>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Breeding Sonya!
Sonya is shit
>le [female mage] is shit now
thank you tripfag for ruining their rep by association
Lucina is my wife!
Isn't the Gurgurant a prf weapon?
The two sides of /feg/
Sonia > Sonya
Sonya has always been shit. Even with out the spic.
Azura a best
Tellius never
Jugdral never
Magvel never
reminder that no matter how many ridersbanes ISIS adds to the game, NO ONE will EVER stop thundercock
Do everyone in this general a favor and blow your face off with a gun.
I hope the next GHB has their correct prf weapon so we can forever make fun of berkut, and berkut alone, for being cucked with a shitty weapon and shitty stats
>Rolling for green milf
>Get loli instead
This reply was for the user who said Ashnard doesn't have a prff weapon. My bad
Ashnard's Gurgurant's+
Fact: Soren is the best green mage in the game because he's the best at running Gronblade while also being able to easily tank thundercock.
All right, out with it. What's your type?
>have to bait green
>blue is directly next to them
Why they didn't make him a GHB unit? He is broken enough to make him permanently neutral and limited
Berkut is for rape! Not enough SPD to run away! Not enough ATK to fight back! Boost skills suck and you won't stroke his lance, so he just can't RESist!
i have an affinity for blonde motherly figures
*autistic spic screeching*
Delet this, amigo!!
>Lyon's Staff+
"Leave Reinhardt to me!"
>Give out a free thundercock to everyone
yeah that's a fantastic idea senpai
You, qt.
>Micaiah's Staff+
she won't be stopping anything
>beefy melee unit advancing 1 square at a time
>buffed blade tome directly behind them, advancing with them every turn
>both are complimentary colours, so WTA against one means the other gets WTA against you next phase
Sometimes I let the ai do this in the arena and I just sit there while the gears in my head slowly turn for minutes on end.
Good taste.
Severa's cute and sweet like a flower! I want to give her a hug!
Staff users do tend to have high res.
Awkward friendless pretty boys.
>Not having a pair of thundercocks
Playing on Hardmode as well and yea she is GOAT just like how she was for me in SD. I made my dude a Cav and chose HP, STR and SPD as the questions. He is super fast and stronk as well.
I wanna use all my dudes in my battalion throughout the game. Minus the archers since unless your name is Innes you are a benchwarmer.
Caeda is really great. How do you pronounce her name?
I like Hana
Me on the top
Why did mommyfags gravitate to Mathilda?
Is it just the plus-sized bust? I don't understand.
>NO ONE will EVER stop thundercock
no sir
Kill yourself you mommy numale
big hurty _______
I pronounced it as "Kah-Eh-Dah"
It's actually pronounced "Sea-Dah", as it's the female version of "Caesar". Katakana is "Shiida"
Is that Minerva
Why is Michalis raping Xane?
>How do you pronounce her name?
"best girl"
Girls who post on /feg/!
Reformed war criminals
She's not even a mom. /v/edditors are just retarded
Phonetically, her name is Shiida, so that is just about the gist of it
Clumsy maids of indiscernible hair color
Boey pillows
Ridersbane Jagen is really easy to build and merge and he is immune to all mages and one shots every mage cav in the game with vantage.
Why has no one criticized this yet?
petite girls, but not underage; blonde or brown hair
also big hairy men because I'm a bifag
I'm sorry user but that wasn't even close.
Mae is the true titty monster of SoV. Best voice too
What are the chances of Cipher ever getting localized?
*Giga Drains you*
you wouldn't rape Xane?
This guy's comics are cute, especially when the characters are chibis
He's the fifth best green mage and the third best Nino
Nino>Bunny Camilla (flier niche)> Soren
>mfw my reinhardt has Panic Ploy 3
heh.. it was nothing really..
I wanna be Delthea!
only if they transformed into a waifu
Why is she covering her armpit. That's her charm point!
i never realized how sexual her facial expression is
her stare is subtle but vicious
Manly guys.
>female version of Ceaser
Cool beans
>cheesing last map
>sent her on a suicide mission to bait the add blocking The big boss
>fucking lives with 3hp
>that scene where Marth drops ALL of his spaghetti
This game had its moments. Also loved how she recruited that fat fuck 10/10
give source
Don't look at her left arm, user.
>Ashnard: What's this? Do you wish to return to Daein's loving embrace?
>Naesala: I do... If you agree to make me very, very rich.
>Ashnard: Enough of your lies, crow. Even now, your beady eyes look to find a chink in my armor.
What did Ashnard mean by this? Was Naesala really looking for a Chinese person in Ashnards armor? Do Asian people even exist in the Fire Emblem universe? This piece of dialogue was very jarring and out of place IMO
is +atk -res eirika worth to 5ing ?
she's an old hag anyway
How did Clive end up getting married to an actual goddess? It's just not fair.
Cherche posters are somewhat poor posters in general so I can say with confidence that the source won't be given.
I won't be proven wrong.
Do everyone a favor and keep tripfagging so autists in this general keep getting triggered
So I picked up a +health -def Delthea and a +Health -Attack Mathilda. Do I move on to the other banner and try for a Sonya or do I keep trying for a Delthea with better IV's
Are you autistic, shitposting, or both?