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Only lived once:
>Patch Notes
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>What Legendary/Epic card should I pick?
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>Leaked Campaign
Only lived once:
Mild Boa of da Lake
fucking nothing
buff when?
holy shit, this is the worst card you can get
how come i cant remove the shitty border
nice game poland
>not embracing the wooden plank border
The guards won't be pleased
ee yus tired McTagabagat
No use tirin' ma' tongue 'bout dat.
fucking scots
Your tricks will not save you, Duane.
Carnivatels? Hungry like a wolf, I am.
Discipline, that is what you fall clack
> If if peafe you defie, pfeape fo wo
I sure love losing MMR to shitty bugs.
/gwt/ is nilfgaardian clay
>aegroto dum anima est, spes est their queenguard
>bounce vicovaro and pull their other one
>"your opponent has forfeited"
Thanks for the tips guys(from the previous thread)
local godling does it again
Well, I've done it. I've opened the worst keg imaginable.
Gwent Open Cup semifinals are starting. Based Petrify is in it.
based swim is streaming so sod off
>seriously watching that ugly neet
>seriously watching that whiney aussie bitch
> watching streams
suck my dick
> playing QG against NG
> round 3 starts, he plays his last medic
> now he has my full QG army
> I have nothing
> new match, against SK
> discard and play QG before he can vicovaro medic them
> instant Letho my queens
QG vs NG is probably the most one sided match up in Gwent.
* new match against NG of course
> my win condition is grave magic that can give you a 20 points swing with one priestess in hand at r3
> throw a fit when people deny your hack win condition
really made me go hmmmmm
that is exactly why I have one vicovaro medic in my deck
It has screwed over so many queensguards decks singlehandly by sniping a buffed queensguard which overall is a massive swing.
>r3 starts
>assire 2 of his QG back into his deck
never gets old
bases NG taking a dump on all other factions of the game even though it's at the bottom of the ladder
I lost a couple games to Serrit because I was running handbuff ST. I couldn't even be mad.
post cards you would have sexy time with
They have the technology.
Albaman, for example, is the destroyer of Bloody Baron decks.
serrit is just the worse version of sweers
I'd enlist in White Rayla's mercenary band, if you know what I mean.
bloody baron decks are a meme. i play with letho since the new meta started and i just keep my dbomb for him in r3. always hilarious to see them ragequit
I agree, but it is a card that counters handbuff ST. That's not something you should probably tech against. Which is why I was so surprised to see it and consequently lose to it.
I legit thought that this Dagon Swarm is a meme. Like, when I saw everyone raving about it I just wondered how you can possibly build a deck around Triss:Butt
Tried it out today and climbed 600 MMR. Why is this allowed?
you can't even tech against him anyways once your card has been revealed you take that risk, you can only play other revealed cards in case he has a decoy at hand
what deck do you play? mulligan or spell? i kind of want to try mulligan since it's like reveal
>Tfw show this game to gf
>tfw gf hates it but plays it nontheless
>tfw actually beats me whit starter deck (mine is 6th lv one)
>tfw now makes fun of me
What skill do you even need to have to play this game
in order to be good at gwent you need to be part of the cool guys™ and use the most cancerous netdecks out there, the ones made by the autistic streamers with mental issues
Most one sided match up is NG vs. Dorfs by far.
>Auckes locks two defenders
>Decoy Auckes to lock the other two
>use Peter on any cards that get buffed by Adrenaline Rush
>Igni all surviving Dwarves
They always forfeit after R1
>>tfw actually beats me whit starter deck (mine is 6th lv one)
I meant reveal shouldn't really tech against handbuff ST, but yeah you can only play around Serrit by playing the card right away.
I currently play mulligan, but I'm working on the list right now. It was having a lot of trouble with dagon. So I'm just completely reworking it. It's definitely fun, but you're gonna have to really learn how to blacklist and mulligan to make it work.
That guy.
> igni
> not letho
lol, nothing more hilarious than revealing he has a zoltan and ithline in hand, letting him organize them all in a nice row and buff them to hell with immune boost only to banish and reset the living shit out of them
Wouldn't mind
end yourself my man
not autistic, just smug.
i'm legit getting frustrated just seeing this guy's face and i never even watched his streams. some people just have a natural shit eating grin to them
>hurr durr there's no such thing like a punchable face
fuck off cunts
*sips water*
He's just a nice guy, having some fun. What d'ya mean punchable face?
his laugh alone deserves a sock in the face
*giggles uncontrollably while baiting out donations*
>Dagon, Dagon, Dagon, Radovid Control, Milfgaard, Dagon Dagon
Meh, I think I'm done with this until next patch. Got already my sweet 4k and these last few matches dropped me to 3.9k because of netdecking shitters.
And people thought consume was gonna stay T1. No chance against radovid and dragon.
>Swim bashing
he is a nice person and at least not arrogant like Noxious or Fagtrify
I like swim, I just pretend to hate him to get /gwt/ cred.
>knowing he is facing Dagon 6/8 games
>dont tech against
user, I...
How do I win against Radovid as Dagon?
It seems like Radovid is the ultimate hardcounter to token spam.
go second
hope he drew really badly
thats it
out-tempo the fucking cuck. need to get that dat card advantage.
*Blocks your path*
>Emhyr in the background
sorry, wrong timeline
I didnt want to visit worst leader anyway
But Dagon token spam isn't a tempo deck...
>You have to either netdeck or pick the anti-netdeck
Nah, fuck it.
It depends.
Why does locking a Reaver Hunter not do anything?
Anyone thought about running Unicorn Yen to counter token monsters?
Yeah, in an axemyn deck maybe.
why waste a gold when you can take tremor or lacerate?
this nigga had a 25 power braen in r3
w t f
you just got D A N G L E D
me on the left
what's the most cancerous bullshit deck i can craft right now
sitting at 3.6k scraps and bored of NR
probably token dagon. pray for no badovid and you'll do fine.
scorch'tael is even worse than dagon IMO but you can always count on dagon to keep being cancer even when the game balance change. that's the most consistent thing in gwent
is /ourboy/ Petrify playing in the finals, lads?
remember goys; foglets, raiders, and blue mountains are fine, but golems are fundamentally broken.
oh and saskia is fine.
I think actually the spiders ARE fine for deck thinning considering they require a set up. Raiders and foglets can be a little too powerful tbqh.
>tfw your faction gets overnerfed without any sort of compensation
>he gets beat by his significant other
don't you have a high school to finish?
did /ourboy/ Petrify just win the tourney?
yea he did
>made it to 3700 mmr
feels good man
hopefully you werent playing cancer
Running that OceanMud deck Petrify's been using, so anti-cancer(?)
The dagon one that counters dagon? Still pretty cancerous.
oceanmud's deck runs eredin & frosts as opposed to foglets.
yep. i'm honestly surprised how well it works
Guess I thought it was the other deck. All monsters are still cancer though.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Ciri: Dash in NG? Why do people play her? Isn't she just a 12 strength gold card most of the times?
eredin doesn't see a lot of play, you can't really consider it cancer tbqhwy famalam.
What deck should i craft/play ?
The radovid deck i find most interesting but i would need to craft Villen, Roache and RNR i only have Bloody Baron(also that silver dragon)
Other deck i have cards which i could play if i craft few more is the fogglets triss butt, but that decks seems pretty gay.
What is some fun deck ? I mostly have NR/Monster cards so if its possible those factions.
I do have 10k scrap tho.
>THIS monster weather deck isn't cancer
just own it
>I do have 10k scrap tho.
just craft the shit while the games still alive
what else are you gonna do with it
b-b-but it doesn't run foglets! it uses extremely fair deck thinning tools! it has no triss butt!