>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>we have to hate sonya now
Trip back on.
Is an +ATK/-RES Mae useable?
I just got her as a 4*.
Only because you fucking ruined her.
Reminder to spend your orbs! They're doing no good sitting around!
Guys... I just rolled a +SPD/ -RES Ryoma... please, PLEASE tell me it's salvageable.
Ride the bike!
futafags/trapfags also know as faggots in denial.
Yes you fool.
At least he's not -Atk.
>not a unique IP.
I rolled a +atk/-def Reinhardt...is he salvageable?
So far i have Boey Camus and Marth on the we need no cleric renewal squad for chains. Who do i aim to be the 4th one ?
Sonya has been shit the moment Echoes came out because of her shitty fan base. Not to mention she's a mediocre unit in the games she's been in.
I love green Linde!
G-g-guys... I finally rolled Linde, but she's +SPD -DEF............ please tell me she can still be used.
Milf tier list?
sorry that's literally her worst set
good speed+3 fodder
lmao she's literally the best mage in gaiden
Two of those aren't milfs
I want to fuck Mae
Hopefully i roll one after the tiki i aim on the summer
Ishtar is like 18
Not milfs but they are mommies
im maining head of the duma faithful jedah in mvci
Can I make a ranged Lukas with a -Spd / +Def Leon? The build would be something like this:
>Brave Bow+
>Draw Back
>Bonfire (or should I stick with Ignis? I feel like a 3-count special is better with a Brave weapon)
>Close Counter
>Quick Riposte
>Threaten Def
>HP+3 Seal
I have a +Res / -Spd Takumi that I've been itching to get CC off of and onto a better unit since I rolled him, but I'm wary that I might regret passing it onto Leon. I've got almost 60k feathers saved up so getting Brave Bow+ isn't an issue either.
Who should I promote? Xander for merging, nowi +spd-def, fae +atk-res, nino +atk-res.
I keep seeing this shit being top tier on tier list, but he dies so easily with Fury and Vantage, is it just a meme ? or LnD Desperation is better
turn him into feathers, user
It's horrific, you can't quad anyone like that. Just send him home for feathers.
By "we" you meant the spic and his buddies. The faggot doesn't like Sonya, he learned from the Camilla situation so now he pretends to like "random tittymonster that takes attention from my waifu" to have an alibi while he shitposts her.
>when your game is so boring and dead you have to try forcing shitty memes
Whats the point of merging when we can all bounce between arena tier 19-20 without much effort
Go with nowi
he is useless feed him to the old man
Whyd you want Loptyrs used goods?
No, more like, "When your general is so fucking stupid they ask retarded questions."
post him
we all know you got oboro
I keep seeing this shit being top tier on tier list, but he dies so easily to alfonse, is it just a meme? or is wary fighter better?
>the leak was real
>it's just going to be mcu vs a limited capcom roster
At least Jedah is cool.
>someone asks stupid question
>can easily ignore or answer the question with zero effort
No need to spam these threads with your retarded bullshit. Fuck off.
I have a +spd -res Hector, he is a lot more useful then my Ryoma, Ryoma cant tank shit
how to salvage?
>no Veronica
Are the daily quests and SP weekends a permanent thing?
Make her into a sex toy for all your other heroes.
She is a fucking dancer theres nothing to salvage you just dance to people
I need the evil version of this
Shutp up alfonsoanon. He's shit and you know it.
So should I merge a FRobin's R Tomebreak onto a res tank or her Ignis onto a +Def Xander?
Sapphire Lance + fodder for Oboro.
Boey has renewal slap reiprocal aid and you have another free slot
why dont you read the ingame notice like the rest of the cool kids?
when are we getting the rest of em?
You've been asking this for days. Your build will work, but it won't be great. 33 Def isn't great for tanking with 22 Spd; he would not compare kindly to a well-built Lucas who has closer to 40 Def with his low speed.
I would not waste CC on a Leon with those IVs or any unit running a brave weapon. Brave weapons are weak on defense and benefit vastly from an A skill that boosts attack.
If you want to use Leon so badly that you'd invest that much in him, wait until you pull one with better IVs.
She has Blue Tomebreaker, and you should do neither of those things, because you shouldn't sack GHB units for SI.
They didn't even announce Daily Quests did they? If it means a free orb a day then I'm pretty happy id they keep it.
SP Weekends are. I'm hoping that daily quests aren't. Optimal [realistic] conditions would be the arena quests from after they stopped doing daily orbs as part of release. It was basically 1 orb a day if you won 4 arena matches (the same quests gave you a dueling crest for finishing 2 matches). 1 orb a day/8 a week is good enough for me.
I don't have any fucking other source of those skills right now
But that's Bercute's purpose! Don't give away the only thing he has!
Yes, I have lol. But that all makes sense. I'll just forgo passing CC onto him and give him a recommended build instead.
Hidari is the best and he WILL return!!
What are you talking about? He still has his lovely wife, Rinea!
Blue Tomebreaker is not necessary for anyone. It's basically impossible not to double Rein, and Linde and Doot can die in one hit to most decent physical attackers
You can get Ignis from Henry, who is available at 3 stars
Out of curiosity, can you use the Pitchfork on overclassed units? I want Shade get her overclassed spells, but I don't want her to keep the class. Also, do her current spells carry over when I make her a Mage or no? (Seraphim, Nosferatu, Physic, Rescue, Freeze, and Silence)
Gonna try this again since I posted at the very end of the last thread. In the midst of rolling for S Tiki I got a 4* Titania with -Def +Res as her IVs and I'm wondering if she'd be worth using at all or is she just worth keeping in the barracks.
Also, I've seen a bunch of builds for her need DC as her A skill and since I'm not swimming in Hectors that isn't really an option for me. Does she need DC to be good or is she fine without it?
is there is anything more scary in heroes than a Karel with few hp left
Goddamn i want him
Oh shit I didn't realize Hidari drew this
Hope you're saving orbs for Tharja's Halloween witch costume AND her Christmas costume.
my wife
uh.. Ryoma and Kagero ?
You lose spells if you leave the class you learned them in.
I have never played Heroes.
shut up raul
you probably said she would get a summer one, and also the christmas one is getting staffed
Rinea plows him with her massive throbbing futa cock every night and sometimes in the middle of the day too.
Athena on enemy phase. She can take out my Fortified Xander if I'm not careful.
I'm not the spic but I was saying she would get a summer outfit. However I think a halloween costume would suit her the best and I'm sure IS thinks so too.
And what do you mean its getting staffed?
I've got one but he's -atk. You can give his weapon to basically anyone with comparable speed and get the same results with moonbow.
Wait, Lucina is in Warriors?
>She's a better unit than Berkut
>Clive is a better unit than Berkut
>Fernand gets added and is also a better unit than Berkut
>"""""""""""""""""""'Berkut's lance""""""""""""""""""""
When will the torment end?
she has a candlesdick, like bride lyn
I hope her seasonal form has good SI so I can post pictures of her being sent to the glue factory for some real units.
>wanted Tharja during her banner
>got Leon
>wanted Mathilda/Sonya
>got a fucking FCorrin and Sheena instead
I don't know why I fucking bother
>Tfw chapter 16 of Revelations
What in the fuck is this map?
What the fuck was ISIS thinking?
Exactly! What a lucky man he is.
yeah but she's infantry
Kagero is scary if she's one of the random spawns that drops in one of those 2-3 unit chokes in the new TT and you're running an infantry team. Pretty much have to rush the choke and kill her in most scenarios.
have you try spending money ?
you know this game isn't targeting the poor right?
Why is Doot so hungry for the cock?
How many chapters are most FE games? I'm playing the first GBA one (Blazing Blade I guess? It's just called Fire Emblem for me) and the tutorial feels like it's been going on for quite a while.