League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lubuse edition


previous: Still no chromas.
Still no VR yordle girls.
Still no suicide booths.


duskblade hotfix when

do malphite/maokai mains exist?

Shoutout to that streamer who browses lolg but wont link his stream, lolg accepts you


cho gath hotfix when
zac nerf when
gragas nerf or fix when
tresh actual noticeable nerf when

nah better hotfix singed


Zac nerf next patch.

wow trynd is such bullshit

>get into a series and given a free win
>get 2 games like this in a row
I should just dodge all sona supports

People who play Sona are autistic 100% of the time.

I'm in love with Ms. Buvelle.

Do you love someone user? Tell me about them. Why do you love them?

>dying 5 times on 0 cost 0 cd dash man


Whats the renekton build?

In lcs these past 2 days ssumday and zig have been going for a no tiamat tbc->randuins->random tank items build. Legit or a meme?

Also is Mike Yeung just an overrated 2 trick?

fluffy tails

I love abusing Lulu

Yuri is the best!

OK Veeky Forums, I'm asking for your help.

You guys said that Sivir is good, I heard it just recently from here. Yet, I've lost quite literally every game I've played as her since then, different teams, different builds, nothing is working. What the fuck am I supposed to do to be good with this broad?


>Kayn is actually growing on me as a character
>doesn't help that he's actually pretty fun and challenging to play as well

What the fuck, why. I thought I wouldn't stoop this low.
Kayn could've been a genuinely interesting character if his bio and color text wasn't shallow as fuck and full of unanswered questions and narrative exploration though.
And Rhaast is still badass.

youve got a VERY selective memory if you think the overall consensus is that sivir is good

>haven't played in a month since I went back to WoW
>play my first match as Ekko after buying him months ago
>find that I'm half-decent as him
>meanwhile our keystoneless Flash + Exhaust Sivir let the enemy Tristana get stupid fed

Check a tier list rather than listen to the same people who post about how much they want to have sex with the characters in your video game

>imagining the fat slobs who lust for lesbain

really puts me off the whole "yuri is pure!" thing when its only lusty disgusting men who like it

>11k ip
>dont know what to buy

>make a sick flash ignite play early game to help mid lane akali start to snowball
>premade starts sucking my dick
>"The enemy team has agreed to a forfeit!"

Other than 1st timers in ranked, what is your reason for banning Bane?

>lesbians can't like yuri

First timers in normals

What's the best skin for Zed?

>ranged top juggernaut

it even sounds dumb on paper

Tiamat -> Cleaver -> upgrade to Titanic -> Stoneplat -> situational tank items


I don't love anyone.

Thunder or Championship

purple shockblade

Is Leona fun?

no im pretty sure they dont because irl lesbains arent weebs and the weeby girls that do pretend to be bi are just doing it for attention

you have to be a lonely beta to watch the cutesy girly animes and pair them together

weeb girls ACTUALLY like male on male shit thats what theyre known for while men are the opposite and like yuri ships

unlike the other waifu posts here, which are made by 10/10 women (female)

>Dominatrix Leona


Personally I think Project looks pretty cool as well but that entire skin line has the whole preteen feeder stigma going for it, if that bothers you.

Thanks for clearing it up!

Anyone have more of these things?

I used to have a friend who mained Maokai. He started watching Tobias and only plays Gangplank and Twisted Fate now, though.

>Air Traffic Controller


Pay tribute to your king.

Is there a camille one?
If so i commission lolg to make it

>air traffic controller
>cant say a word


Yeah, she's fun. She's gets to go ham and all of her abilities are bright and flashy. She's harder to do well with than most other supports right now though.

My friends who are lesbians talk about their waifus from various games and stuff too. In fact they would be indistinguishable from many of the posts here.

I don't think you know how commissioning works user

take this

Sure i do, the payment is my love and thanks

>56k IP
>Already got multiple name changes

>t. fat slob that has no contact with real women and think they're different


>spent the last 80k IP on name changes and 3 champs
I really should buy all the champions eventually but I only play like 3

xth for breast metal waifu

>waifu poster
>same as a shipper

having a waifu doesnt mean you ship them, I know full blown homosexual men with female waifus but that doesnt make them straight

Literally build a Duskblade on him right now

Have you embraced your inner jew today user ?

>red kayn build full ad
>cant kill him because he heal so much
>if i het too close to him he twoshot me

buff when

No one really replied last night

First 3, 6, or 9 decides

I already have every champ and every rune

someone help me

>51% wrplank gets buffs
I know there's many suicidal people here; Instead of just hanging yourself, can one of you go suicide bomb Tencent HQ?

get leggy grandma of many high kicks


Fish of many immunities

>tfw jungle is your worst role

multi thumb tree man

Play her top.

I wish this was done a bit better and wasn't flipped.


As never-dated-anything-but girls lesbian, lemme say you're a fucking clueless moron.

Jinx/Lux is pretty lame though, Kat is the only one for Lux.

Well no shit but you also have to put it in the corner properly

How'd your games go today? /lolg/

>mf won't communicate

>proceed to afk and int half the time because I don't want my team to win

Speak up in league more guys. It's a good way to win and prevent your leona from AFKing due to you not talking.

I think i'm going to adopt this strat more often.

>trying this hard

prove it fatso

was WAY too lazy to go that far user, come on mate.

>lose games

good thing that MF is going to be climbing higher than you because she doesnt throw games and instead focuses on winning

>they had a jungler fucking Lux
>she tore our team a new asshole five ways to sunday

i can't fucking even

buy three champion shards and reroll

>speak up
>having chat enabled
good one

>I'll afk if you don't talk
and of course you play support lmao

stay stuck in bronze fag


>Jinx/Lux is pretty lame though, Kat is the only one for Lux.

Too bad for you! it's actually canon.

Why is there so much barefooted fan art for this?

But Kat would probably be physically abusive towards Lux.

[Citation needed]

>it's an ADC teemo episode

the star guardian line isn't canon though

You first. Timestamp you micropenis and post it here faggot.



>skinny gurrrrls covered in shiny metal accessories

This is your enemy team for today.

ok I made highlight by recording a replay

I now have a webm with sound

how do I remove sound so I can upload here

no (you)s

How about now? Better?

What's the ARAM MMR where I find ranged players who know they should hit the minions?

that lux face is pretty quality