Dont forget that if you dont play your waifu or husbando, you don't love them!
This means you, Sejfag
League of legends general /lolg/
>ywn see Urgot completely dominate and mindbreak Camille
>ywn see him lift her spent body over his shoulder and parade her though Piltover and back to Zaun
>showing everyone who sees him on the way that he now OWNS her
league of legends is still popular?
Why wouldn't it be?
I'm gonna put a baby in Sjokz and she'll instinctively holds her giant belly when she gets winded from walking around the stage
Your MMR is lower than the average expected MMR for players in your division. Your MMR will continue to tank unless you improve your play!
>playing sion support
>enemy jungler does some gay cheese gank ganks us at level one
>their adc, jungler and support flash on my adc after killing me
Big mistake
>Rek'sai still building full tank
High quality rework.
what are my chances
>i might be gold soon
or at least i like to think it
So if Zed mostly adopted Kayn out of pity and the fact that he could relate to him, and see so much of himself in Kayn - then does that mean that Zed himself is....
Why arent u playing daddy of much lethality RIGHT NOW?
Xth for I want to marry Tristana!
I don't know what they expected, none of her abilities scale well enough to warrant building anything past a cleaver, especially when cinderhulk is so fucking good.
because is shit normie game full of toxic kids and childish game graphics and bland and boring characters
>every other hero has something something on the 3rd auto attack
kys riot
gold is comfy
xth for Syndra
How likely are my chances of getting a permaban repealed if I send Riot support a nice email asking for a second chance?
>We are living in a patch where Garen has a 52% winrate in Plat+
What a time to be alive.
>nidalee ganks all 3 lanes and steals our blue buff by the time our jungler is level 5
at least 15 minute surrenders are here now
Maybe it's just me but I find League's cast of characters to be far more interesting and likable compared to the stuff you find in most other MOBAs.
Are these all the buzzwords you could come up with?
toxic teenager kys
What was the ban for? If for inting or toxicity probably none.
>having that picture saved
Somehow I don't imagine you'll have much luck.
Get fucked, kid.
get outskilled nerd
thats because you are filthy casual normie
But the hot new meme is untargetable abilities, power creep mobility and conditional ults.
Not 3 hit passives and %hp anymore
Cool story babe, now make me a sandwich.
make me faggot
>jungler forgets to pick smite
>jungler gives fb at 1:30 to my laner
>adc accidentally flashes while typing at 2 minutes in
>adc loses half a wave helping them kill blue and lose tower at 8 minutes
reminder that people this retarded are allowed to play league
Slim to none.
Get dunked holy shit
I want to meet this girl once again and confess her all my feels then die
maybe a kiss too..
Reminder that le balanced kitty kat of skippy hops through your jungle at amazing hihg speed and unlimited damage and sustains and skill will NEVER EVER be balanced because her kit is inherently cancer, much like Irelia.
Many of the new champions are extremely unlikable. Zayah, Gnar, Zayn, Kled, Tahm etc. They're childish and fucking annoying. I wish riot would stop.
how can other champions compete?
dude what
how do i beat kassadin as an ap mage? halp
> not liking kled
> not liking gnar
hurr durr i'm so mature look at me
>Not 3 hit passives and %hp anymore
Do 6-hit passives with %hp count?
xth for Urgot
Why can't junglers play vs her user. We're not in challenger vsing rush we're in low elo vs garbage. He was j4 on the league of lethality patch you hit an EQ on her and she dies I hate this game aaaaaaahhhhh
>Someone doesn't connect
>His duo partner is trying to convince us not to remake
>3 minutes in we remake
>duo partner rages autistically as game ends
Toxicity but in my defense 95% of the time I was either defending myself or a teammate from someone being toxic towards them or me. I guess I could have gone about that without calling them faggot retards but, c'est la vie.
just imagining that made my sides fly into orbit
thanks senpai
because im playing quinn who does that on a 10 second cooldown.
also, fountain diving rengar is fun
I love cock.
Do you love cock, lolg?
His quotes are fucking gay. So are the tumblr girl's and her bf's and many of the new champions. Camille, for example has a great design, but her quotes are fucking garbage. Bard is the only bearable champion that I can think of that's been released recently.
Fuck off normalfag. Go play some garbage monage or overwatch
>Tahm is childish and annoying
how can they ever stop when this game is purely commercial project for teenage degenerates that like this poorman's and unskilledman's dota ripoff, also those EBIN skins and titties on fem characters !!! BOOBS!!! BEEEWWWWBS!!!
srsly if you are 18+ and playing league of legends you need to reconsider your life
well, what the fuck are you doing here then nigger?
Nigga Gnar is fucking almost 3 years old at this point and Tahm is Mephistopheles in fish form. The others though I agree with
When the fuck is Riot going to wisen up and balance Lux the No Cooldown Light by making the start of her ult a channel instead of an uninterruptible animation?
first time here, wanted to check what do people talk about LoL nowadays, i quit years ago
Who is better at splitpushing, angry spinning man or undead shovel man
>Lux having to think after hitting a Q instead of mindlessly press R on them right after every single time
Never happening.
>find Lulu
>some weak minded male specimin is attempting to cuddle and protect her
>Lulu is obviously disgusted by it
>free her and punch the faggot in his face
>rape Lulu
>she doesnt even mind because its better then what she was experiencing first
>leave her and never pay child support
>eat some grapes years later and be reminded of her
>do it all again
How was your day lolg? did you climb?
garen is actually better at splitting believe it or not, his q can be actually used on towers
and it outdamages yoricks shitty ghouls that get prioritized by the tower anyways
Post 'em
You're retarded.
>reconsider your life
does it matter anyway? As long as youre enjoying yourself then its fine right? Its all meaningless anyway, as meaningless as you posting low tier bait in this thread
comfy bfs~
Why is it okay for RIven to have 4 flashes into her kit but Mordekaiser can't have one?
i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!
Fuck damn you must love spamming your q key
You are dramatically understating the pushing power of ghouls.
The only real advantage Garen has is his ms steroid for running away and wasting the enemy's time,
>4 flashes
Yeah... totally...
>league YouTubers get invited to rito headquarters to play league
>Play PUBG instead
im not baiting shit, i genuenly want to know how can someone honestly enjoy this game and its community, or was it just me that i had bad luck and always had cancerous people to deal with
this game showed some stuff that i never experienced before
>character picking
>they fight about mid or whatever
>starting to flame
>end up trolling whole match because life is not always like they want
gaming is waste of time sure but LoL brings to whole another level
So am I supposed to stay top at all times with Fiora or do I actually have to group time to time?
Xth for indisputably top tier male genetics
Wonder how many men he's cucked
How many loses do you need at 0lp before you drop? Is it the first one?
xth for Cute Ashe
Laundry day
They can't.
and youre dramatically underestimating the damage garen q does to towers
and garen doesnt fall off like a lump of shit after midgame
but u are useless
>"male" genetics
Yes. Stay top so i can get more gold from you.
Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.
>Follow Blitzcrank in his stupid invade to the WRONG side of the map
>Go back to my jungle and everyone is there and none of my teammates are
>No one helps leash me
>I get spam pinged when the enemy lee sin is ganking a lot when he is a level and a half over me because no one helped me
>"omg this jungle is soooo toxic pls report"
>implying you'd do such things to a cute yordle
I want to IMPREGNATE you EXACTLY like Shyvana.
to that guy who just had a botlane feed ezreal janna
I feel your pain
how is it even possible?
they didnt even get ganked
You must have because I've had like 3 of the last like 30 games have toxic people so I find 10 percent of games having insufferable assholes be acceptable enough
No I'm not. The extra damage is nice but not great. I know how fast garen pushes down towers and Yorick is miles ahead in that area.
10/10 face broad shoulder tall white huge dicc talent for magic
what else is there
800k on LB and 700k on Lulu. Pretty much the only champs that I play. I bet Lulufags don't even play Lulu.
>implying I don't play with my waifu