>Lists of /ARMS/ friend codes:
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>Lists of /ARMS/ friend codes:
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>play level 7 grand prix for the first time
>get to the Semifinals, beating everyone along the way without all too much difficult
>play Master Mummy
>lose about 8 games to him (can't even win one round)
what the fuck
ded thred
Because everyone is shitposting in splatoon Veeky Forums thread.
Splatoon is cool but I prefer ARMS.
Not enough people in ranked, just rank 15+ dark ribbon girls everywhere. Also how do boomerangs work? I can't get them to hit as much as everyone else, granted I'm playing B&B, so he's bigger than average and has small ass arm girth.
I wanna see Minmin eat more ramen! How good is she anyway?
Very high tier, stupid good. Perma charged oversized RamRams are pure cancer on someone small and fast like her, plus free deflects on air dashes and back dashes. She is Mr. Yabuki's favorite after all.
That's funny, I've only met one other Ribbon besides myself in the higher ranks. Where you from?
I fucking hate dragon arm RamRams. It's bad enough that it's perma-charged but the size is obnoxious. Honestly I think they should either tone down the size buff or remove it completely, perma-charge is good enough.
The good 'ol east coast of the US.
Not enough people complaining (or suffering, since there's a shit ton of min-min mains that could care less). Like, I'm able to beat it, but only like once every 5 matches. Perma-charge is just too strong for someone nimble like her.
On the topic of oversized arms, how is Kid Cobra able to get away with max girth anyways? Nigga already gets the fastest dash and longest jump.
B&B should get an arm girth buff, Kid Cobra should get an arm girth nerf. If you're a super mobile character you shouldn't have huge arms.
Yeah it makes very little sense with some of these characters. B&B's hit box is bigger than average but his arm girth is below average, while KC has a normal hit box but his arm girth is always maxed. No idea what they were thinking.
My changes would be
>buff Min-Min's arm girth to 2(3?), remove dragon arm size buff but keep perma-charge
>B&B arm girth buffed to 3, maybe 4
>KC arm girth to 2, he's the RG of the ground he should have similar girth
>Kid Cobra
>Kid Cobra
When does it end?
When everyone else has better offensive options.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" or something like that. I assume you're already doing that. Who are your mains?
I'm just playing Mechanica. I don't mind playing against Twintelle, but I thought other characters were supposed to be pretty good as well.
You gotta remember that waifuism is still a thing. It just so happens that all the girls, minus mechanica, are really really good. Even with a small roster there will always be underappreciated characters.
I just think it's weird that I rarely see Ribbon Girl or Min Min, hell I barely see Ninjara. It's almost always Twintelle.
Because stinky sweaty brown feet and armpits
When do you think will Nintendo start doing events?
Imo they need to start doing them now because when Splatoon comes out a lot of players are going to switch.
This game has no players, why do you guys keep making generals that get no replies?
most importantly, what are events going to be? are they like:
-splatfests (pick a side and fight)
-smash 4's conquest mode (the game aggregates global wins among specific groups of characters and determines the victor based on the number of wins. you automatically pick a side when you choose your character)
Why haven't you entered this open tournament user?
ded game
>July 22nd 3pm
>work at 6
I'll probably be eliminated before 6 so why not.
>1 day after Splatoon 2 is released
tip top lel
>finish all lvl 7 grand prix
>get nothing
thanks nintendo
Mechanica is pretty useless if you fight against someone using Poppers/Hydra. It shouldn't be possible to take her out of the air with one hit as a heavy.
I fucking hate poppers. they're too fast, I can't move
>can consistently find lobbies and ranked matches with little tono wait time
Gonna have to work harder for that (You) lad
Death can only be wasted on the living.
Do you guys think this game will ever be anything more than a simple party game?
I just gave up getting level 7 GP with all characters because the cheating AI just made me feel miserable.
After this I've realized I have no more reasons to play it without friends, I would just rather play another game like zelda or mk8d.
Party mode is fun for a bit but gets boring after a while, and Ranked just doesn't feel fun
>going into the air against arms designed to stunt your air game
They may be fast, but learn to anticipate them and counterpunch with anything heavier and you're set.
Mechanica outranges the entire cast, so if you're somehow not making use of that yet my advice would be to do so.
So what's fun for you?
I mean, ranked is where the meat oif the competition is, as I felt my skills were truly tested(unless it was the fucking SNAKEBOARD MAP I HATE IT).
its definetely not just a party game-even tho it feels great with friends-but its core lies on 1vs1.
If you don't like it then its not the game for you.
to veryone else: how are your com matches going?
I began yesterday doin a few matches and im at ranked 8. Lost only a few to a couple of good player.
My main is mummy because, you know, HE HAS FUCKING BANDAGES AS EYEBROWS
also perfect ass
Took a break from the game at 12 before top ranks were raised, getting back into the game now trying to get to rank 20.
Looking to pick up a second character for bad matchups in tournaments thinking either Springman, or Ninjara
what's the highest rank by now btw? 20?
Just began comp so i have no idea.
Who's your main atm?
I main mummy but looking for another char.
I love shit characters so I'm thinking of Mechanica, but I cant do anything with her.
Any tips?
Those are both solid picks. But why not some other high tier choices. Won't you have trouble hitting twintelles and Ribbons?
Mechanica is just a more floaty mummy, but since she's still big as fuck her mobility options are kind of lackluster.
I main Ribbon Girl, I hate her defaults, sparky is too slow, and Slam has a terrible rush, Popper is amazing, but its light so it loses pretty easily in trades, so characters like Twintelle and MinMin (when she has a charged RamRam) are a huge problem.
I currently use Tribolt/Buff on ranked and have like a 75% win rate so I was thinking of going Springman for Tri/Toast or Ninjara for Tri/Buff
Stun combos are scary, I think you'd be better off with Ninjara for default tourneys since Chakram is pretty good with both Buff and Triblasts.
Yeah I'd much prefer Ninjara's arms, and stats. Only thing making it a hard decision is wanting Springman's deflect. Once I get 20 (or close enough) with Ribbon Girl I'm going to try and get there with Ninjara and see how it goes
>Mechanica is just a more floaty mummy,
so, basically, what are her "pros" other than beign a huge moving hitbox
>hate her defaults
Will this matter in tournaments?
or will the tourneys let you use any ARM you unlocked?
>Only a rank 9 Ninjara
I'm going to get fucked
Every tournament I've seen so far that hasn't been an online tournament has been defaults only, online tournaments usually allow customs.
You learn a lot of shit getting whooped so its always worth joining up on open tournaments.
>Every tournament I've seen so far that hasn't been an online tournament has been defaults only, online tournaments usually allow customs.
seems fair.
Poor Helix tho.
Love the man, hate the default ARMS.
>You learn a lot of shit getting whooped so its always worth joining up on open tournaments.
This. getting your ass whooped helps you getting better.
When you play ranked and you get your ass whooped. NEVER quit, always replay. Doesn't matter if you lose a bit of rank, it'll help you a lot.
Continuous dashing while punching, and a hover (which isn't so great since you can't force people to punch below you like Ribbon).
level 7 GP is piss easy if you use the right arms and stay close
Has our science department figured out why Cobras grab is 170 damage where as everyone else gets 150-160 despite being slower?
>Try to main Min Min because I'm an awful waifushitter in fightan games
>Tried Ninjara
>Never looked back
Blocking to move in closer and punish sloppy punches is a blast. And with dual Nade spooking faggots to jump makes it even better. I think this is the first time I've ever dedicated time trying to get good in a fighting game save for Turbo II.
It's so fast too, I have to catch myself throwing out both punches against him. Good Ninjaras are intense.
>teleports behind you
Psssshhh...nothing personnel...kid...
This happened once when I whiffed a rush.
>Twintelle tries slowing my Nades down
>Just dash to the side and punish with a grab just before she lands
I'm ready for whatever nerf they hit best arms with
More like
>Teleports in front of you
>Whiffs a grab
>You try to grab
>Jumps in front of you and lands a grab in response
>pffft, nothing personel Ribbon Girl...
Why do arms sometimes explode after I dodge them entirely?
They haven't hit a wall or anything.
>GoreMagala plays Helix well
>suddenly everyone plays Helix with the same set
>CatFight plays Twintelle well
>suddenly everyone plays Twintelle with the same set
holy shit think for yourselves every once in a while sheeple
How the fun do you get better at this games. I can't hit a single aerial opponent without the triple hitters and even then very rarely but I get knocked left n right. It's like they can aim their dumbass arms in the air while I'm stuck with dumb ass semi auto aim
Play 200 more hours.
Anything else? This game is really fun but I feel like I'm missing something super simple.
I think I'm going to have to drop Barq and Byte.
I like them but the other characters movement specials are just too good. Good Ribbon girls have about .1 seconds where you can hit them after they constantly jump and fast fall and and Springmen and others have moves that Are too good.
It's disappointing.
Hitting aerial opponents isn't that hard, especially Ribbon Girl, she's super predictable.
Other than not using weapons that don't curve up, there's nothing you can do but practice more.
>especially ribbon girl
Bullshit. Unlike every other aerial opponent she can either continue jumping or quick dive to the ground.
Ribbon can't dodge or block while attacking in midair, and seeing how she spends most of her time in the air. That means if you get your dodge game stronk enough, you can punish her hard after every single time she wiffs.
Then you aren't punishing fast enough nigga. You tried rushing in to grab?
That's something nobody can do so doesn't make her easier to deal with than other characters in the air.
>That's something nobody can do
What game are you playing?
Unless you're playing Master Mummy or Mechanica, dodging punches should have been the first thing you learned.
I started with mechanica and she's my main. Should I start learning someone else? I'm the op of the original question
Noone else can block and shit in midair dumbass. Ribbongirl is a straight upgrade aerial wise. Nothing there makes her more predictable in the fucking air.
It's just that Mechanica and Mummy can tank small arms and not flinch.
I've seen top tier Mechanica and Mummy, they just play differently than other characters.
In essence, just lay on the pressure and never stop. Get right up in the opponents faces and knock them down with something you're comfortable getting hits with.
The thing is, both of those characters have a big weakness to grabs, especially at close range, so it's going to take practice anticipating and deflecting those.
Honestly though, being rushed down by a character who doesn't flinch is absolutely terrifying.
I feel you, every match I have to put in extra work just to land hits. Things really wouldn't be so bad for B&B if his arm size wasn't so small and if Barq could get up faster. Having a gimmick that's easy to shut down sucks, no one else in this game is as gimped as B&B, so I don't blame you for wanting to switch.
I keep rolling with him since I genuinely do like his character and style, I just wish I didn't have to do more to win than the rest of the cast.
Yep. Barq has trouble on arenas with multiple levels already making jumping on him risky.
Ribbon main here.
You're right, Ribbon is op and not enough people play her.
What's worse, dual Hydra or dual slaps?
Duel slaps is god tier if you throw them straightforward to spammers
I must not be very good at using slaps then.
The item description says it's good for catching people who dodge a lot, but for me it seems like they won't hit anyone who isn't standing still.
Is there a trick to it?
ARMS confirmed for EVO Japan 2018
pretty crazy.
Dual slaps, for bit hitbox, long lasting active frames, and high curve.
>ibbon can't dodge or block while attacking in midair, and seeing how she spends most of her time in the air. That means if you get your dodge game stronk enough, you can punish her hard after every single time she wiffs.
what ARMS do you think are good to rush?
i play mummy but I mostly stay on defence at range and use flame birdie to poke and megaton to defend against everything
Throw em when they're stuck in the air, or whatever direction they're dashing.
All it boils down to is response to sloppy attacks. Often you'll see rank 10 and below slinging both fists without thinking, etc. All you have to do is sit back and study each player.
So I've been thinking about Mummy a lot recently and what a genuinely good block ability would look like.
What if there was a character who got increased damage/arm girth from taking shield damage but also had a weaker shield to give it a risk/reward element?
I was playing a decent Max Brass and he has 0 incentive to not constantly try to get buff.
Every single time I tried to punch him from buffing he would simply deflect them and Have a regular charge.
I assumed slaps would be made perfectly for kobra besides the hydra but I get destroyed by kobra all the damn time. I'd med a hydra in my set but it seems wastefull
Sorry I meant trident
Birdies can fuck RB upways.
Personally, I think having Electro Birb on one arm and a good deflecting punch on the other would be useful against RB.
As mummy you don't really have dodge options, but also you don't really need them either.
Even dual birdies would be good if you wanna be mega aggressive.
Slaps are for Ninjara. You'd better homie or ram ram those fucks
>electro burd
I used to use it but the shock barely lasts. Unlike every other electric arm it wears off before a throw can connect.
I haven't noticed that.
All the Twintelle use it, and they throw me constantly, so I don't know. Must just be because they are always up close.
If you get hit by seekie just relax and watch the opponent dance around and throw you at their leisure. If you get by burd spam lunch or punch the second it wears off and you will rarely get thrown.
As a Ribbon main I think she's not as great as people think she is.
This, been playing her since day 1, shes nowhere near as people make her out to be, people that cry OP, are the same people that were crying about Ninjara grab spammers on day 1
How do I get less shit at aiming, i'm constantly flubbing with everything but boomerangs