/pg/ - Persona General

Best Imouto Edition

Previous Thread: NEWS
>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
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Ritual posters are a fucking blight.

I love Ann!

She's mine /pg/

Obligatory Makoto post



Claiming this mini morsel of magnificence.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Thank you for helping me out the other day fellow Annfan.

Based Tokido

Save us domestics bro!!

How bad do you think Shido was even beyond what we've seen of him? Like, the forging of Wakaba's suicide note sound like it was totally his idea.

Obligatory domestics bro post

Time to start the STRATEGY MEETING


Nigga it's not that hard
>BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle announced, will feature P4 cast: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-announced-features-persona-4-arena/
Just some shit like that

Where were you when domestics bro coaxed ryujifag and got him banned?
His wisdom is infinite.

With all the talk of fighting games, I'd like to ask a question: what do you think Persona 5 Arena's antagonist would be like? What do you want to personally see out of such a villain?

Fuck off retards

Kawawriter signing in.

What if... Ryujifag isn't banned? What if I am Ryujifag?

I was the guy that was interested in cognitive Ann. I realized that I probably cared too much about appearances, since she looks just like Ann, and wouldn't care enough about how it would make my waifu feel. Even if I'm thick-skinned enough not to care, it would still matter to her, and I didn't realize that. I'm still on the road to becoming as compassionate as her. But I'm grateful for the people like you who can help me realize my mistakes. So thank you.

Then you will be purged by the domestics army.

If you are the Ryujifag, that's it.

Kill yourself

I blame fuukafag




Oh. You're welcome then.


The antagonist will be a god-like being from some mythology, like every Persona/SMT game

Im sorry, Ryuji.. I don't love you anymore

who's that?

Are you retarded?

No need to be so aggressive my dude


welcome to /pg/

Oh shit, all the Phantom Thieves (which Goro isn't a part of) have been captured! This is terrible. Philemon wakes up from his nap and tasks you to pick 8 other Persona 5 characters to trust with rescuing humanity from its desires.

They get a Persona and a costume and everything; the works. One of them's even fit to be a Wild Card it turns out. If you pick a villain they'll probably sabotage everything. Goro can't come. Nobody from the Velvet Room either, they're busy.

Who you got?

Kawakami, Sojiro, Tanaka, Shinya, Hifumi, Mishima, Lala, Creepy Female Student

Ryuji posters and kawakucks are fucking cancer!!

The honeymoon is over and the marriage is dead.


Ryujifag deserves it, doe.

Can we skip P5 Arena crossover and just get a SO RPG crossover with everyone.
Let Sho be the leader and make it his journey.

It seems that Kawakamifags always disappear when a shitstorm happens what's up wit that?

Kawakami a kawacutie

Meh. This meme was never funny.

>Ryuji refuses to divorce makoto, desperate, he turned to a life of crime to produce fast cash and shower Makoto with money and expensive gifts, trying to delight the flame of their marriage.

More like "Who", amrite or amrite? :^)

Was there any funny /pg/ meme ever?

people sleep sometimes
also, they seem to be here anyway

come to me instead Mako-chan

you're right

What you don't think "Hashino thanks western piggu" is the paramount of journalistic integrity?

It's at least three times better than Kotaku.

>This meme was never funny.
It was never meant to be funny, just for shitposting

Dive-by Kamoshida, Futabber

Abuseposts have made me laugh, cry, masturbate and smile. Truly a rollercoaster of emotions.

anything remotely original is driven into the ground relentlessly
it's pretty sad desu

>Dive-by Kamoshida
Good meme, but I always get disgusted

>trying to delight the flame of their marriage.

not anymore because this guy

cheer up aigisu

No one ever cared enough to respond to this crap either. If you're trying to get (You)s, you may as well move on to something else

You should off yourself.

Sojiro, Chihaya as navigator, Tae, Sae, Kawakami, Yoshida as Wild Card, Shinya and Iwai. Goro as the Wild Card would have been hilarious though since he'd be leading a bunch of adults and one kid.

Makoto is not a slut!!

I honestly don't get it. They're not triggering people and it seems like its just a shitposting criclejerk at this point

It's not really a rollercoaster if you're doing all those things at the same time.

that's precisely what it is
pure, concentrated clinical autism

Finally came running back to groo?

Sometimes when I run into a difficult!t dilemma I would ask my self.
What would based domestics bro do?
My quality of life has improved tenfold thus far.

Ryuji is a fashy goy and is redpilled

while joker is a good goy

Iwai, Hifumi, Tae, Shinya, Foreign Barker, Sojiro, Sae, Yoshida.

Kill yourself

more like this goro

Would buy

Makoto, please come back, the kids need to see their mother! - goro
The jew fear the samurai

Hilariously abusive Sae was a good one.
Desperate Virgin Sae still gets a laugh out of me.

Maybe it's the fact that barely anyone talks about her, but I still like the Sae memes.

Looks like a puppy


Sae (wild card), Sojiro, Takemi, Kawakami, Iwai, Tora, Ohya, Lala-chan

I just want an all adult cast


why are you pouring chocolate milk on my wife?

Fuukafag died, so what's the point in this?

Now I unironically want a fic where the PT gets captured and Goro has to save them and he has to pick a team out of Joker's Confidants while cursing his miserable luck, because of course he only gets to be a hero after he's already screwed himself over.

Can't wait for August 2nd for disappointments so /pg/ can finally die for good.

So Joker woke up, got up, and got out there, while Ryuji sat and bitched about >tfw no gf ?

Makes sense to me.

take that fuukafag
wherever you are

Post more comfy abuse

>Now I unironically want a fic where the PT gets captured and Goro has to save them
Wait for Crimson


Sojiro, Toranosuke, Kawakami, Takemi, Iwai, Sae, Shinya, and Hifumi.

Sojiro to lead the party if based on sheer competence, or Toranosuke is based on sheer strength of character and moral compass.

We're always watching /pg/



Made me chuckle

I like this meme

I need this to happen


You know what?
I'm fuckin done
I'm gone
There's literally nothing left in this abscess but infinite shitposts and other faggotry
You're gonna tell me 'see ya tomorrow fag', but nope, I'm out, I know exactly where I'm gonna go and I am never coming here ever again
Fuck just about all of you for turning this small community into the putrid mess it is today
I've fuckin had it, bye guys

Well we know the August 2nd announcement won't be fighting game, so it'll either be an anime, a re-release, P6 or a spinoff of an entirely different genre.

So shitposting will intensify.

even in dog form ann can't help but wave her butt in the air at all times