/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

> Next Demo Day 16

> Play Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
Godot: godotengine.org
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


First for lolis gamedevving.

What engine do I use for voxel memery?
Is vox any good?

looking for transhumanist artist

>turbo gay anime OP
worse than chicken op


Does /agdg/ have a discord?

Yes, but don't go there, it's filled with all-around shitty people.

Can someone explain how the gamemaker 2.0 license works? Do you have a limited amount of times you can install the program???

as an artfag I dont really know much in the way of code or navigating unity

what I want to know is how to change/customize a shader on a given material?

I want to set up a cartoon shader that transitions solidly from the scene lighting to half-lit and half-ambient to full shadows being the ambient color of the scene

just for testing purposes anyways

can i com pls?


so what's the difference to these threads?

early access here I come

What did you manage to do this weekends?
>new mystery with new card design
>reworked side-quests, adding new possible way of completing them (investigating a location, discarding spells, sacrificing allies and spending FUNDS)
>few cards here and there

I don't work on weekends.

atleast in these threads everybody is anonymous and you don't know who is posting.
On discord you know which person is a dickhead, plus they're just fake bastards.

I realized that this shit looks like something out of a decompiler.
As if yandev actually stole that from someone.

N-Nani ?!

Needs more features. Add a random drop change for a gun skins. Then you're ready

Add a highlighter so people can know where they are building their constructions.

Make cute.

one more day, one more chance. make it count.

I hope you fucking die you animefag.

>The Forest but memepoly
I'm not saying it wouldn't sell but I wouldn't play it.
That said, The Forest without the dumb cannibals and more terrain options (Digging for example) could be interesting.

Barely did shit. Added a lock on and tweaked the shooting so that it's not a full on aimbot when locked on. Tried making a couple designs but failed, currently doing a few visual stuff.
At least I've got an excuse, my gums are fucked because one of my wisdom teeth came out and it hasn't stopped hurting in two days.

Member to stay be cute

why is that gun shaking like a small dog?

Just an effect of recording VR. It doesn't really look like that in VR, it's just recording only one eye in a 2D plane makes it look shaky.

I see.


If I'm using gamemaker and want to have a bunch of equipable items with different stats and stuff, is there a more efficient way than just making a 2d array with all the stats of each item? Is it better to make an external text file with the information on it and have the game read from that or something?

Inspire me by giving (You)s!

1) genre of your game
2) are you fat?


the jitter on that input is making me sick. is that what VR-cucks find acceptable?

>Making fun of a dev with Parkinsons

1) minecraft
2) no

1) 2d platformer
2) no, but im out of shape, gamedeving takes a toll on your health tbqh

3rd person shooter of some kind
130 lbs, 6' 1"

pretty thin for a burger

Yeah, it's better and easier to use an external file.

- dating rpg
- yes but working on it

>Michael J Fox Survival experience 2017


>not by burger standards

believe it or not im not much of a neckbeard

also, i have a gf

Is there any good literature on indie dev marketing? Preferably something that isn't just anecdotal and has some hard data.

Steamspy's articles. Dig through gamasutra postmortems.

It's such a fast moving field that I wouldn't trust anything over two years old, other than the most general techniques.

>bullying anime fags on Veeky Forums
That's it : I'll do an anime game just to spite you.

Prove that you have a game and/or gf

Launching kickstarter soon

You're 40 lbs. underweight.

1) tactics turn-based open-world survival action RPG racing game
2)Fuck no

>it has building of log walls so it it is like the Forest
Anons like you with pea brains shouldn't be allowed to give their opinions.

1) Action + Arcade + ?
2) By my standards yes, by societies standards I'm closer to ripped.

Now add electricity, gas simulation and a complex medical system, then put it into space.

I worked on some UI shit. It was boring and I hate doing it.

Any idea where you're going from here?

I've already dropped the project. It was a nice waste of an afternoon.

post your bp

Can't pin it down to a genre yet

14-15% body fat, visible abs but not super shredded, trying to get down to 10%

how did you handle creating the turn list?

add voxel digging or scrap the whole game

scrap your head

For loop that calculates the actor for each turn after taking into account the priority values from the turn/s before.

I knew it.

you're moron, neck yourself!

Is your game just static images?

You imbecile! Castrate yourself!

where's her pretty mouth?

pull down her pants

For now, yes. It's early days.


That camera jerk when changing directions is painful

Doesn't looking at all of these /agdg/ posts just make you happy? Like it makes me feel like some genius when I compare myself to most of you guys.

Literally what's wrong with danmaku?

what are the essential games someone who wants to make a simple 2d platformer or maybe metroidvania should play?


Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for sure

Sengoku Rance

>thinking about putting game on Steam
>"I should make a company"
>all the bullshit associated with it

Has anyone made an LLC for selling their games?
I'm fine spending some money, but spending $4000 to put a Unity game on Steam seems a bit much
And like $1000 a year too...
And apparently if I'm the only member of the LLC, I can still get personally sued into oblivion, or some bullshit like that

what game has good waifu pixel art that is 32x32 and 64x64?

How about release a game, and once you make more than 500 dollars from it worry about making an LLC?

Any non platformer really, after that you'll realise how bad the platformer genre is

adventure island on one continue

Forming an LLC after you've already released a product won't protect you, doofus.

>felt for the LLC meme
are u american?


Call me a graphics whore if you want, but I have a hard time jacking it to sprites that size.

Learn to lerp your camera

you seem to know a lot about the subject at hand, why are you asking any questions then?

Nothing. Half of the people against it don't even play the genre and are regurgitating stuff they heard someone else say (like cute girls and patterns = touhou). The other half are pining for a different subgenre of shmup that isn't danmaku and are taking a "stop liking what I don't like" approach to things instead of them just making the type of shmup they would prefer to play. In other words just fucking ignore the people whose only criticism is leveled at the genre or subgenre itself and not the progress you are showing.

Registering for Steam Direct requires a bunch of info that you'd need to be already set up for.
If you don't have it set up, you'll need to use all personal info like bank accounts and addresses

I'm not worried about making the money, but the setup seems pretty extreme and the only thing I've seen addressing it is u/VideoGameAttorney who advertises help on it. I suppose I'll just message him some questions.



That guy is a fucking retard btw.

wrong poster user, but his statement is right, but also the main reason is information and set up like bank accounts and taxes

I'm just wondering if anyone has set up an LLC and could describe some stuff they did and any thing they learned from the process

>falling for the Unity jew
Every time

hollow knight

That's my hesitation with that guy. I saw his picture and he looks like a total chump. Reminds me of every snake oil salesman I've ever met in my entire life.
Especially when his advertisements are all about fear.
I don't wanna go the direction of someone that advertises publically on reddit, but he might have some info I could get out of him

I thought /agdg/ would have this stuff sorted already. How come there's no pastebin with all the relevant info? Seems like a big deal to me.

I'm scared of releasing my game on steam.
I don't want to get sued, llcs don't exist in my country.

hmm,let's see
hmm, really makes me thing