/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1854

2D only general and GBF Related Post.

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread:



I would sniff dat ass and petrify my dick.

Hey you post ID.

What call Wind Shiva could have?

4th for wife I will never be able to hold JEW GAMES REEEEEEEEEE
They're normal II and SL15 they're pretty good when you're starting especially when you are new to the game

They're the best normals easily available. You spent 3 chocobars on your Murgle already? Good for you, then you don't have to farm the water axe. Most people aren't like you.

I want to go to jail over dat ass.

100% dodge for 2 turns



user I don't think you have a playable Medusa so I'd appreciate it if you didn't post a character you don't have.

Why is her head so small

Anyone run a meme pool?

Don't post pictures of my wife without my permission.


Her ass is too big and her head looks small, but actually it isn't.


Just cosmeme dagger pool.

I'd answer you but I see a mouse cursor on that picture so now I can't

I was being hyped on her release for months before it happened but then she turned into zoey chan 2.0 I want to die user ;-;


I have this and a 4 ecke Agnis pool also.

I bet you don't even have her user. I have her, her summon and I also have a Mitcher daki so there.

If you have Agnis why are you farming for magna Eckes?


Can you read?

I have 1.7k Seeds ready for Magfest.

>sk15 baha bow
Either this is stolen from twitter or we found the should be leader of Erunefags.

I wanna build an Ygg staff grid next.

What else would you use in wind

I have enough crystals to do 3 - 10 rolls, is it better to wait till legfest or roll now if I only want dirt characters?

RotB = MagnaFest ?

I have 2.2k ready for Flat=Ass

I still need 2 normal ecke for 4 mlb so I'm still farming Flam. I just happened to get a lot of magna ecke drops while farming normals.

A Dagger?

Dagger is better than bow.



Dirty thread? Finally.

Not if you use Korwa.

Is it realistic for a new player to get 1 brick and 2 weapons from rotb

Not for Korwa/Rosetta teams. I have an sk15 bow for that as well, though I do use the dagger for my zoi teams.

I have 2k seeds for mom.

I like this post.

who should i frontline


But korwa and GW dagger is like 60% TA already

ayer razia cog




Ayer/Razia/Cog, swap Ayer with Sieg for GW. Level both of them, but especially Sieg to 100

So four normal eckes, two athena spears, Mika sword, two xenos, and suzaku katana?

I unironically spent 2 minutes doing street sign captchas.

Think you can get all the daily nuggets and 110k pendants?

I'm filling every hole of your mom with my seed. Pic related, me on the left and her reaction.

No you retard. Why the fuck would you roll now? Dirt characters have higher rates than other characters, but the fucking SSR rate is still 3%.

Can you please her well and accept responsibilities as a father? That's what I'm more worried about.

do not post of my wife lyria
the lack of her lewding is a crime

JK isn't my mom, this is my mom. And no you cannot fill her with your seed, that's verboten.

oh huh, siegman is so cool though.

Except he's lying. She's actually my wife, and you are my child.

If you arent going to bother updating it, stop posting that picture.

If you're okay with cool over damage then Siegman is fine to replace ayer. Ayer is only good at low HP anyway and Siegmans DPS is still high while being a more stable unit.

I want Zahlmama to pat me on the head and whisper sweet things to me.

I run 4 ecke, 3 spears, Mika, 1 xeno. Xeno mainhand if playing zerk. 2 spears is good enough I just run 3 cause I'm a data whore.

Next sunlight/surprise ticket will complete Athena. Who to stone next?

Both cog and sieg are pretty underwhelming before their lvl100 but cog becomes the best dirt buffer after cock once she get hers.

Not that guy but I'm stuck deciding whether to ticket Ayer or Siegman for GW. I have no other SSRs but I do have a completed Yugu pool. What should I do?

bonito but probably just save your stones user

3 spear will be ideal if they ever get a 4* anyway so it's good to have a third lying around.

What if I filled her other self my with seed?

>but cog becomes the best dirt buffer after cock once she get hers.
[Laughing chimes]

Honestly, I'd say you're better off running Ayer/Siegfried/Cog or maybe Ayer/Siegfried/Razia if you need to take heat off of Ayer.

/gbfg/ likes to overstate Cog's value: he's not really worth seriously running before level 100, and while the recent buffs made him a LOT better than he was, he's not core like Cock.

Baha HL
2(7) horns left

>start watching Evo because of last thread
>it's Smash Bros
>2 black casters
>2 black players
>black audience
Just because esports has "sports" in it doesn't mean niggers need to take it over

Sieg is more than good enough damage for magna earth. He's not reaching Ayer levels because of the echos and cap break but he's more consistent and offers more utility.

I'll allow it. Shijou is made to receive seed anyway.

A fresh one just for you, user.

Ayer is better overall, Siegfried is better for GW specifically since GW bosses hit hard on autos/AOEs and don't play friendly with enmity.

Ayer will give you bigger numbers but risks death, Siegfried is very reliable and consistent big damage and also tanky once he reaches level 100 due to unique def up and the water resist up attached to his nuke.

Smash bros is for sub humans

I guess the question is how fast I can get him to LV100 in time for GW then.

>join a raid
>its just me and someone else
>finish the raid
>they send a celebratory sticker
>you intend to respond in kind but viramate closes the raid before you can
I always feel the worst when this happens. I mean I'm still not going to turn off virusmate auto close because it saves so much time, but it just feels bad sometimes.

>he's not really worth seriously running before level 100
Same goes for seig.

stop this

Were you spamming auto?

It's just that games media are so "woke" these days that they get angry unless every contest is majority minorities. Yes, I'm aware of the irony, as are they. But they have to avoid the press calling them racist and sexist and transmisogynistic because it means minorities will avoid them because they buy into the victim narrative and white people avoid them because being labelled as or associated with any of those labels is a career ender.

I want to do indecent things to this cat

Blacks love fighting games, always have

Sieg is still good before level 100 because his buff is a unique multiplier. Level 100 just makes him tanky instead of fragile.

Cog isn't worth running before the buff becomes party-wide, and even then people hugely overestimate its worth.

a couple of hours if you slimeblast
whats wrong with black people user
are you retarded blacks in fighting games have NOTHING to do with anything SJW related fighting communities always had a lot of black people

>smash bros
>fighting game
It's a fucking party game this isn't fucking SF or Tekken.

>stop this
Stop referring to a man by the proper pronouns?

Like 4/5 hours of sliming during half co op/extra exp with buffs if you go fast.

44 days to go.

Yeah yeah, you're in the wrong thread if you're going to start saying that kind of junk.

More like he stops being an SR at level 100 and becomes a pretty good character.

I'm going to ticket Ayer! I have to fill one more slot. I can't decide between Razia, Christmas Clarisse, Cog and Earth DLF

bad meme