Dota 2 General - /d2g/


Latest patch:
New players:
Cosmetic simulator:
Competitive Scene:



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first for jokes about the playerbase

quavo = league
offset = hots
takeoff = dota
girl = players

>tfw useless after 40 minutes

>tfw when you have no idea what the retard is talking about
feels good man

Daily reminder that blademail is brokenly overpowered and that legion commander is in the top 3 best heroes in the game, if not the best hero.

can someone post the "reminder that this game is a mess of code..." copypasta

>he doesnt play ranged druid that scales


>tfw discouraged after my last lose after a hour long game with my best hero

I just dont want to play or doin anything

Game goes on connection timeout at least twice per match. I have optic fiber and I know for a fact that it isn't the problem. What the fuck

im so fucking shit....i get good teammates and end up around 3.2, but then i keep getting bad teammates and fall down back to 3 again, i cant carry a team of retards every time, and playing support or offlane i always end up with a carry who dies all the time so no items.

whaat are you talkuing about nobody cares stfu

>matumbaman strim
>twitch is down

is clock the best pos 4 of the meta?

There's no meta

>pick LC offlane
>pick waveclear mid and split push
>win games
wow is that hard

BBC (big bulldog cock) crushing navi puss

Open up CMD (or terminal if not windows) and type, ping -t (leave out the "-t" if you are not windows), leave it in the background while you play dota, when the connection drops as you play, alt-tab, check the CMD and check your ping. If you are getting packet loss, then you know your internet is the problem, if not, then dota is the problem. If other people in the game aren't having a problem, then its your own game that has the problem, in which case you can do multiple things: verify game cache, see if any of your anti-virus software is interfering with the game (put dota into a whitelist category or just disable it while playing the game to see if it helps) and so on.

If your internet IS the problem, then it might be related to how it is being used in your household, or how it is connected to your computer, there are too many variables to contain within one post

>dota will never be as hype as the FGC

uh I mean just .com

can someone explain support venge to me?

What is she supposed to be or do? How do you manage her mana her problems and what is she supposed to build as? A friend told me she is garbage as a straight support and is better played as a support that transitions into a carry.

How exactly is that done?

alright thanks a bunch for actual tech advice, wouldn't have expected it from /d2g/ nowadays. Will report back if I remember to.

Is still worth buying a bottle at midlane?

By the way I'm connected via ethernet, and if it's worth something I changed ISP a few months ago but I didn't have any problems with it until the last few days. I also only have MSE and Malwarebytes which are not interfering with doto. Will test the CMD thing when I can and verify the cache since I haven't done that in like a year. Thanks again mate

Your friend don't know nothing about DotA.

No worries, sometimes these issues are ass of a thing to find the cause of, hope you end up finding the solution

Stop posting worst tic

If your hero does more than sit in a lane the entire game, which is like 99% of the current hero pool.

There are 5 runes per 2 minutes on the map, that is to say 6 bottle charges per minute spawning, that also give you the usual rune benefits as well as free/gold XP

You get a luna or drow
endlessly push the wave and kill the tower
Build carry shit
Any other playstyle is trash and should have another hero

Enigma/void counter. Roam and stun people. You get treads for more int, manaboots are also good, tranquils are shit imo. Get rosh early with your scream and 5 man push towers with aura
Still, not very good as a support atm

When did you realize that watching pros and playing only one or two games at the start of a major new patch is the best way to live with Dota?

>Managing to pick LC before the instalock afk jungler LC
>Managing to take midlane from the pudge with a golden immortal

you can say something similar about wifes too lmao

>ywn have yames and bruno on the TI panel again
It hurts


t. dealing with dota addiction.

sorry your will is weak bro

>tfw you are improving your game and climbing mmr

which game was it, matu was playing core vs but was doing so bad someone else took over carry?



lolshitter here

where may i find the healthiest pictures of luna?

>it's yet another "unusual but effective pick causes people to think i'm trolling and act hostile towards me from the get-go, even going as far as making troll picks because 'why bother' even though i said i'm not going to troll" episode

i hate reruns
it's like i never left league of legends!

how do i survive against a mid visage after he gets his fucking birds
you literally die in 0.1 seconds

Venge is much stronger as a drow/luna hybrid carry. She's stronger in the laning phase than drow and a little weaker than luna, and her aura isn't global, but she has the option of offensive swap to initiate, you can save your true damage dealing midlaner with swap, and the hero does decent right click anyway. Venge SF dual core were fairly common a few months ago

As a support she's garbage at zoning, her stun's scaling got nerfed so that you can't go the 1/4/4 build as easily anymore, her wave kept on getting nerfs as well. She's a strong batrider counter, but so is oracle and nyx. She does shit on chronosphere though, but you need level 2 swap to be able to reach from one side to the other.


why is icefraud incapable of balancing techies?

whats even the point of having him in the game if hes never gonna be in CM

You don't, gank him with support or avoid him till you're tanky enough to survive his burst.

stout and raindrops

>le balanced alpha primate
the hell valve was thinking?

I want to kill myself

He was vying for the open pos 5 in NP after 1437 and SVG left, but then Envy went and got Pieliedie + FATA so he rage quit. I remember seeing him spam CM/Rhasta on Dota2TVPro right after NP got eliminated.

Real talk dotards, would any of you be interested in buying my mini aegises from TI5 and TI6? The ones you got for getting to level 1000.
I stopped caring about them personally and could use some money. I'm thinking about making an ebay listing for them both for maybe $300.
Would any of you dotards be interested?

I'm also getting the mini aegis for this year's TI that I'll try to sell too.

post photos of them

i just checked and i spent 1700+ usd on this shitheap of a game. i'm glad i stopped playing it. never again

Must be so nice to have a rabid fanbase of loyal goyim that will defend every decision you make. God damn, Valve can do no wrong can they?

>make [current hero i play a lot] pretty with cosmetics off the market for cheap
>want to show off a bit by playing them with my new stuff equipped
>suddenly never win with that hero again

feels bad bros

These "The international top down" videos by Slacks are actually pretty fucking good and entertaining to watch

>muh hats

Took a while since the pictures wouldn't upload to my computer for some reason but you know, these things.

>people bitching about RNG drops not giving them enough rares
This has literally been going on since TF2 introduced crates, why you would make a "stop complaining about it" post instead of just ignoring that shit is beyond me though.

nigga I don't think anyone's gonna buy that shit when they can grab it off aliexpress

techies aghs
>blast off pure & pierces immunity
lvl 15 talent
> +120 green mine damage or +120gpm
minefield sign
>gives true invis to 3/5/7 green mines based on green mine spell level


Only things I can find on aliexpress related to these are little keychain things for $5. Not really the same thing I think.

heh... more like chaos squire, amirite,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065_10151_10068_10130_9925_10084_10083_10080_10139_10082_10081_10110_10178_10137_10111_10060_10112_10113_10155_10114_10154_438_10056_10055_10054_10182_10059_100031_10099_10078_10079_10103_10073_10102_10189_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051-9925,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_4&btsid=4d1b25fc-93c9-4d05-a7c2-c6e1afcd2777&algo_expid=67e5e717-67d1-4e86-8d52-e1639dc7fd71-27&algo_pvid=67e5e717-67d1-4e86-8d52-e1639dc7fd71

Insider Here:
The next spirit isn't water or plasma like you fags assumed. It's actually going to be revealed as the "Spirit of Fortune". From what I've heard,he has 5 abilities all based on rng and will be a hard strength carry

CK + Gambler

The ones I have look a bit better made than that, plus you can frame it on a wall and stuff. Plus there doesn't seem to be a TI6 version either.
But I guess no dotards are interested in my aegiseses.

Just delete the hero and refund the skin

female horse archer hero when?

what would you spend the money on anywas

Evil curs..


>tfw no mortar based hero

>tfw no sissy slut hero

What are v's TI predictions?
Top 3?
Biggest surprise?
Biggest disappointment?
Who won't make it to elim?

What i dont understand is why you think aluminum in the shape of bent dicks is worth 300 bucks
But i know some stupid dotards out there would buy it, especially after some megalodon whale bought the aegis effect for 2500 dollars

Planet Dog is going to be top 8. Secret is going to shit the bed. I don't know anything past that.

Scroling through my old files. Who remembers this?

that was live on chinese television i remember

>Planet dog

>how do i stop playing slutty heroes
> PA, QoP, CM, WR, Drow, Lina, TA, Luna Spectre and Pugna are my 10 most played

5 M I N U T E S

what happens in 5 minutes

carry winter last pick with no supports worth a report but valve will not punish him so fuck you gaben fuck cuck!!

where to wathc live?
plz let it be FREE like dota

What is your guys Anal prize pool predictions and why is the print so fine you can't read it?

Samefag here posting my opinions

EG, OG, otherwise up for grabs but I dont think any Chinese teams or VP will be top 3

I have a really gut feeling that NP and Planet Dog will perform (top 8 both). I hate NP as much as the next guy but they have really good results against strong teams. Dog will just fly under the radar. Ig.V may also be top 6, they're probably better than the main squad.

VP and DC. I like their players alot (probs funniest) but VP has choking problems and I've never seen DC play well without meepo.

I can see DC/infamous not making it out

I can't remember the last time a report actually went through.
Fucking reddit.
I've seen screenshots of people boasting 15 reports and they're still not in low pri

>game with 4 russian teammates
>they all pick cores
>we loose nonstop until 35 minutes when enemy russian team fails miserably at sieging rax
>the game drags on for 70 minutes until all cores have full in slot and we win.

I fucking hate russian games, its like everything goes in slow motion and you get tired from it



when will it be on torrent?

What's she surprised about?

>team plays like complete retards and is incapable of making basic decisions
>still drag the game out for 80 minutes
>teammates whine for me to let them end, but are too pussy to stop playing
>give them multiple opportunities to come back
>get to watch them throw it every time and vaporize the enemy team afterward

Techies is the only hero in the game that is less fun to play when you're winning.

Russians arent close to the worst.

I'd take Russians over Peruvians any day, only reason NA servers are better than EU is because you guys also have to play with Turks and gypsies as well

>he doesnt have hbo
can poor subhumans just die already?

i can't stand this cunt
her entire acting range starts and ends with having a decent smug expression

>NP lost the last battle cup to mid void, safelane mirana

>paying for cable when you could just torrent everything

Didn't she also make a big deal with media about how women are being exploited in film and how she refuses to appear naked on camera ever again? I think I remember reading something about it.