>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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So wait, when do I need to get the children in Fates again?
At what chapter do they get the Offspring seal every time??
Sonya is shit
What is Nino so smug about?
Tharja is my wife
>caring about tiers
>not just using your waifus and husbandos regardless of who they are
user i........
Is the blue hair girl good?
>playing Fates
>Have a 4* Soren with shit IVs
>Literally the only skill that sets Soren apart is unlocked at 5 stars so he can't even be used as fodder
>The skill is garbage
Why the fuck is he a 4 star pull?
she knows blade tomes are just as retarded as she is
meant for
The last two should be flipped tbqh
When is a mage with awful res ever a good idea
>They still manage a tier list that doesn't factor in SI on the wiki
Is Xander "not an argument sweetie" the character?
Fuck that bitch. I'm sick of seeing her face trying to get Delthea
That site's whole tier list is awful
Oboro says "Do my best!" too? Might have to use one now
I want Linde.
Please give me a Linde.
You can get them any time you want, there's no specific chapter you have to. You get the child seals after chapter 18.
Does nino have a shlong
Doot can be your Linde tonight if you want...
Cute girls from games I've never played banner when?
If you could only have Tharja or Rhajat, who would you pick?
I can't make myself spend on a Doot when I'm saving up for a Linde.
It aint cute she does say it.
I feel like writing up some theoretical skill sets for characters that aren't in the game yet.
Any ideas or suggestions?
I want to commit a crime.
Flowers for Severa!
Mage Kliff
he's a paladin not an argument
>Pull her
>No idea how to make her work
Her stats are all over the place, what do.
Severa >Cordelia
Have you done Wolf and Sedgar?
To fuck with you
I'm still wondering why is Mist the other 5* only of the PoR banner and not him
Nino is special!
My wife!
>Come on! Let's spend a day on us for a change! You can show me the best places to get food and clothes.
What kind of clothes would you buy Doot, /feg/?
She is not a good unit.
Slap fury on her and call it a day.
Your wife is retarded.
Have you done Lucia yet? I hope she isn't "Lloyd, except _____."
I'm back to 20 orbs should I pull from the summer banner?
Remember when Valentiafags thought Delthea would be more min-maxed than Linde?
Archanea always wins.
I like Hana
Let's say that I wanted to make this mustachioed motherfucker work, what meme build could work on him?
She's pretty close though but yeah I'm surprised Linde hasn't been powercreeped yet.
Fury probably.
Sonya is my wife.
>can reach five (5) defense with LaD
technically she is, just not offensively
Emerald Axe
Smite for memes
Draconic Aura
Armored/Sturdy Blow
some C skill
+atk/-res, Brave Axe, Fury/Death Blow, etc.
Brave Memes since his attack is as high as Cherche's
laser eyes in A slot
quick shitpost in B Slot
I love those fat tits
How unoriginal.
>Safetynet got updated again and now Magisk no longer works AND you need a locked bootloader to play FEH
Having a wife like Tharja must suck.
How do I build a Setsuna that fills a niche other than quadmeme?
Just buy a phone
Delthea is already in a position where if she has spd+, she has all the spd she needs. Not only that but she has more atk, 5 more res, and she has a better tome. She is just better than Linde in every way that matters.
Faye is cute.
>can't reroll during hero fest 2.0
Gonna be a pain rolling the traditional way
Who's your favorite unit /feg/?
Can make a good mixed tank with Fury. I run one with Fury, Seal Def and Threaten Def to get some revenge kills from other units, with the big hitting greens being the only real threat.
Waiting for Berkut's Lance to help her further
In actual FE, she's one of the best Hoshido units. Give her a Guard Naginata and she'll be your Knight of Birthright
Why not name them something else.
It's actually really nice
I like our version of their tier list better.
I've seen peopel using firesweep bow on her. Together with chip damage skills. Personally I would use firesweep with seal defence and savage blow. Seal defence would lower the enemy's def by 7, with a dancer she'd attack again without needing to worry about damage as she attacks most likely twice again. So my build would be:
A: LaD
B: Seal def
SS: +atk
then w/e you want.
>Wasted all my orbs hoping to get her
>Got the Luke twice.
that's wrong
>Child abuser
35/35/36/14/27 - Neutral Linde
33/36/34//13/31 - Neutral Doot
Linde still has more speed, assuming they have the same boon/bane in regards to speed. And don't even bother comparing a +Speed Doot to a neutral Linde, because that's not a fair comparison. If you're talking about "min/maxing," then why do their res stats hold any relevance? What about this whole "one-shot meta" you eSporters keep rambling about?
This might be the only way to root your "phone" and play/mod FEH left if that is the case. Hope you have a decent computer.
Magisk only works on phones. What did you thin he was talking about?
>fire boost
>brave sword
>panic ploy
he is one of the best SI fodder units.
I'm gonna be called a spammer if I keep posting the pic of my favorite.
Cecilia and Spring Camilla should be in here as well
What's the best way to build this semen demon?
Bride Cordelia when I want to turn my brain off and slaughter anything and everything.
Kat/Celica otherwise.
They're both pretty much the same. One has slightly more speed. The other has slightly more attack and resistance. Stop trying to incite shitpost wars
>Reese is ones we hate. But also like!
Is fucking Legion like having an orgy?
Your wife gives me sloppy handjobs behind the bar on tuesday nights
It's just an interpretation of their tier list, I don't think the guy who drew this was going for accuracy.
I have Olwen and I agree, she is severely underrated on all tier lists
>+Spd -Def LAD Doot has 33/41/42/5/26 statline
that's fucking nasty
46 spd with buffs means she doubles every relevant non-buffed unit, right?
default tome
Hone Cav
Why did you marry a man?
Luthier: Eccentric Mage
Red Tome, Infantry
41 HP / 28 Atk / 27 Spd / 22 Def / 30 Res
Fire -> Elfire -> Bolganone -> Sagittae
Sagittae has 14 Mt and ignores any defensive buff that the foe may have, including defensive tiles and stat buffs.
Learns Draw Back, Atk/Res +2, and Drive Res (boosts Res of any ally within two spaces by +3).
He'll have higher BST on account of being a villager like his friends.
Kliff: Studious Supporter
Red Tome, Infantry
39 HP / 31 Atk / 35 Spd / 20 Def / 28 Res
Fire -> Elfire -> Bolganone -> Sagittae
Learns Glimmer, G Tomebreaker, and Hone Spd.
Dart: Badon's Commando
Axe, Infantry
47 HP / 34 Atk / 34 Spd / 24 Def / 18 Res
Iron Axe -> Steel Axe -> Silver Axe -> Silver Axe+
Learns Shove, Wind Boost, and Threaten Spd.
Sedger looks like a horse mounted archer and Wolf seems to be an armored unit that can use magic and swords? I'm just going by what I see on the Wiki. I'll see what I can come up with though. This post is getting a bit long but I'll work on these next.
Sumia and Lucia also coming in the next post.
No, i mean Incest is wrong
Incest is everything!