/wotg/ World of tanks general

Dying at 100 replies edition

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>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel

>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/ (apply through the website and write something nice)

NA: AWOO - na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043295/


>Archived threads

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the suffering continues

shit dead game cant keep a thread alive

shits getting archived 3 times a day yo
we're reaching levels of ded'nes that shouldn't even exist

It can't be helped, there's nothing to talk about other than the usual whining.

>5th thread from being canned bump



get yer food stamps/gubmint checks niggaz

>friend who introduced me to this game
>used to think he was good at the game
>a while back I realized he's below average
>tried to give him some tips & hints how to do better
>doesn't follow them
>keeps talking about how if he had *insert premium tank* then how easy the game would be
>purchases said tank
>still not very good at it
>blames tank
>"now if I had *insert another premium tank*..."

This conceited lack of awareness is truly amazing isn't it?

>it's a your-team-goes-one-side-the-enemy-team-goes-the-other episode


what is this, NA?

go with the herd, kill their isolated plebs, then return to defend your cap, easy peasy lemon squeezy


So what nation is next after the polish. Latvia? Bulgaria? Brazil?


Just die already!

i managed to snab type 64 before the sale ended

how can one tank be so fun

I'd bother to keep the threads alive but I'm either actually playing the game, sleeping, or at work.

but for what purpose

This is my favorite place to talk about tanks. The forums are cancer and I've never been to reddit and I'm not about to start now.

Fiddling while I post in a dead tank thread bump

It must be a day ending in day.

>Team goes through town Windstorm
>stick back to hold out the 1-2 line
>Watch guy part of the train whining about team being faggots.
>Get dead as they push hard. Shit happens.
>Get to watch guy bitching about team get dead as he tries to drown himself.
>Call him out on his faggotry.

I love this game.

dunno, not like it's batshit overpowered

Is Achilles horribly underpowered or am I playing it wrong. 17-pounder just has no alpha. And tank itself has no armor, no hp, no gun depression and horrible turret rotation.

its heavily gimped and uptiered wolverine, yes its bad

It's shit like every other tank in that line.

I have a reversed experience.
>be newbie to the game
>VC tanks comes out
>everyone spergs about how insanely OP Nameless is
>buy it because it was different from other tanks
>be completely useless
>ask for tips&hints
>people just keep saying it's OP without actually teaching me anything relevant
>some players say some useful tips
>get better in it
>people say I'm only doing well because I'm using an OP tank
I don't think they're 100% wrong but still.

Guys hold me back WG is jewing me again. Which one??

>2 great tanks wrapped into one
59-Patton without a doubt

Why 59-Patton over Patton KR? I got Pilot for US med crew training but dont need chinese crew trainer either so that doesn't help.

meme cred

After some research I found out this meme is not worth 20€. What the fuck was WG thinking

They're just butthurt poorfags.

>not getting another 30% coupon
you must bad be bad goyim

I have never got one. Whos dick I need to suck?

i honestly don't know, must be an oldfag reward or some shit

Account of mine is almost 5 years old. Possibly some returning player reward, they get more shit than people who actually play the game.

>spending money on a dead game


latvia would be hilarious

some kind of armored horse drawn cart with a hunting rifle mounted on it as their tier 1

Waclow, please

the charioteer is not at all shit

that could buy a meal and a drink down at the pub!

Sale of tank gear
>TFW when I can't stop buying rammers and ventilations for all of my tanks.

I even bought few garage spots, but Idk if my T67 needs rammers and all the expensive gear, tho I love it so much. It's exactly what LT's should be like. Leveling french LTs past AMX40 was a mistake.

Thx for giving me terminal cancer

Also I bought KV-13 and it's somewhat awful, similar to T-34-85, but it's a tier higher so it's relatively worse. More so its armour doesn't feel like STALINIUM of IS tank line. I hope Hellcat won't be a disappointment like that.

KV-13 was imo alright with the topgun, it's the same story with the A-44.

Bumping this. Just give me a reason to be cannon fodder for defenders and patriots.

T-34-3. Pref mm, and it'll soon be getting an HD model, thicker armor, and improved gun handling.

Chinese TDs, second French TD line, second French HT line, Swedish MTs, Swiss tree opening, with MTs, I'm sure they'll do something with the Czech line by now, then maybe, just maybe we'll get Pasta.

The Hellcat will be a disappointment, it was nerfed into the ground 2 years ago and people just still bitch/jack off about what it once was

it's fast, but handles like a sack of bricks and has the worst gun of any tier 6 TD


You EU and ASIA bros, who are the brazilians of your servers?

polaks get a bad rap, but they aren't worse than french and germans desu. t*rks are the worst. and greeks are pretty much t*rks

Turks are not only bad but real scumy fucks too.

you know, this is pretty much true, whenever someone begins insulting and shooting teammates at the start of a game, they will be turkish, in fact it's happened to me, and the perpetrator was turkish

TK and constant weird insults


you're just bad

really, that's the only explanation to why you think the hellcat is bad, it's not glaringly OP, but it's phenomenal

You're a huge faggot my man. He said it would be a disappointing not that's it's a shitty tank. The Hellcat turns like an 18-wheeler despite weighing half as a Sherman. For anyone expecting a very mobile tank like the game tell you, you'll be severerly let down because you end up with a tank that's good at driving in a straight line and nothing else.

I've got 250+ battles in it and 2 MoE in the thing but I'm not blind to its flaws

The dedist

disappointing is the same thing, you're just dumb

the tank is a marvel, anyone that's expecting a tank that allows them to drive around like a full siema and dominate can go jump off a cliff, if you know how to use something with camo, speed, and a good gun, then you will make good use of the hellcat.

If you find it lackluster then you're already terrible

>and a good gun
that's the thing, it has a shitty gun for its tier and class, whats so phenomenal about some of the worst DPM, pen and gun handling among its peers?

There are nice things about it, the speed camo and gun depression let you get in a lot of side and rear shots on unsuspecting people but it's simply unexceptional

no, you're wrong and you're stupid and you probably have some sort of diaper fetish

hey now, don't go making him think you're me


>My fav thread about my fav game is dying

Would y'all niggas be interested in some writefagging to give this stale bread some fresh OC?

I was thinking of a sort of 'Battlefield stories', were typical casual games are narrated from the perspective of the various tank commanders of key tanks crucial to the battle. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Or should I just fuck off and let nature take its course?

any user that knows a little about modding to help me out? I want to change the e-75 tracks for the tiger 2 ones, but when I open the /scripts/item_defs for the tiger II, the xml points the following path (in vehicles_level_08.pkg):
but this path doesn't seem to exist in the vehicles_level_08.pkg

anyone got a means of changing the 36.01h to the tiger 131?

Stop being poor and buy the 131 if u want it

I already have ~50 prem tanks, and all I want is to replace that ugly tank with tigers

I just had to call someone poor because I happened to buy 131 even tho not needing it. It was a really nice package tho.

Someone buy me a Patton KR on Asia server.

I will if you buy me a liberte on NA

nvm, patton kr can't be gifted.

We be dead soon. Everyone can feel it in their bones.

why do gay games like overwatch and fantasy mobas remain healthy where cool games like WoT suffer?

Because they have broader appeal and require far less skill to be good. WoT requires a serious time investment before you get any decent vehicles let alone understand the mechanics. You can't just jump in and play this game until you've sunk a few thousand hours into the game

As far as my experience with dota 2, dota 1 and heroes of newerth goes:
They are way better balanced/balancing is done more frequently.
Heck, back in dota 1 there sometimes were balance passes weekly/daily.
Gameplay offers both unranked/ranked modes, and ranked gameplay itself doesn't lead to everyone camping at the edges of the map.

All content that affects gameplay is either readily available, or is not stupidly expensive and not behind some bullshit flash sale/single lifetime opportunity (such as the mutant).

They generate money from stuff that doesn't affect gameplay (thus, doesn't mess with balance), is generally cheap, while also being cool and addictive for some.

>require far less skill to be good
you wish, the less rng there is in a game the more mechanical skill you need to be good at it.
quake pros shit at wot pros when it comes to aiming skills.
>inb4 muh map positioning, coordination and learning weak spots.

no one is going to argue that world of tanks isn't an easy FPS, but we're talking about mobas
quake isn't easy to learn either, and when it comes to massively popular ones like CS:GO or overwatch the pick up and playability is way higher than WoT where there are multiple layers of mechanics like armour penetration and spotting to learn as well as just obtuse bullshit like not having good enough accuracy to properly aim at weakspots until tier 5

skill cap =/= skill floor

>They generate money from stuff that doesn't affect gameplay (thus, doesn't mess with balance)
WG will do this by selling premium downtiered tanks with copy-pasted stats.


they could sell logs, helmets and those other stuff the fury has hanging on it. you know, get money from customising tanks

There's a detail here. Can you spot it?

But then they can't sell reskinned premiums.

Well, actually there could be ways to have both.
Have each tank have a certain number of slots for custom items, like a turret slot, a side armor slot, etc.
So you could have your fury with 3 base logs and get more logs for the slots.
It's double the jewing.

Go into more detail and send it as a suggestion to WG.

>muh height
>muh gun depression

>can barely get a kv-85 facehugging it in the cupola
>can't hit an is-3 at all
>this proves its gun depression isn't a weakness

>there are still people who dont know how to kill an AC 48

Actually, on flat ground, you can aim at an IS-3's cupola if it facehugs you.
Worst case scenario would be if it facehugs you on uneven ground, because almost all other heavy tanks in it's tier can push it around.

>when he finally fumbled behind you and continued around till he wasn't

any games besides WoT that has any of the prototype tanks/ post-war tanks like is7, amx50b, etc?



Sup guys! I'm from Russia and I want to know any details about EU/US players. Do u use premium shels? Do u play for stats/what usual players What ordinary players think about good players?
Tell me please!
And sorry for my bad English

Do you need Asia players?