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>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 7/13/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls Steam Page:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
>DR 1-2 Reload On PS4
>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more
>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ - Danganronpa General
>Cleanup on Aisle six! Saihara, get on it!
Remember to treat Kotoko to the utmost sweets!
>Her poor Jap teeth are fucked.
I love Junko!
Best giri. I love her so goddamn much.
Kotoko can get dentures
Nice best girls
Asahina is not for lewd
Lets calm down
This reminds me of the 'whip out your fat cocks where I can see them'-picture.
I'll calm you down.
Is this supposed to be hypnosis + feet? I don't really get it
posting best girl!
akamatsu-chan!normies edition!
What do they talk about, without any talent?
Do you self insert or do you want to smooch them both ESL-bot?
What else could it be?
Is it Lewd O' Clock lads?
The best!
I just lost my job, thanks.
Dangans are not for lewd.
You're welcome.
Over the line
My witch daughter is off limits you sick bastard
neck yourself
take that cancer away from best girl
Yeah Minions did nothing to deserve being paired with Oma
You know you want one of them with Kirigiri, ya naughty boy.
I want to smooch them both.
Best girl!
You have to give her up sometime, dad ;).
That's really cute
Balween get out
I'm so glad Saihara found her.
I can't think of anyone more qualified to heal him.
now that is a good best girl! right there
She needs healing also :'(
FF Kirigiri design is a gift from god. The other designs for the characters are great too
You're actually right. I could really use a non-explicit Kiri daki. I need to go hunting.
I really hope we do a /drg/ meetup at a con somewhere one day and I get to throw down with you lewdposters. I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS
FF outfits are really good yeah
lewd Himiko makes me uncomfortable
those minions are fucking everywhere
You can order custom daki with any art you want. It's not that expensive.
How good of a substitue is a daki for the fact that you will never embrace your waifu?
Body pillows don't feel like a person at all
Is nowhere to be seen because space is vast!
A late Angie and her beloved Saihara!
Shut up, my dreams are just as real as Azathoth's.
Close enough.
Unless that's filled with chicken bones I doubt it'll be anything like Komaeda
I'm not speaking from experience, but regardless if you're trying to simulate a person, it looks like wrapping both your arms and legs around a body pillow and holding your lower body flush against it would feel nice in a semi-sexual way.
Personally I didn't like the DR3 designs that much. It felt like they intentionally made the DR1 characters involved kind of dark and grey to bring more of a light on the new cast. I do think Kiri fits the 'mature business woman' look though, but still, her original design is just so perfect.
Is there some specific site you can do this on?
I'm not that interested in hugging it really, I just want more for my collection.
Well, if you order enough chicken and eat it every day...
I'm actually at work and don't have my usual picture. Would a kind user fill in that blank please~?
Would it be that hard to knit a body pillow in the shape of the character's body? Like a stuffed animal.
It'd look very disturbing
Uncanny valley, no thank you...
I know some of you bought these.
Are they nice?
>/drg/ meetup
Could be fun but it feels like we're all scattered around the world. Also I'm sure a shocking amount of us are autistic.
Also I got a block for posting . Is that against the rules despite it being game CG?
Might as well just make a tulpa
>Is posting nsfw on a blue board against the rules
The actual game CG was originally censored.
Imagine if your dad knew you liked this stuff
They look cute
I'm not in contact with my father but if I was he'd probably pretend to be into it since he spends his entire life trying to seem cooler than he is due to being in a perpetual midlife-crisis since the age of 12
Whatever. Fuck him anyway.
Hey, I think it'd be fun. I kind of want to cosplay sometime anyway. Of course, there'd need to be a relevant con somewhere in Europe...
What was the image? I must've missed it.
The Mahiru shower CG but showing actual nudity
Oh! Well duh, that's totally NSFW!
Stop being a degenerate scat fetishist.
Only fetishes like this can bring the greatest hope!
Must of been reported which is unusual considering the amount of nsfw content in the general.
People usually don't post actual NSFW
Hey! Let that go!!!
They definitely do. If I wasn't alone in an office i wouldn't post here at work.
Then I'll take this instead.
Aww, you clueless little thing. That's almost cute.
You have a pretty strict definition of "NSFW" kirianon, you'd die on /a/
I guess that's true. Luckily I don't watch anime. DR3 was the exception.
I use this thread pretty regularly and I usually see 5 to 10 pics that are varying levels of NSFW per thread. Of course it's still again the rules and warrants a ban but these images are rarely deleted.
Now have an example. This is not NSFW in any way.
That too!!
I want to kiss Kirigiri's Kirigiris
You stay away.
I want to do laps with Hina
I want to spitroast Monaca!
That's crude and rude, lewd dude.
Don't be so greedy, you need to share with the others. Your body is not only yours, it's for everyone to take care of.
This isn't a "LISA" general. Monaca's not the only girl in the game...