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Tool for deckbuilding and card checking
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neph sure is cute
I want an /svg/poster to wear a blonde wig while I spit in his mouth and tell him Forestcraft sucks!
That's kinda gay.
Ignore them. No matter how many times you try to explain how inconsistent and easy to counter Elana is, /svg/ ungashitters will keep crying about it regardless of the fact it also has 42% winrate.
What do I do guys?
I just don't get it. When was /svg/ flooded with D rank players? Those are literally the only people who should struggle with Elana. The deck and how to counter it has been figured out for expansion sets.
Just die healcancer.
Nobody fucking likes playing against a jackass that keeps healing itself over and over again. The same reason why nobody likes playing against dshift crap or ramp dragon. It's the exact same solitaire crap and drop a board the opponent can't deal with. Fuck you and everyone that thinks this sort of crap is even remotely fun. It's literally the shit that kills this game.
>Remember rowen's campaign updated
>tfw lightning blasting durandal and savaging his board and face
>tfw holocausting boards of hellflames with 3 dmg dragon wings
The dragonclaw pendant truly is too fine for an ordinary person
Daily reminder to go first
haha kill yourselfs shadowniggers xd haha xd
No one is defending it. We're saying it ISN'T GOOD. There's a fucking difference.
Are you same pretentious pedo who called everyone around him "D rank" before WD release?
I don't get why people still spam that even after ToG.
Pure Elana has never been good, not even in DE. Elana only beats heavy aggro consistently because the heals make them run out of steam. Every time I see Elana I am happy because it's such an easy win unless they nutdraw insanely hard.
Those retards saying that "Elana will be next tier 0 after the nerfs" can only be A ranks or ungashitters.
Fuck off. Everyone hates Elana cancer except Elanafags.
Because nobody is carrying bahamuts anymore other than dragon? Because we have to deal with neutral fucking blood and must sacrifice half our decks with low cost shit for survival? And then comes some constant healing asshole that makes a board that I can't completely remove because I had to remove the cards to deal with it. Nobody cares if it isn't good enough you jackasses end up making causalities of people trying to counter blood with this fucking retardation of deck.
Shitter ranks have bakamuts and grimnir in every deck that isn't winning on turn 6. It's fucking miserable
>it's a episode of "you used the same word as someone else"
>this must mean everyone on an anonymous image board with thousands of users is the same person
>D rank nigger trying hard
Could I get a concede pls?
>Get fortress, killer devil, and vania
>circle jerk general
>writing patterns
Just finished my Win 4 Haven Games daily by going 4/5 with Elana. Feels nice to get it over quickly.
You don't need Bahamut to counter Elana. No deck that aims to counter Blood loses to Elana besides Burn Dirt. Elana has almost no good match ups. It's the same inconsistent shit deck from DE, it just highrolls harder now because of Tenko.
The worst part is that the healing hag doesn't even have a high winrate because that shit supposedly bricks a lot. But it doesn't matter because it does work at some given time specially against slower decks. They take a shit from 123alice then proceed to be a pain the ass against decks like midsword or earth rite because it had to remove petrification. And then niggers come here "uh lulz wy u kids no like elaners" take a wild fucking guess.
Yes, now which of those posts is "pedo"?
The damage is done, shadownigger.
Shadow ruined this game. ToG was the great turning point.
>anyone who disagrees with my spam of the same message or opinions is a shadownigger
You know we could just report you for spam if we wished to put an end to your childish tantrums, right?
I miss when dragon was firmly the home of the hardcore memer and we'd get all excited about disco or JO tweaks.
>it's bad I know it
>but it beats my meme decks so it must be cancer!
This is why /svg/ is such a fucking joke in terms of meta discussion.
After seeing what Cygames did with Dragon and Blood, do you unironically think this has anything to do with Shadow? They just randomly make crafts too powerful. It has nothing to do with Shadowcraft and everything with powercreep.
>we could just report you
Good luck
Only if they moan when they swallow it!
Tenko, the swan slut that heals 2 at the end of the turn, the monk that gives 2 holy waters. If you remove it all there's always Aegis to finish the work. I play csword and even with Roland Elana got fucking painful. Of course they save all the themises for Aegis so they can just go face without having to worry about anything. And you can always drop Naoise on turn 9 in case they have one evolve left.
Hey /svg/, let's play a game!
I'll terribly draw a card and you guys guess what it is. It'll start easy and get more difficult as we go on.
You get absolutely nothing for winning! good luck~
Leader poll results......TODAY!
Entangling Vines
I don't remember it being this bad back in DE and RoB. The constant spam of "nigger" seems to have really reached its apex and taken over the threads entirely in Tempest.
Shadow was by far the worst offender, they were left to reign the longest any deck ever had and will.
Please go ahead, shadownigger.
Just like ramp dragon is garbage this expac but it consistently fucks up dirt rune and sword decks dumbass. Those decks are efficient against other decks. So you're basically taking a shit a from neutral vamp but beating the few idiots that don't feel like playing this crap. Congrats.
maybe this is too easy...
Here's the next card
This is what happens when you let them spam like that. Now they're entitled to their spam response and will continue to pollute threads until you take action.
>replying to it
Dumb shadownigger.
Because in DE several decks were played. And no in RoB we did complain about Daria and forest shit a lot.
>meta discussion.
Yeah. SV is serious competitive game. For real meta discussion I recommend you special competitive forums.
>And no in RoB we did complain about Daria and forest shit a lot.
Yeah but it was jokes about roach maths and stuff at least. For all the shit roach got, it had a relatively low playrate since it could be executed wrong. Daria got more flak.
Crimson Sorcery?
>Tenko, the swan slut that heals 2 at the end of the turn, the monk that gives 2 holy waters
So? Those are not consistency tools, they just allow the Elana player to make bigger numbers IF they draw their amulet and IF they manage to keep a board up for it. It doesn't fucking matter that they have more heals if the deck is still inconsistent as fuck.
How about you kill their fucking board? I have 0 issues dealing with Elana as CSword. The only issue is when they tech Aegis, but at that point it has nothing to do with Elana, since pure Aegis would've done the same. In fact, Elana Aegis is just a shittier version of Aegis.
I'm very positive we had plenty of vicious forest hate and remove elf around. Your memory is flawed.
Nope, sorry
Where the fuck are you faggots even seeing Elana being played? The only shit I see in masters more than once every 100 matches is Neutral Xcraft, Aegis, Dirt and the eventual Mid or Control Sword.
It was bantz, rarely dismissive shitposting of this scale. Also, our OC production has significantly slowed down so all that's left is angry anons yelling at each other.
Jap time
Fairy Princess!
>3 damage to all enemies from hand
>3 damage to all enemies when you play the card
>put one sigil on the enemy side for every foe killed
holy shit young levi will save rune
Deadmoon Disciple?
Does anyone have an album of photoshopped cards?
Rune's okay
Kind of slow unless you run neutralcraft and there's better crafts to do that in.
>How about you kill their fucking board?
Because you can't do it at all times? Gimme themis for sword and I will. Also sword doesn't have the same draw power as haven. Every haven match I have in masters is a colossal pain in the anus for the most part.
Reminder that Nep is beautiful
Hey you got it! I was worried it was too crap to tell
What's your point? "Decks have good match ups against others"? For real?
You are fucking retarded.
>Get a skullfane like the week before WD
>WD completely blows count haven out of the water by just giving everyone straight up better cards
It hurts so much....
Summon pegasus, not even that obscure since you use it a lot in early haven
Summon pegasus?
I like your art style if you did more than just these quick silly sketches
His ass
Just old man bro
Just white mountain swordsman bro
Just blitz/jeno bro
Just luckshitter double gaywine and Alexander
Just get fucked because kikes will never give sword decent amulet removal
So people are not allowed to play shit that they like or want to play because you'll get annoyed if it beats your sekrit anti-Blood deck?
The fuck this post. Newshits shouldn't be allowed to post.
No you're retarded. You're using a deck that doesn't even consistently wins against neutral blood just to fuck people that doesn't want to be part of the cancer. And I bet you're climbing like a tortoise with that shit. Just to come here in svg and cry you lost to blood going first 123alice five time in a row.
Nice projection, bro. You sure showed me.
this one will be harder :c
I can only make silly sketches
Fite me faggot. Eido-skullfam count haven is deader than fairy princess
AHHH, IT'S MINTHE! Desert Rider
Kill yourself.
how do people know these cards...
>hagfags shitposting again
They're real cancer of /svg/
Snowfield Warrior
Snowfield Warrior
Your style's very cute.
You shouldn't be using basic cards that everyone used when they started
>ad hominem
>I can't come up with an argument so I will just be a passive aggressive bitch
Guys, guys, guess what card.
Snowfield Warrior is from WD.
What is this shit and how does it work? Is it for every rank now or will it only be from B to A and so on?
thank you, that's very nice :)
Delete this
Malicious ghost.
You should draw some lewds. Or maybe for your next card, draw it without their clothes.
Every rank. Win x to pass. Lose you justh ave to start the trial again until you pass
>spent hours grinding only to gain 900 points
>still need another 1000 to get GM
kill me
>2 threads gone by
>steal no leader poll results
You lied to me.
Okay, thanks.
4pp usless in arena
It was actually Quickblader. He already left the pic by the time you looked at it. :D