prev: more academy skins when edition
prev: more academy skins when edition
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>Not even 600 posts
RIP this thread.
you motherfuckers need jesus
Image limit on other one desu
the best part is the IPs didnt even break 150
image limit though
Threads still get regularly deleted if you do it before 750.
>132 IPs
You guys sure are pros in this kind of thing,huh?
xth for getting autofilled
How does Sona feel about having a megabust?
I love Lux.
Xth for I want to marry Tristana. Off to sleep now. See you tomorrow lolg.
which enemy support makes you think FREELO more? Thresh or Leona?
What champion pisses you off the most?
All of them because supports are shit.
Lux is a wonderful person.
I love Sona.
Enemy? I would much rather play against a leona than a thresh. Thresh has the option of playing safe and a lantern "sick play" is more frustrating than an actual, legitimate sick play from leona because thresh inherently has more options than Leona.
Leona is my third most played champ but I just don't feel she's better than thresh at this moment in time.
That isn't to say she's "bad", because someone with 3 stuns is still insane, but it's the whole fewer options thing that really gets her.
>everyone is picking thresh because pros thought it would be time to play thresh again for no reason
wow sure is fun
Why do i only get shitty skins from these things
What do I have to do to get syndra to step on my cock and balls?
Everyone always picked thresh since he was released.
I doubt he ever left the top 5 most popular supports
I love my wife, Riven!!!!!!
I'm gonna get Sjokz pregnant and get her revealing clothes that are a bit too tight so she sorta looks like she's about to bust out of them with her giant everything
i want this skin so bad but i don't want to spend money on it because i own mafia already..
He's too good at too many things, fuck that champion.
Me too!
That is one sexy hobo.
>4 skillshots
Name one champion that takes more skill than Xerath.
How do I play time nigger properly? He feels really weak in lane.
Riven is cute
Just all-in and press undo lmao
Who are some guaranteed freelo cancer champs I can pick once I get up to 4800 IP? Renekton? Rumble? Vayne? Fizz? Cait? Darius? Ahri? Yorick?
The one you can play
Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.
It goes by patches really.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>open 2 chests
>wicked lulu
>dragon trainer lulu
Is this game trying to tell me something
I haven't even played lulu
Are you actually good, or?
> Lose promos to masters
> Three days later D3 0 LP
Did I ever tell you how much I like Duskblade?
splitpush trynd for you then
Why is that fucking monkey going into an unwarded jungle when that far behind. Muh adc in 2k17 reddit tier meme in a nutshell.
adc main?
I can't play Trynd for shit.
>tfw 1:19AM
>tfw tilted
>tfw no one to grind LP with in Solo/Duo Q
Why even be bed ridden?
Watch neace or jay sea to learn Trynd.
can i cleanse fizz ult? the sum spell
>Finally made it to Silver after 4 seasons of playing
Feels good man, feels real good. No more bronze games for me.
what elo are you?
I've never been able to play him or Yi, I don't really get the meme that melee right clickers are easy.
Shut up Darwin
Guess you're fucked then.
Does anyone else really like the old artstyle used in a lot of the skin splashes? Not to say the new ones are bad, but shit like Sanguine Garen, Shamrock Malphite, Cowgirl MF, or Caterpillar Kog all have this really dark green heavy coloration to them.
Gold V trash.
Why is blue Kayn so shit?
well cant duo with you, Im diamond 4 trash
2017 Remilia nudes. What do you people think?
what the fuck is this edited?
absolutely disgusting. Post op trannies are a waste of oxygen
Top/mid, I think it's time to join them but learning new shit is going to make me drop further fug.
No, 1x speed and happened like two hours ago.
Is the dick really gone? Not bad at all desu
go away
also neither of us actually had ghost, that visual effect happened on its own
Do you feel in charge?
I don't know. Can't tell with these pics since it wouldn't be hard to hide it with those angles. Either way yep, they're pretty good.
i always wonder how shit like this gets leaked. like is it hacks or a spiteful ex.
>Teleports behind your waifu
Heh, nothin personal... Kid...
>be GP against Akali
>Her Q (or whatever it is) does more damage than my Q
>decide to farm right on my tower
>Akali dives me and lives with 15 hp
>routinely dives me after hitting 6 and live with low hp
>Jungler doesn't even gank despite her doing this for an entire 10 minutes
I don't understand. She was directly in my tower range, I wasn't even close to pushing.
I also am curious to know how these were obtained. Spiteful ex is very possible, but I've also considered how she recently received donations in the thousands for surgery and could have sent these to her donators as a thank you. I want more.
I'm assuming she got paid decently to do pro play abroad, and the surgery for it isn't THAT expensive, so it could be possible. Hasn't she learned a lesson about sharing nudes though?
>Akali with Revolver and Duskblade
I'd fuck that tranny
It's him whoring himself out for attention because he's mentally ill and needs that. Without attention and constant validation he'd kill himself.
He's posting the nudes here to get attention. Tranny 101.
not bad, but the cooch looks a little too high up the abdomen
I want to main Draven but I don't know how to ADC, what the fuck do I do?
learn how to adc
then she could at least give us a better view of the fenis
DESU looks way better than any other of >our girls.
Except for Rammuschan, she's still the #1 slut.
I wish he'd stayed a boy so he could be a qt boy instead of an ugly gril.
Yes, quite so.
>we get kayn
>he goes assassin
>lose game
really makes you think
It was like a $3k donation goal I think. But she got the majority of it from like 2 people so there's your potential leakers. And I guess not, seeing as how these popped up. I'm not complaining though...
if I were Remilia I would have a patreon and be shoving nude pics in everyone's faces every fucking day. She has a pretty good tranny body that I'm certain people would pay a lot of money for.
>those fake as fuck tits that look like complete plastic
>fake as fuck face without makeup and maintenance
>putting a dildo up your "vagina" so that your "vagina" doesn't close
I guess that's one way to live
this desu
flat chest and orchiectomy>whatever that thing is
I do think that old Remi was best Remi.
I can see better ones for free.
>munching unnecessary amounts of pills to kill your organs extra fast
Just posting Ionia's and Demacia's respective best girls. Now I'm off to work now /lolg/ try not to be to gay while I'm gone. And remember traps are gay.
> In 2013 we made a conscious effort to shift away from the “hourglass girls”
Why we still playing this cuck shit game?
Is Trick the only popular Udyr main?
I don't know anyone else who mains him.
Well that's something I could have gone my entire life without knowing.
Why in the fuck would you do this, why the fuck is this pedaled as a cure to the mentally ill, holy shit.
Posting Demacia's ACTUAL best girl.
>new account security video with Tristana
So this blue midget has the best ass in the game. Prove me wrong if you can.
I honestly really wonder how you trannies live with yourself everyday
you guys are almost fucking inhuman jesus christ lmao
I honestly gotta wonder why they didn't just give him a new set of abilities or a more different Q to that form.
learn to kite
learn to cs
learn to trade
learn to teamfight
learn to dodge stuns
respect the ones shots
learn to auto-space
and you know can play almost all AD's.
Man I feel bad, but at the same time not really,
because they think that in the current year they can become an actual female
it's actually hilarious
>reeee stop pretending to care about their safety, you just want to oppress them! The reason so many of them commit suicide is that they get bullied on the internet!
>Why in the fuck would you do this
Because they're mentally ill and an entire horde of liberals are urging them on, telling them how they'll only be complete if they chop their dick off.
Fun fact, the suicide rate doesn't really change post-op. They're still killing themselves, dick or no dick.
What's better lolbabs, your dead game or trannies?