/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1853?


>73 Days since last Suptix
GBF Related Post

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6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

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Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


are Veeky Forums mods trying to kill /gbfg/?

Death to 3DPD


2nd for bullying brat poster !


Yes, die erpfags.

But why

>last thread
Who would do such a thing

koke koko


That's what happens when you post vomit 3DPD


based mods relieving us of ugly 3dpd OPs


Leave brat alone! Phalanax!

Previous thread was
but a janitor the entire thread.

>/hgg/s just gets their OP image deleted if it's NSFW
>/gbfg/ gets the whole thread deleted for upsetting /a/


was it really deleted due to Rosetta cosplayer? I thought the 3dpd thing was ironic. do people actually believe that?

So, i repeat question from deleted thread.
Why high level players need hl baha? Good chance for gold bars or what?

Dumb bampyposter


Haruka Shimotsuki is great, brat!

post sicos

Fuck off and die, normafag.

I can tix S. Heles with summertix?


after pendant reset you turboshitter

The next thread was early.

How new are you?

The Rosetta OP doesn't even have shill links. I guess we can't use 3DPD images unless it's KMR or HRT face.

Fuck off newshit.

Fresh HL trying to get carried for free horn


Chance for gold bars for the few who can race for MVP. Horns for Codas for everyone who hasn't finished all their weapons. But most importantly, shitposting fuel and esports circlejerking.

No you can't ticket limiteds

die erpfag korbo

Cowfags has one spot open.

But I need to cap pendants fast now

>Merely pretending
What could possibly go wrong? Yes, is what I was looking for!


Don't bully korbo

>deleting an entire thread that was over 100 posts in because of a 3DPD OP

Why is the janitor so easily triggered?

wuv wuv

you make 1 baka dagger then realize you dont have enough horse/cat people and you just got another cow so you make the sword then you get enough midgets for your water team to justify the gun.

thats like 15 hl horns and 4 out of 3 hl bakas will fail. thats right you got a negative value on success rate so you have to run the raid until the game glitches out and accidentally gives you a win on a failed raid because you had 2 other raids going that you left but didnt retreat from when you had seen the baka hl pop up on tweetdeck

What is there to 'believe' you idiot? I prefer cute 2d to any 3d, it's as simple as that. The Rosetta cosplayer wasn't even bad looking, she was ok. But I still prefer 2d.

What is she playing?

I reiterate my point. If you didn't already cap your prestige you're probably a turboshitter, all you have to do anyway is auto the HL magna of your choice with its superior element.

44 more days.

She is ugly tho, too much make up + photoshop

And also 3dpd attentionwhoring is disgusting too

Host Baha HL

Mods dont like magna earth?

Thanks, user! I found it with your help!

You're really wonderful, yourself! I'm kind of bad at one on one too, so I can relate!

Oh, okay.

user i rolled her when i was starting, i think she was my second SSR, she isn't that great.


Fuck off you retard attention whore tripnigger. Holy shit.

Yukicuckze are you here to carry my baha hl

Asking again in this thread, anyone know the source? google & iqdb gives me nothing

cuties never die

Yes. Soon these >3dpd ree morons will be pretending to be women.

My dick doesn't care about your esports evaluation, buddy.

remember when gbfg wasn't an e-celeb worshipping shithole?

We won't die even if we're killed.

It's from twitter



Host baha HL

Why are Flips in /gbfg/ ESL shitters who need to read the pastebin and when they have good English they're filthy /a/ secondaries who get the thread pruned?

IRL girls are scary. REEEEEE.
They're disgusting reeeee. I'm elitist of the fact that I'm a creepy weeb. reeeeee.


talk for yourself


GL user!

I don't know what I would do if you cutes were gone from my life.

>Haruka Shimotsuki
Oh wow, it's her on vocals! I'm a big fan of hers thanks to doujin music and the Ar tonelico games!

>/a/ posting 3DPD

I'll put this for history sake. inb4 banned but atleast I'm free from this shithole

Most SEA guilds like HSP are filled with oldfags

>you go from liking traps to homo to wanting to be the GF
that makes no sense user if anything you should go from homo to traps

Thanks user! You weren't kidding her timeline is cancerous
Shouldn't the arrow be upward? Or am I missing something here

>if anything you should go from homo to traps
Traps ARE homo, eventually you stop fapping to girls that look like boys and you just settle for actual boys

What did he mean with this?

>liking girls -> liking guys that look like girls -> liking guys -> wanting to be a girl
uh no, you're wrong

>Giving that stupid shit serious thought
Misogyny didn't tip you off?

I think the EOP version hasiincoming damage down rather than damage res up.

Looking at the last thread, it's the most game related it's been in days. No cute/ERPposting. The OP image is the only thing.

Or the person that made the thread got banned and had all their posts nuked. Also likely.

boys that look like girls, I mean.
Seriously, traps are gay you fucking closet homos.

Even then there was no reason to prune the fucking thread. Just delete the image and be done with it. Mods really are fucking retarded nowadays.

I feel like I skipped a step. Cute boys have always been better than boys pretending to be girls.

The worst are traps that are on drugs because they don't have the good aspects of girls or boys and are just some horrid in-between.

I'm bored and want to try something. RQ 1/6 I'm Sage. Need some DPS and maybe a CR.


Just got to Nalhegrande Skydom, this is so fucking cool, the map and everything.

It's a new empty map! I'm so excited!

I'm sure that dumb meme is true to some people

I'm also familiar with this album thanks to iidx!


Do you have to bring your own Veil to RQ? Just wondering!

Veil doesn't affect other players. Bring your Vira.

I've been into traps for something like 15 years and I still fap to girls.

3/6 Sage SS and CR. More damage is welcome.

Nah. I'm the user who made last thread. The OP image is actually game related though like how every other fanart are used as OP image. I guess really can't have nice things.

Please buff Nightmare Halo proc rate

Can I join as Earth?

I think it's probably because it's frowned upon to post pictures of real people without their permission!