thighs prime edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
fuck youre waifu mine is superior
d e d
ur waifu a slow
>tfw your operator will never fug another operator while their warframes fug each other in the background
end it magfag
th-the thighs weigh her down! no bully!
>not Nezha
ur waifu a shit
Nova's only down side is she might be the least pleasing warframe to look at
>ywn be a shota operator dominated by another operator that looks like the class rep
>average frost player
>chroma prime finally gets shat out
>they actually make the frame itself female while the pelt still resembles a males structure
anyways, how would you "rework" chroma? only changes I can think of are combining her 2 and 3, and changing her passive. maybe her passive could be like the secura lecta, where enemies she kills drops extra credits?
Is it better to turn extra mods into Endo or try to get lucky at Transmuting?
and of course he's got the twitch prime syandana
nova has some of the best hips in this game though, also has a great gap.
more like
>every frost player
make his 1 work similar to Ivara, selecting elements and thus affecting his 2 and 3
d-do we k-kiss now?
Anything you can do with duplicate frost prime other then vendor for credits? Feels like such a waste
I just have the other one in my inventory completely unused to prove that I had a frost prime before the twitch event and am therefore not a shitter.
back before the second dream was a thing and everyone was still doing drawings like this nova got some quality art too.
they really should give the operator a different emote wheel, not just for dancing but for actually displaying emotion since unlike a warframe they actually have a face
do you think DE would actually do that? we'll, they are working on a better wrinkle map for better facial expression
I'm coming back to this game after a year and half haitus, and I have only one question: what has DE done to Saryn, and is it still possible to play my waifu effectively?
post taters, rate taters
Spores. Molt. Spore your Molt. Spore it some more. Smash Spores with things that do gas damage. Mash more Spores on your Molt. Continue this process til your eyes bleed.
this is a good edition
>do you think DE would actually do that?
For plats.
I want to try that build.
>no warm coat
Your build sucks
that's what the spare slot is for, silly
So nothing entirely new. Was hoping to get back to the glory days of Saryn where you would build for strength and reduced duration to have Miasma kill everything.
What are the most FUN weapons? Disregarding tiers, like most fun to use?
I would like to try to join the Warbros No Fun Allowed
My IGN is LuckyLuchiano
here is a haiku
I would like to join
I am tired of space alone
Clan research locks reeee
just gonna drop off some fat beats
Bows (specially fast bows)
Glaives (Orvius as a hand remote explosive is pretty cool, better with the recent buff)
Heavy Blade with the Spin to win stance
Snipers when not fucked by poor aim in no scope
god fucking dammit
>Using the Seer with Harrow like the Kansas city faggot I am
>Covenant's forced crit bonus make the Seer do LESS damage
I honestly find this hilarious and I want to see what kind of coding leads to this situation.
>fat Morrigan on the other page
You sicken me but I will admit the pun made me laugh.
Spectral Scream should be Spectral Beam
Elem Ward and Vex Armor should never be changed Fuck You™
Effigy doesn't do enough damage to make a difference at higher levels so its just a credit farm tool. Make the pelt be a more active combatant by making it normally mobile with melee attacks and being able to fire the Spectral Beam. If attacks ignore armor to some degree then it can be a worthwhile investment of energy for sorties and such. Its normal behavior should have the control of Guided Effigy, meanwhile the augment should be changed so that it makes the pelt follow you around like a giant super sentinel.
Idea addendum: Hold down the power button to charge Spectral Beam which gradually increases its resulting damage output in return for a higher energy drain, the max charge period being about 2 seconds. The formula should increase energy drain linearly but multiplicatively for the damage. It should also ignore armor because fuckit that's half the reason why nobody uses Scream in the first place besides Power Range being a dump stat for the other abilities.
Remember that it is literally impossible for the Seer to crit via ANY multiplicative means. Only base additive crit effects will work, and even then I'm pretty sure those crits do't do anything because Seer desn't just have zero ability to crit... it has NO BONUS CRIT MULTIPLIER.
Let Chroma choose his element on the fly like ivara's arrow
is it just me or do Harrow's "touch fluffy tail" animations look slightly more autistic than the other warframes
there's one where he pets the cat with both hands that i've never seen another frame do and it's pretty convincingly autistic
Yeah user, I know and that's exactly why it amuses me. Literally no crit chance or damage bonuses so it's some hard modifier and if forced into a crit-state (Sufficient damage from Covenant or that kot's forced red crit buff) then that damage multiplier seems to overwrite my applied mods; maybe not removing them outright but the damage output drops dramatically so some kind of negative damage effect is coming into play.
It's clearly not something as simple as 'doesn't apply crit damage even if a crit is rolled' going on with it and the Miter was the same way before they buffed it and gave back its crit stats.
when will the seer get a pbr/colour pass
I want to change the gold shit to not be gold shit
Wasn't that two years ago?
I've been waiting for them to fix the CRT monitor since it released; it shows the texture sheet for the entire Seer instead of a view screen like they intended. Maybe with the Knell having been released they'll retrofit the Seer with an actual scope mechanic but I'm sure all of this is just wishful thinking, DE has entirely forgotten about it.
Decals when? I want to slap dumb shit onto the face of my warframe
It's called sigils. Some can stretch into the face.
>Spectral Scream should be Spectral Beam
I know, and it's not enough.
the animation where a frame uses both hand is just very uncommon. also, operators petting kubrows/kavats when? and they should at least show some emotion, bonus points if DE gives them voice lines too.
Opinions on True Steel on Excal to proc Shadow Step more often? Unnecessary?
What are your HOPES for the Umbra "Sacrifice" quest? What are your EXPECTATIONS?
buzlok, kohm, almost any weapon that can cut bodies, sobek with augment, tetra with augment
Operator petting warframes when? I want to pet my Inaros.
more consistency can't hurt, especially if you're likely to get fucked over on it
I want my operator to molest my Nova's chest and thighs.
What other frames fill Ash's role better? I've fallen in love with the guy while being a rank 6 shitter getting carried through missions, spamming invis and hopping around like a retarded monkey. Or realising that his 4 completely trivialises the relay fights after getting my ass handed to me a couple of times by that one cunt who sends the damage you deal back at you.
If you're talking about this one then it's just an uncommon one and not exclusive to Harrow. But having the grineer maggkot skin makes it extra autistic because hover hands.
>having a chest
Can we get operators who don't walk straight through warframes like they're not even there first?
I like a small front, but thicc thighs user.
Any Warframe with a gun
Ash has no role
patrician taste user
So in the second dream, what made my warframe get up? Was it just "lmao transference"?
Because I think it'd be cooler if it actually had a bit of a soul instead of being a total puppet.
It does. Warframes have complete minds of their owns, they just submit to the will of their operators.
Depends on what you mean by role. His strongest quality that's unique to him is his increased bleed damage passive. No other warframe has that. So he's great with weapons that proc slash. All his other stuff is outclassed however. I'd recommend Loki since he's similar but more effective. Better invisibility & more interesting teleport.
who was in the wrong here?
info at the time TSD released implied Warframes still had some cognitive function left in them and commentary from something else quite familiar with Warframes further support the idea but DE has kept it pretty vague as to whether or not frames are autonomous or are just meat puppets. My bet is there is some kind of consciousness still inside them.
I was a banshee on Hydron pressing 4
I'd imagine a buttmad Novafag over the Banshee 'kill stealing.'
Would be awesome if warframes did have souls & we could eventually get into operator form, then have our frames act as a body guard
Bitch please. Trolling faggots on Akkad with negative strength Bladestorm is a role.
But I don't want to play as a fuckboi. Going slow during the war within was the worst experience of my life, even when you get the "go fast" ability, it has a limit so you're still slow as shit.
Well buckle up user because the next Mechanical expansion will be physical Operator combat complete with scavenger tribal armor and pipeguns :^)
play as a fuckgirl then
atlas for being a whiny shitter
also blacklisted
the next cinematic quest will let our operator use weapons and give them void jetpacks!
The female hairstyles are all hideous.
I'd rather spend the rest of my life farming underwater missions.
What's the fucking point of Helminth Chargers? Why would you choose that over vacuum? Is their damage actually good for anything or are they mastery fodder?
Your first mistake is thinking any pets have a point.
All pets are basically Mastery fodder unless you desperately need kitty farming buff.
Kubrows are great overall over sentinals, but bitchboi's NEED vacuum so they'll never enjoy the superiority of the true best follower.
(you) poured that on a little thick, user.
True Beastmaster Warframe who can bring along an army of pets when?
a dedicated leech?
They really shouldn't be fucking with Chroma. Yes, he's really good... with NINE GOD DAMN FORMA, MAXED PRIMED MODS, AND MAXED CORRUPTED MODS so he fucking should be.
Go and actually fix Oberon or Hydroid.
Transmutation isn't worth it. Endo them.
If tater combat included having like three of my pets with me at the same time, each with some basic commands then I'd give it a shot.