/vn/ - One more week Edition

Visual Novel General #1546

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1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

Will a VN staring him work? Will there be a single good ending?

>Censored Subahibi

Will we ever see a good visual novel released in English?

Kei best girl


I finally managed to finish Ca Capo 3 - I just haven't had much free time lately. That was fucking great. I remember reading the first Da Capo when it was translated almost a decade ago, and then DC2 6 years ago. Da Capo 3 hit me pretty hard, and even got me to tear up at the end. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed all of the characters in this franchise and how invested I ended up feeling by the end. Wish I'd been able to read this back in January when it came out along with everyone else.

One day...

Was it actually good? I keep getting mixed messages about this

It's boring as all fuck, even for a moege it's mind numbing


You are late !


oh dear

isn't there anybody in dracu riot that wears a one-piece

I think if you've read the first two you wouldn't mind reading through the third one in order to see how the storyline goes. But on its own merits Da Capo 3 was pretty bad.

I like lewd dominant lolis.

Alright, this scene is max cute

Man that route was so good and lewd

Why are imouto routes generally decent more times than not but childhood friend routes tend to be shit

>not using tiny hats to censor

I dont have it saved.

G-d help me.

I was in the middle of a drug addled haze while I was reading Ikkikoi, so I don't remember much about it. Just that I almost broke my dick masturbating to the imouto and Admiral Perry showed up. Maybe I should go back and reread it.

Her H scene honestly saved her route. Its still shit, but her spaghetti at that scene was too much.

I don't understand