.

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.


>should just fucking kill myself

ahh, the best way to get attention and become relevant again.

he wont

>tfw Boxerpete commented on that vid

Are Maokai and Ivern friends in lore?

Stop it. Get some help.

just got a pentakill lads

what did he say

Is Galio's taunt bugged or something? It feels like a charm.

>tfw friend gave me his account with Victorious Elise

Wew lads. I am ecstatic.

She's already been blacked by Lucian

>pooper played in e-gaming
>feeds and loses
At least she'll finally get Tencent's attention and receive some buffs after this match.

On the video right after his hiatus he apologized for making his viewers having to watch the other shit toplane streamers "like that whiny shitter having a breakdown because nobody liked him" then confirmed he was referring to Gbay.

hahaha get fucked retard
>t. midlaner who loves assassinating full tankbab builds

Stop using the internet for a month and get yourself fixed.

is nunu fun? just want someone besides jax for when i get autofilled jungle

I wanna cuddle Jinx


holy shit

I want to impregnate and mindbreak Annie and have her call me onii-chan!!

You physically cannot impregnate herThats the best part of course

Corki ain't getting it. Trynd on the other needs it cause his kit is kinda outdated and binary.

what's the reasoning behind the Frozen Mallet my dude?

I think so, but it depends on what you like, I support as secondary and he is supportish.

Mao doesn't seem very friendly to him, but Mao isn't really friendly to anyone.

Dunno, user. All it would take is just one good shot.

>Duskblade Garen w/ Greenfather's Gift

God bless

if you like playing subhuman champions yes

why is this allowed?


Welp, I fell for it again, guys
>split pushing as Jax
>getting strong as fuck
>taking towers everywhere
>support gets caught out once and my team dies trying to save him when there's no objectives in the area
>they blame me because I was split pushing and say I'm wasting time because I have 50 more cs than anyone else on the map
I decide to group up since I'm fed as fuck and figure we can probably win a teamfight and then my team will shut up at the same time
>our malphite decides to split push instead while the support gets caught again
>mid and adc are fucking useless and I can't 1v5 since malphite is mysteriously on the opposite side of the map
>lose the game

Why haven't I joined the /muteall master-race
Why do I still act as if other people in this game will have achieved double digit IQs?

xth for cutest and lewdest support



to sell skins

POOnatic time

>whats the reason for building Frozen mallet on a tanky melee with a 1 second knockup and no CC

Because Cleaver is fucking ass on him but the combination of stats is fucking great.
Titanic doesnt give enough HP and you dont use a ton of autos so the reset isnt super useful.
More skilled players would probably disagree, but I dont have the fine-tuned mechanics honed from years of playing Riven or Fiora to do shit like that yet. If you do go ahead and try it I guess.


Reminder Kayle is for Karthus!

wtf i love quinn now

already done so

I have more options for jungle than any other role and I'm so sick of it


Time to go!

i like supportive abilities but don't like support, so sounds pretty nice
powerfarming is my specialty

I used to type xth for Rumble but I got lazy

Dr. Mundo, I'm CIA

>even the most autistic posters eventually get lazy
thx user you just gave me some hope

> tfw jungle now is about snowballing your lanes and praying they're not retarded
> can't even muteall
The climb is steady but fucking infuriating

play sivir

Is Kayn 100% gay or is he bi or mostly straight but #gayforsenpai

How do I win?


>We could have got a loli with a giant scythe
>we got an edgy sasuke


I'm not really that autistic

a true master of the brush

Yeah, I don't think I could play jungle often. I would get an aneurysm from all the times I'd go in for a gank and my laner just shits the bed.

why is kassadin being played again I thought he got fucking dumpstered

>we want the rwby audience

read the fucking patch notes

>I thought he got dumpstered
That was like 4 years ago.

>still no skater taliyah skin

that doesn't even fucking RHYME

>edgy sasuke
redundancy is for faggots, user

But Kayn is canon faggot now, at least for Zed

it was a free skin why would u not have it on your account


>Playing mid lane
Nice try bud wanna try again?

lethality is op xd
t. adbab

don't ask

>tfw only started just in time to get victorious groot

Wonder who it'll be this year.

ez fix

> He's all the way down to Sivir

What's with EU refusing to play meta picks

>/lolg/ will be mad about this when they already had a number of people talking about kayn as being an overcompensating cakeboi
I'm looking forward to the hypocrisy

Bingo bango bongo

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

we're strong acolytes of the meme user
that's why me must meme, wherever we go

you can narrow it down to whatever's pick/ban during this split if there won't be any changes until worlds


sivir is fun
her spell shield is so strong

My waifu is already property of Noxian nobility


Can this fucking Jew cuckold stop please?


Who are some viable champions that I can one trick in mid and top that fit into most comps? I'm thinking Gangplank and Kennen maybe.

You have to go back

cancer void man

Claiming best girl

Force Pulse.png Force Pulse
NEW EFFECT: Now determines what it hits at the end of its cast time, rather than the start.
Range increased to 600 from 585.

thats it?

Her range is so trash though that it's hard to use her in teamfights even if her attacks hit everyone.

No and no. Ori/Syndra/Corki(til after worlds) mid and J4/Renek/Rumble top

What about champions that can go both lanes?