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Official Website:
Tool for deckbuilding and card checking
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my wife
Reminder that if you go second it's because you lack skill.
I love my cute wife Unica!
I want to inhale that steam.
This head can't be taken
Kill yourself, shadownigger.
If you got grandmaster in the last 48 hours, post your deck
I got GM just now with pure phantom cat.
This meta sucks, I want to go back to DE times.
>he still plays shadowverse
Leader poll results...............................
what does /svg/ think about luna
When I get to GM, I want to fake the deck I used to get there. What's the best way to spread this on Twitter? Is there some hashtag I should use to get the japs attention?
I'm just here to laugh at the people who thought SV would be better than HS.
fuck off reddit
#シャドバ or #シャドウバース
I think I want to impregnate her
>he forgot his memepic.
Put in Bloody Marys and Beast Dominators please.
This post stopped being funny when more than one person started posting it.
Kill yourself, lunapedo.
How would you guys feel if they added a rock/paper/scissors to the beginning of each match, and the winner got to choose 1st or 2nd?
I know it doesn't solve the issue of the giant gap between 1st and 2nd, but it adds some control instead of just hoping the game gives you an advantage.
and not take responsibility?
It should be you select a deck and you're forced to play it twice, going 1st and 2nd.
>rock/paper/scissors becomes a thing
>people start conceding if they don't win and get the turn they want
>SV is no longer a card game and becomes solely rock/paper/scissors
Which class would prefer going second in this day and age?
I'll be her brotherhusband
The amount of retardation in this post
I ship her with Urias
They can live in a spooky mansion together with all their zombies and vampire friends
>shipping rad vampire with autistic child
No Luna deserves to rot alone.
It's not meant to be funny, it's meant to be an inconvenient truth.
How about fix the fucking game so it isn't a coinflip instead of adding more arbitrary coinflips to the game?
Will do if I can pull some but I don't have any
>discord link in the pastebin
Someone please include this link.
I ran into a 13k MP Shadow player running Soul Eater and what looked to be no Cerberus. Is this a legit tech?
FGO collab announced!
New leader skins:
Royal: Arturia Pendragon
Elf: Emiya (Archer)
Dragon: Elizabeth Bathory
Witch: Tamamo no Mae
Bishop: Jeanne D'Arc
Necromancer: Jeanne Alter
Vampire: Vlad III
Each skin costs 1k crystals
Give me armpits or give me death.
>Still policing threads
Do it yourself, fag.
I would unironically pay money for this.
Kill yourself, discordfag. You are not welcome here.
>let's copy someone's else pastebin and shit it up
That's rather mature of you.
mario bros collab announced!
sword: toad
forest: yoshi
dragon: mario
shadow: luigi
haven: peach
rune: rosalina
blood: one of those minions rabbits
>mess with the OP to include your reddit chat
>others get mad
>/SVG/ Discord for Dailies and News
Why would a forum need a chat? Why you people keep posting this crap here when the person who made it literally was a redditor?
>Implying I use Discord
As far as I'm concerned anyone can change the pastebin as anyone can change the OP. If you're triggered over Discord and really feel it shouldn't be there, then snipe the thread yourself.
I want to sniff Medusa's butthole.
I say we go in there and tell those faggots off
I haven't done my dailies in three days.
I say you go there and never come back.
>let's snipe the thread if you want to wrestle it
How about you leaving instead of advertising your hugbox?
It smells like my semen
Join my discord we can help
>then snipe the thread yourself.
>Just make early threads bro thread wars are fun
Or you discordtards could stop messing with out OP.
How about you just go back?
I don't use the discord, retard. I'm just saying if you hate it so much make your own thread instead of shitposting here. Go ahead and do it - actions, not words.
Don't bother replying to me faggot, this argument is pointless and I've already closed the tab.
>I'm not discord but I'll defend them
Something is wrong here
I want to make out with Medusa's anus.
Anti discord babbies are the worst.
that's just autistic user
>im just gonna close the tab because my feelings got hurt
He is defending something called common sense
if you dont like something, do it yourself instead of complaining and ruining the thread
here we go again
>it's common sense for someone to change something that is not broken
>it's common sense for someone to sneak in and advertise their shitty hugbox
Please leave.
I thought you had closed the tab discord-kun
Dis cord can't be taken!
This is the only shadowverse-relevant post in like, 20 posts.
How far we've come.
well discorded
Delete this fucking thread, autist OP.
Your fault for posting discord shit.
I don't actually care about discord, but shitposting about it keep the thread bumped because we're dead otherwise.
>I don't use the discord
>t. Turboautist
Are there any Roland doujins? if not, she is truly incorruptible
>Getting mad about anime in a weeb game general
I approve of discord and think everyone should get in here and say hi! Let's get along baka desu senpais.
I don't fucking care, babby.
We never created a discord, we don't need one. This shit only servers to attract shit talking. Stop posting this crap and this won't happen.
>calls others babbies and autists while throwing a temper tantrum because of a link inside a fucking pastebin in the OP
join btw
Because armpit posting, mom posting, and whining about spawn is so much better :^)
You can only post what the inner circle allows.
Well? Do you not?
It's probably just castration with no sex involved.
>still playing bloodverse
Lmao why would you even have this game installed
Pulling cards sates my gambling problem.
This is a nice illustration.
I don't. I just pop in every once and awhile to see what the fuck you guys even talk about anymore.
I like to imagine that when I lose a game, I'm losing to a cute girl.
this but with a cute trap instead
>it was urias
>he greeted you as you spent your last turn with spawn on board
>followed up with alucard, because why not
Gotta give KMR some credit. He managed to make secret paladin looks like tame curve-wise.
I'm still having fun.
In unranked.
th-thanks for the meme cygames
Can somebody post the midshadow deck again?
Looking for a concede
What do you think? Discord themselves aka our local Retarded Namefag, vampyshitters and reddit shitposters in general. They're all newshits when compared to anons, and I aint only talking about SV.
Thanks user
I stopped playing HS because of the shitty secret paladin meta but oddly enough, spawn meta is not as off-putting for some reason.
>after 5kMP, you only get matched with grandmastercucks
>tfw didn't run into any higher ranks on my last 10 games to GM