Dueling Network General - /dng/

YGO General #2551
Blep Edition
Last Thread ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
>YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/nlcz47swc8bl4af/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.exe
>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/6vvclua195urlb9/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.dmg
>YGOPro (Linux): github.com/cromerc/ygopro
>High Quality YGOPro Images: mega.nz/#F!3xRSSZLD!n5HAXjFTVV8g-ha3I_5SsA
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● Duelingbook is a manual simulator

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Official /dng/ ruling test: testmoz.com/466984
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:
>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors (August 11st)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2017 (September 9th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Surge of Divine Radiance (September 23rd)
●OCG: Extreme Force (October 14th)

●TCG: Starter Deck: Link Strike (July 21st)
●TCG: Code of Duelist (August 4th)
●TCG: 2017 Mega-Tins (August 25th)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists (September 8th)
●TCG: Legendary Dragon Decks (October 6th)
●TCG: Circuit Break (October 20th)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just realized after posting, thanks to whoever finally added Linux to the OP, I kept forgetting to when I made new threads.

2nd for not submitting to the paywall lmao

>tfw the only Lunalight with little to not fanart is purple butterfly
I mean she used to be a very questionable card to run in lunas but now with kaleido chick making her be a r4nk starter or a better blue cat 2x atk play. And she's also very cute.

Are yall interested in a YGO Stream or no? Me and a group of friends are dueling tag.

Why not? Link?

How do I make Phantasm spiral viable


Don't run the big guy who's name I can't remember and run Paleozoics


Having tried the deck in many variations, I'd say wait until Master Peace isn't around, then run it mostly with Paleozoics.

What's the password?

technical difficulties coming from our streamer, should be back up soon.

>shilling like that

Looking back to paleozoic, i kinda wish we got an Xyz that used the trap monsters (think Metal reflect slime) or a synchro because of Shapesister is a thing, or just some better support for the trap monsters.

pass is no
seach kyrosno
just stick to spectating for now, we'll have/start randoms up later on.

>all this rambilng

>No Thirsty comments towards any females in the call or chat. You know who you are.
>implying girls actually watch your dead stream
lol, white knights


Turned it back off for the next few duels.

we got a spot for one more. since the other guy/friend of mine went afk

Dont dissapoint me user.

Has anyone been testing this? I replaced my Cosmics with it and it's honestly pretty insane, almost a win condition. Going +1 for free, especially when you hit double Solemn or something, is normally enough to get my opponent to scoop.

>Hope Harbringer Dragon Titanic Galaxy on my partner's first turn
Wew lad.

New pass?

That was too short lived.
yeah its nou.

Good luck winning with only one Spiral Dragon. If you don't OTK your opponent they'll OTK you next turn, this deck has zero protection.

>zero protection
>all those Paleo and backrow, with Demise to draw them
You could even throw in Quakings/Drownings if you wanted.

No deck dies to backrow these days.

Idk what protection you're looking for then, user.

3K+ ATK Monsters with immunities and quick effects. This deck doesn't have that so it's the definition of a glass cannon.

Yes i am this much of a shameful faggot to bring zoodiacs into a fun-time stream, but that won't stop me from being ERECT

Well, yall scared them off.
>Friend A (Lets call him David) Game crashed although i know its a ragequit
And the streamer decided to call it a night too.

Personally im not mad. But why go for OTK's/loops tho?

I might stream myself tho. Yall wanna keep going?

Sure. Because we can

Aight. Gimmie a few minutes to set up.

Idk why you're complaining for effect monsters in normie.dek, I'm just giving that user the best build of the deck I had. The traps make up for the lack of Drident/MP like popping, in a way.

That totally explain why Zood was tier 0.
Oh wait.

So by your definition, Great Magnus turbo has good protection.

Don't be retarded for the sake of pessimism like is so common in this community. Backrow (and hand traps) are and always have been the best form of protection.

>Not equipping your Drident with Thoroughblade and Viper

The fact still remains that Normal Beatdown decks are weak where it hurts most; their monsters are painfully easy to get rid of. And this deck rolls over and dies once it loses its field spell, and killing field spells is the mainstay of the current meta. So, the obvious solution is running Spiral Dragon at 2, and attacking for game the first chance you get because you sure as fuck won't get another.

>1600+1200 > 3K
>immune to nothing

search Kyrosno
pass is sword
(Mostly going to be single duels)

amd the stream is right here gaming.youtube.com/user/KyrosnoProductions/live havent started it tho
Feel free to request a song or two, call me a nigger, etc.

But no screen cheatin tho.

Xth for Outer Gods support never EVER

no one?
ill head off to sleep then. perhaps another night then.and hopefully have everything fixed.

dead because links and mr4

Waiting on good Links
Will be waiting forever

It's dead because I'm waiting to test out decks with links and percy hasn't updated yet.

so I found the sales figures to Konami of Japan's booster sales spanning from 2016 May to 2017 May. Im hesitant to post it though because it looks like it would completely destroy this thread and I don't want to start a console war.

We already know its poor sales this year. Only a retard would think otherwise

Are they good or bad? OCG only? I'd be weary of the source too since Konami never posts this info out themselves.

Post it you pussy.

They're better than your sales that's for sure.
Excellent actually. Both tcg and ocg.
Fuck you.

>fuck you
So you're full of shit then.


Don't call me a pussy then, you shitstain.

I call you what I want you pussy.


update ygopro already you cunt

Anybody got crawler memes?

What deck does the best job of spamming out Rank 9 plays? True Draco? MPB?

Cloudcastle turbo

Why is it that even if japs can't draw professionally they can still draw nice tits

Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon Turbo with some Deep space cruiser 9s can pump out Rank 9s fairy quickly

Why the fuck have I never seen pic related used? It looks like Side Deck gold.

Maybe if you're playing against Ojamas.

Because you waste your normal on it and it only targets 3 or lower shitters

Because Xyz monsters don't have levels and no one leaves a bunch of low level monsters on the field.

Because there's been meta decks that had mostly low levels?

That leave them there on your turn? Oh sure lemme just tourguide out something and leave it there so my opponent gets to double summon tribute sack my ass with some niche card I've never heard of

Is there any other cards I should add besides Grass to make a 60 card deck more viable?

Just run as many 3 ofs as possible and mash in as many engines as you can like brilliant

Left Arm Offering.

>not sending it to the graveyard then reviving it with black garden by summoning predaplant squid drosera then nuking it and the token so you can steal every monster your opponent controls that has a level

Links are doing a good job on the game balance overall. Funny thing is that none of you can't prove it wrong.

the current ocg meta (true draco / invoked / dinosaur) proves you're wrong and that nobody likes links.

I think you forgot this.

400+800, both plants = black garden summons PDS from the graveyard, squid triggers. tribute PDS for it's effect

works perfectly.

it's just for spicy predaplant memes

The current ocg meta is better than the metas we had in at least 1 year.

it's the SAME meta they've had for the last year minus zoo

And that's better.

It's the same.

Every deck from DUEA is really cheap except Shaddolls.

There's no zoo.

>Funny thing is that none of you can't prove it wrong.
Funny thing is you're right, because no matter what anyone says you will never reply "Oh yeah, I'm wrong then." Twat.

Woop dee fucking doo.

i mean if skull servants are dicking you that hard sure


Japs can draw fine

Of course, because I'm not wrong.
No zoo.

>draw two ovals
wow so hard

That's like taking out a tumor and wrapping things up when there's 5 more to get out.

>Of course, because I'm not wrong.
I knew you'd say this you idiot.
What I'm saying is that no such statement exists such that if it were true you would admit to being wrong, which is why you are a bellend.

Not really proportions are way off most of the time.

So, better?
But it's true.

>art must always be perfectly proportional and never allow any creativity
kek. Beyond that, what are you basing this off of?

d e a d g a m e

Not on my watch!

there's no way your guys deck all died with link format, unless you play something like super quantum, even synchros and pendulums are alive with mr4

just makes it feel like spoiled bitching desu

Have you accepted that SPYRALs are great yet?

Quickly, someone post that screenshot.

Synchros honestly killed just as many decks as Links.
All of a sudden tuners and synchros were a requirement for decks not to be dogshit.

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