old: If you don't reply to this thread Jax will kill you in your sleep edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Name a cuter support
shit I guess it's time for me to whip out my Zed huh
Best ship
Assasin Kayn is garbage tier but Rhaast is fucking as overpowered as it gets ina MOBA, overall then Kayn is balanced great job Riot!
>play Zigg
>team get lucky Ace
>see turrets
I want to hate fuck heal sluts.
Jinx is cuddly and cute
no he wont
janna, sona, soraka, to name a few
don't fall for the "it's bad to play more than one champion or role well" meme
it's just people being upset they can't do it all well, too
buy executioners
also morello's grievous wounds need to work at higher health percent
user did you even look at the picture?
buffs when?
inb4 1%
>playing Yorick after this patch
oh sweet mama
Okay, so where's the Zed x Kayn and Aatrox x Rhaast porn?
According to the lore they put up in red posts Zed is Kayn's teacher and they both care a lot about each other. Shit about Zed seeing himself in Kayn and Kayn wanting to become stronger than Zed to make him proud.
Meanwhile, apparently Aatrox was basically the leader of the Darkin and Rhaast wants to be the one on top now. The porn fucking writes itself on that one.
Also, apparently Syndra's thrown in there somewhere as she and Zed get along as well with the whole "absolute power denied" sorta thing.
jimx is literal hobo
like riven
absolutely disgusting
fuck off axe no one likes you
>it's bad
what does that even mean?
It's harder to climb by playing 85256223 champions at once (and the most common cause of people not climbing is that they keep picking champs they are inexperienced with) but it's not "bad" or "good"
Apart from Riot have literally zero administration on EUW or KR, people can int 200+ games in a row and go unbannned, the behaviours you see on theses servers doesn't exist on NA because actually get banned.
just buy thorn mail on everybody morellos is a meme item now that thorn mail is so good.
When can jax usually start fighting people 1v1?
Trin force? That or does it have to be with titanic.
What do you do about fiora and trynd?
Always have trouble with those guys.
Lulu is the CUTEST!
it's evenbetter on eune where you can do whatever you want and the only punishment is a 20 minute wait time and that's automated
>morellos is a meme item
this fucking retard
How do I win with this champion past bronze?
Get help from friends like your resident midlaner or jungler and get to 6 items then shit all over the map
>on jax
nigger just build hextech and guinsoos
xth for Karthus x Kayle
Purest ship!
Its so fucking shit to main adc, althought bot is a lane that is supposed to farm if you only farm and carry late game the jungle or mid are the ones that get the honor because they "carried early game". If somehow you outplay the enemy lane its always the fucking support that gets the honor.
I want to stop playing this cuck role that get 0 recognition. No matter how positive I am, no matter how hard I carry with my good positioning, I never get more than 1 honor in the game.
Can someone give me tips for mid and jungle? I want to main those roles now.
no matter which fighter you are just rush ninja tabi and he stops existing
whenever you like. Jax won't lose to anyone.
the only Jax one-trick in Korea Challenger always builds tittyhydra for Jax
he can't be wrong, can he?
Don't fall for the titanic meme. You're a splitpusher, not a teamfighter don't even bother trying to build like one.
Is Diana good now?
Shiphtur is spamming her in solo queue, so something must be up
xth for breast metal waifu
>Single spell
If Illaoi doesn't get all but her q to land well she's not blowing anyone up before she gets devoured.
She'll always need a ghost for her ult to do it's full damage because the tentacles automatically swing at a ghost and a person who got their soul broken.
Otherwise it takes her a bit to cast w and dunk a person before the tentacles go, which is plenty of time to flash out or hit her with CC.
Illaoi's actually a very balanced champ. There's a lot of weaknesses on her to exploit if you know them but she can also work to circumvent those with careful planning.
I know, right? Like, the weakened ghoul AAs would seem bad, but the smarter AI and the longer range on all his shit is just so good.
I left lane to go fight in the river and came back to find graves still waiting.
>people will believe this and hyperfeed my ranked games
Ah, just as usual
lcs players can make garbage soloq champions work.
are you as good as lcs players user?
Why is Ashe wearing pants?
Do you build hextech and guinsoos because it's better for splitting?
Why is it better?
Also how do you deal with fiora still?
Did the nerfs hurt her that bad?
When you're a challenger tier Jax player you can build whatever the fuck you want, you can go AP and do well.
Are they ever going to update Urgot in Creator Viktor's splash?
Kled is so cute and adorable! I love him!
But that's not Heimer and Kled!!
>play draft once
>jungler is telling me to focus on my mid tower when I'm pinging drag
>explain to him that the minions push the towers
>he tells me to play blind
Fuck you kid I think I will go back to my excuse not to be full of myself
>build full ap
>be super squishy
>go in
>blow up
Doesn't seem like a good plan.
Yeah he went full edgelord after diaperman tore him a brand new boypussy and blamed Yi, then Yi raged and afked.
Should've dodged.
>listening to lolg silvers
stevens jax and hashinshin build triforce titty hydra, that should be all you need to know
>Oriana gets one kill
>wins the game
When's the fucking nerf?
Best method I've noticed of detecting if a low Diamond is boosted without running through their profile with a comb is by checking on their normal games, look for when they face another Diamond player and see how badly they get stomped.
But /lolg/ insists a Diamond 1 0 lp Zed main with a 73% win rate in ranked who was a gold 5 support main last season and constantly plays Zed in normals and loses to silver 5's isn't suspicious.
It wasn't drag I actually pinged the enemy raptors after I warded them, it was the worst
She's not those are her boots you can see her thighs there.
Those are kneesocks. Also the freljord is cold you know!
Is he playable now?
When did Zed get so many good friends and become so cute?
>Someone tries to stop my splitpush
>Shadowstep away
Been waiting years for this ability to make it into the game, shit's gorgeous.
*melts your heart*
fluffy tails!
chogath build
>enemy diana and jarvan dive my draven
>they can't kill him through the 5000 HP locket shield
>I then 1-hit diana with ult when I get in range
Chogath is really something special this patch.
If you are wonding about the triforce, I replaced ninja tabi with it as 7th item.
>listening to other niggas
just build whatever the fuck works for you
so what's the deal with cho gizzle right now
does his ult scale with hp now or something, I don't know what's happened to he
he's op literally cannot lose his lane.
Is she a slut, /lolg/?
>get 26 LP
>lose 16 LP
What does this mean? I'm so bad the game is literally pitying on me so I can climb?
>tfw you will never hear her moan
Yeah. His passive change was a nice buff, you can easily stay in lane forever.
>flat 50% winrate in BRONZE
>goes down with elo
nah, he's still shite
let me give you a quick rundown
>W now a bit better early
>E now a lot stronger all game, but especially late because of health scaling, also added a slow
>R does not lose stacks on death, and get get stacks infinitely as long as you are eating champions and epic monsters
>Stoneplate doubles HP, and his ult damage scales with 10%HP, it's damage isn't reduced because it's true damage
>locket scales with HP too and is not reduced by stoneplate
why are people so fucking against a 5 move speed twisted fate buff?
*steals your heart*
gargoyle stoneplate doubles HP if you have 3 enemies near you
the 60%damage debuff it gives is nullified since your ult deals true damage
it's disgusting
It means your MMR is higher than your rank suggests. Go to op.gg and check it, it will tell you what your estimated MMR is, if it's higher than where you're at you'll gain more LP for wins.
>Still no gentleman thief champ.
share your source
*rapes ur boipucci*
yeah cho is pretty fucking retarded right now but if you try to call it out here people are gonna tell you you're a retard
also why the triforce?
thats TF you fuck
>Jax is the enemy top
>i picked Fiora
>he wrecks my shit and i get 0 help,
>"Fuck this shit nigga, ima go kill camps"
>kill camps
>snowball and get 7 kills
>Jax starts complaining in all chat
>win game
sample size is 70000 games plat+
inconclusive results
Probably because everyone but me is an idiot.
>there are persona faggot in this thread right now
absolutely disgusting
What? I have a 46% winrate and literally hardstuck on Silver V with almost 100 games, how hasn't my mmr tanked?
When did Peanut become so ugly
>implying TF is an actual champ right now
>kittens being torn apart one limb at a time and is sacrificed to the devil
is what i think she sounds like
i might suck dick but global pressure is one hell of a thing to have these days
MMR fluctuates based on the teams you've beaten and lost to. It's possible to have a negative win rate and still gain MMR if you're winning against the teams you're supposed to, losing against the teams you're supposed to and have a few good wins against teams you're supposed to lose to.
very rough example:
Your MMR is 1000
You win one against a team that the matchmaker judges you should beat and gain 10 MMR
You lose two against a team the matchmaker judges you should lose to and lose 20 MMR
You win one against a team the matchmaker thinks you should lose to and gain 15 MMR
Net MMR gain is +5 for an ending MMR of 1005 even though you went 2/2
If your team was on the weaker side according to ranks and you win, that also helps.
>literal personification of death and the personification of war are fucking GARBAGE in game
>man with shotgun was one of the strongest champions until recently
I think the 22 kill Yasuo might have been the one carrying that game to be honest
he asked me to push all i could. and so i did.
League of Legends
more like
League of Lethality
Karthus and Pantheon? Strong shit on soloqueue and they've been for a while.
>Warlords Riven
>tfw new champ is confirmed yaoi
Damn it Riot we need more yuri! Nobody cares about 2 guys together.
Kindred and Aatrox.
its normals, who knows
It's not even global anymore.
Maybe before but TF global pressure is not that scary, specially now when you can just qss or banshee veil to make him completely useless.
He has so much counter play and gets shit on so hard by everyone in lane, completely giving up lane phase to possibly win the other lanes is not so worth it anymore specially when every relevant mid can instantly nuke a wave down so goodbye shoving mid and then ulting.
TF is starting to feel like a relic.
>Play normal game
>It's a bunch of silvers/golds
>Except out jungler is diamond 1 for some reason
>yurifags on suicide watch