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Justice will be done Edition

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>Where can I find fellow GM players stuck in gold because me bunga team?
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Why are Novafags such trolls?

Reminder best waifu is very tired

First for panda

xth for spoilered lewds

>i ask why isnt Chromie picked in comp
>shortstack gets picked up

She's picked on Towers and Tomb all the time in pro games

She gets picked in comp in tomb, towers and braxis all the time.


Yea yea i bit my tongue there...

You fellas think Stukov will get picked in comp?

>Me: So...we should avoid teamfights.
>Xul: Agreed.
And things somehow went better than expected.
Double wave is so good in this map where there are so many walls I can jump through.

>Sylvanas gets mad at us for pushing with her saying "you guys draw more attention let me split push xD"

Need a drawfag to edit this to be Li Ming


Where the FUCK is Maiev????

hopefully stuck in outland getting raped by a felbeast

post cutes!

Illidan pls


Do you like Hanamura yet? I got to admit, I don't mind it as much as I did at first

What's the verdict on Lunara? Should I buy her?

no lilis allowed



That's called Stockholm Syndrome.

no, fuck that map it was a mistake that never should've made live

>it's growing on me

I like it less now

Friend thinks Tracer is op while thinking she hard counters Genji. No matter how many things I list that Genji does better then her. He still is convinced that isn't the case despite always getting shit on by Genji or any form of cc.

Remember to buy Cho'Gall for 350 gems while he is still on sale. He's the most fun hero in the game

>He didn't get Cho'Gall for free

if you needlessly abandon the objective or your role in the team to help sylvana push or capture camps, then you're an idiot

Will items be added later in the game?

Hard to say. I feel like his really powerful kill switch combos are sometimes less about skill with the pop, and more about circumstance for timers lining up (like the popping one slow virus to reduce the cooldown).

I think he'll just be really inconsistent, and have to be built around, but could be really powerful. So, maybe a like a less flexible Auriel?

>Two events to get Cho'gall for free
>People still don't own him

I really don't understand how that is even possible?

Cho Gall is a liability in ranked unless you can somehow draft him with Auriel AND be in a map where split pushing won't snowball you AND not be countered by any kind of CC heavy, Giant Killer, Tychus/Leoric

anime is good though

>2.0 brought in a lot of players
>how can people not have shit from old events!?
Are you perhaps mentally challenged?

No. Items are functionally replaced with talents, so that each character has a specified progression and design space.

If you want everyone in the game to have a blink, and access to the same pool of overcomplicated actives, play DotA. No shame in it. There's only shame if you play LoL.


big problem of chogall is that he gets countered by way too many heroes.
malth was just the killing blow

no probably not

they tried to add a grindy pay-to-win system similar to League's runes at one point but Blizzard's playerbase is somehow not as cucked as Riot's and they complained until it got removed

Is Varian and underage Johanna anime HOTS related?

Yeah. The only way Cho'Gall would have worked as a design (IE, robbing your team of a body) is if he had some sort of global to get around the map quickly.


She's very passive. There are other assassins who help the team out more. Try Genji instead.

On the other hand, having a 2-man global would probably be too strong. A hero anywhere on the map could suddenly find themself getting gangbanged by Cho + Gall, you could change 1v2 ganks into 3v2 turnarounds, you could even go full meme and draft them alongside more global heroes so you get a 3-man global gank squad

It might be neat if there was a talent to have the Eye of Kilrogg soak xp.

>Raynor's trait is +1 vision range
>he can also talent Scouting Drone
>highest vision in the game at level 1
Nerf when?

Make it interruptable by damage (unlike other Z globals) and give it an 80 second cooldown. Just something so that he can have presence on the map, then get to the teamfight when you're needed. Better, if you want, make it conditional like Dehaka, except you have to portal to a friendly structure and lower the cooldown/don't make it interruptable

That makes me remember a ranked game on Braxis Holdout, me and a random guy went Cho'gall and we did not have Auriel as our support. The enemy team had Diablo, Butcher and Leoric

We won that game
>big problem of chogall is that he gets countered by way too many heroes.

Am I missing anyone?

>always last to participate in team fights
>only kills players at 50% health or less
>never uses the basic attack
>always complaining in chat
>only cares about kill/death ratio

Who is it?

Any hard CC fucks him over pretty hard. Stuns, silences. Blinds aren't so bad.

Raynor has completely dominated the meta for 2 years without a single major change to his kit, it's ridiculous. He's the best DPS Warrior in the game, and he has amazing wave clear and pushes better than any specialist, it's ridiculous.

Raynor seriously needs a nerf, but his kit may just be inherently broken and they may need to rework him completely.


semi related but does ChoGall count twice for hero quest stacks? like KT's convection


>have a bad time
>get tired of mirror matches in quick meme
>try draft mode
>genji always banned
>no matchmaking fucking you over with counter draft
>have a good time
at last i truly see
i dont want ranked points to fight over so this mode is perfect

it was literally during the laning phase

>Long queues
>Nobody knows how to draft


You don't think it's crazy that a hero can push down a fort while his team loses a 4v5 at the objective, and he can just rotate up and 1 man wipe the enemy team?

Anything with a stun, anything with a silence..
Expecially stuns, since his health drops way too fast than it should.

anub (plus muradin if you go for the haymaker meme) gets to take 2 heroes out of the fight and go win 5v3
zeratul too with VP


>quick match
>thinks he did well
Get a load of this kid.

>15 seconds over quickmeme is long
>not politely suggesting what to ban and pick
people actually listen

is gift of the xel'naga ever good? im conditioned to avoid friendly VPs and i can only see it being taken if the enemy keeps diving your backline where you can't safely VP them

Just tell your friend Tracer is countered by AAs.

raynor is the second best warrior imo, chromie beats him out:
>7 second invuln, longer than even varian gets
>huge aoe slow to peel for team
>2 second stun on a 9 second cooldown
>gets huge radius vision + reveal with global range from level 1


>can't read

I don't know why you'd take this over rewind.

Practice the combo in try mode for a bit maybe and then start instantly blowing up any hero with 4000 or less hp.

Yes Chogall counts twice

Wait how does Murky counter Cho'gall?
>his health drops way too fast than it should.
Even with Cho's trait?

>posting that
You are literally asking for a janitor to clean the thread up


>mfw people still don't understand that this fucker can solo 90% of heroes just by spamming his Q

That's a guy

I saw a video with a lucio solokilling him

we won with this weird ass team

You had bribe, two supports and one of the best scaling heroes in the game against a team who's only real threat was malthael backed up by a weak support.

Of course you won, that's the sort of team cho'gall rips apart.


That's fucking hilarious, Genji not only hard counters her but is like 3 times as mobile.
That said Tracer is super fucking annoying to play against as a mage and it makes me real mad. Thankfully she's made out of wet tissue paper.



That was actually a good comp, and their lili was useless because none of you ever had to land a single aa
also sauce plz



Uther is such a cunt.

open you're mouth user hitomi.la/galleries/859380.html

that's what i was thinking, i always take rewind

You are degenerate scum.


cho does shitloads of AA damage though user


>being a faggot


meant for

When Will Kael get a Christmas Elf skin so he can be Santa's little helper?

Kael + Stitches forever

Maybe a Sonya Miss Thicciss Clause

>not exh

not in my pc atm

>asking stupid questions
