League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Sej and Ashe a shit
Anivia who?
Old: Eyosongive.us

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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

So for Kayn, is assassin build better than bruiser? And do you actually go with blue over red? Red seems much stronger, though I guess the buffs to lethality makes it not as good?

>Riot needs to let their fucking departments communicate.
Their internal culture emulates Steven Sinofsky's, note their obsession with keeping things secret until release just like Sinofsky did. Teams not even talking with each other inside of Microsoft was also quite painful, though that's partially on Ballmer too.


I want to go swimming in Lulu.


blue would be fine as a standalone assassin but since you have the choice red is just so much better

hey lulufag could you stop with the one copypasted star guardian post because it's really really obnoxious even relative to your normal posts, it hurts me to read it, please don't post it ever again.

Don't you mean inside?

Lux is the cutest and tightest

So, red but with lethality build?

Red is so much better it's not even funny. Assassin has so many blatant downsides and flaws that it's almost never worth taking over Rhaast who can fight sustained battles.

I would trade my pulsefire boipucci shard in a heartbeat for an elementalist lux shard.


see i think the way to do is never reply to their posts ever but i love annoying Lulu fags too much to pass that up :/


Just made my first Shaco montage after stockpiling clips for a some time.

Rate my mains


warrior/blackcleaver/duskblade (situational)/spirit visage/GA/ some armor item if needed

Advertising is against the rules fuck wad.

wheres the yasuo?

>Sona is my waifu and shibari is my interest
>mostly identify is a sub, but basically all of the stuff of them together is Sona on the receiving end
The answer to your question is A E S T H E T I C S though. Even with non-mute people, gags aren't only about not being able to talk. It's often about the drool, for others it's about revoking something normally taken for granted, and other things. Not the least of which is aesthetics.

So how is Ziggs right now? How is Cho'Gath mid?

Good luck u got this!!

just get lucky man

lux is a fuckin slut

>Pick Rammus Top because Yasuo, don't realize they swapped till I see Cass walk into my lane
>Following 5 minutes are brutal, but get my first back shortly after our Mid (Diana) does
>Notice he starts going Top, okay that's a great idea was just about to suggest it, buy double cloth, ping omw Mid and start walking Mid
>Moment Diana sees me heading Mid IMMEDIATELY veers away from Top and goes straight Mid, refuses to let me swap even though it's a picture-perfect time to
>I'm now stuck laning against Cassiopeia with nothing but a DShield and double Cloth
>Tilted to an existential level, I have never been this angry at this game before, vision going red
>Something snaps inside me
>I tilt so hard that I awaken my inner Korean
>Spend the next 15 minutes absolutely destroying this Cassiopeia as 0-MR Rammus
>By the time she realizes she's not allowed within 5 miles of my Tower it's too late, I'm rolling my Armordillo Cock up her ass faster than she can Ghost away
>Bloodlust is not sated, start rolling around the map murdering everything, team struggling to KS me as much as possible
>I see Diana getting spitroasted by Yasuo/Maokai
>I stand at the sidelines and watch, when they're finished with her I roll in and murder both of them
>Close out the game
>Still fucking angry

Thanks for reading my blog, like/comment/subscribe for more content.

Right in the middle, are you blind?

>I see Diana getting spitroasted by Yasuo/Maokai
I can get behind this desu

do you agree with the widely accepted head canon that Sona is a sub?
how would 2 subs tie themselves up and express the degenerate-ness?

xth for Cute Ashe

Liss a shit

Need a nap

should have used lee instead of kayn tbqh


>godfist lee

You win.

@ that one user in the prievous thread who asked for draven checking himself out in what is supposed to be an axe

Excuse me?? How dare you.

often times it's during our lowest points that our true potential is realized

>not BB Riven
>Not Project Yasuo
>Not Bloodmoon Thresh

You call this a shitpost? You should be ashamed of yourself.

thought you were ded too, nice to see you around

How about you take a nap and never get up?
Like never again

can either of you explain to me why riven's q stacks fervor
yasuo i understand as bullshit as it may be but not riven

it's the german cuckold one that does that, not based Neko.

>tfw you're a skinwhore

Should I reroll?

that artist has really bad case of sameface going on

those fucking face fukkk

I don't see the godyr there Senpai~


Not when I'm done with her.

Do i get the volibear or fizz plush for a baby
Which is the superior infant play thing

shit work

which one is bigger choking hazard?
get that one if baby isnt white

What the fuck is wrong with their noses? Did the artist intentionally make them all look as ugly as possible?

Volibear. Fizz one is ugly


I have 15k ip

Which cancer champs should I buy in bulk to climb out of gold

doodle reqs are open & if you still want yours from the prievous thread quote it or retype xoxo

only if i had a nightmare with your ugly waifu

I have no idea. In my years on this planet, I've learned that it's actually really hard to be sure about that sort of thing just from knowing a bit about the person. In my experience it's as likely the person's bedroom role is the opposite of their personality as it is that it's the same.

Sona is a classy, sophisticated, and one of the most powerful mages in the setting when you consider the fact that even ASol or other godlike beings dance when she tells them to. But she's also demure and calm. So I'm being honest when I say I have no idea.

And yeah, I mean people can always take turns. Shibari is very much about physical tactile sensations and not necessarily a d/s dynamic anyway. Though it is of course most commonly a part of such a dynamic. And whichever sort of dynamic she desires I'm fine with, since at the end of the day I'm just interested in making her happy. So either way I'm happy.

get good with one champ instead of playing every single champ labeled op and be garbage at all of them

Buy Kayn and abuse him till people don't know how to play against him.

edgy as fuck

Poppy, Lulu, Lux, Jinx, Janna

Lulu wearing a wedding ring

Me on the middle-left.

Sejuani is superior to both of these jokers

>you will never have a full star guardian team with
>lulu top
>poppy jungle
>lux mid
>jinx adc
>janna support

>you will never have a Janna support

In game mechanics are the furthest thing from lore power level indicators. Sona may actually be the weakest character in league from a lore perspective.

Oh hey Sej, did you remember to do Stacy's math homework for her? You don't want to get beat up again do you?

>Lulufags and Lissandrafaggot trade off making the threads
Why do we allow this cancer again?

Sona is literally a darkin

QUESTION: Do you think the game is better or worse now, in it's current state, than when you first started playing?


Sej does not get bullied delete yourself

Chogath is freelo right now, like 60% wr. Or just pick a Duskblade user

Riven an heroing herself with her sword.

Lulu wasn't in the game when I started so its gotten better

Was hoping for a spooky ward skin or the game on one.

Yeah, I really want to get a group together to do it. You even get special music when you enter the game as a full Star Guardian team


They probably paid of a couple janitors or something.

Game is better
Playerbase about the same

Sona is a vastayan

>Paying Jannies

I started playing shortly after Ziggs was released so better no doubt. But Season 3 was the peak of Leggo Legends, it had the best meta by far.

Heavily Pregnant Sjokz

i got SG jinx and SG Janna if anyone down

do you like pentakill Sona then?
and don't give me any of that gey "I love them all equally" shit

>Level 2
>Suddenly there's a cow in your lane and oh shit you're dead now

noxian garen

Full disclosure I'm a Talon main so I may be biasted.
>tfw stacking Black Cleavers and one shotting everyone for a few glorious weeks

Here I drew it up for you real quick.

wish there was a better choice for top, I'd buy whatever SG skin I'd need but I have no interest in lulu top.

Not sure what heroing means even after I looked it up so just. Have this.

You could have Poppy top and Lulu jungle.

>not sure what heroing means
How unbelievably new

Please be an hero, thanks.

Xth for I want to marry Tristana!

You stacked black cleavers on literally anyone (including mages, tanks and supports) and one shot anyone, item buggs don't really count.