Dash is crashing hard right now

Dash is crashing hard right now.
Save me.

Meanwhile my index funds keep growing and growing. Yea they could crash but just like in 08 I'll ride the gains train back up.

When will you idiots learn?

>people only make one type of investment

I still made a nice benefit off my dash tho.
Bought at 20$, sold at 43$. In the span of one week.
Too bad only had 1300$ on them.

>buying the top

Yea I'm making some assumptions but most cryproshills here just throw everything they have at the new flavor of the day.

Consider this stuff after you max out tax advantaged accounts and meeting your 401k match if applicable is all I'm suggesting.

Thanks dog I came back from the gym just in time to sell because it keeps going down, down down down....

Thats more reasonable

just a small dip calm down

>small dip
Anyway. Not really giving a fuck. I sold all the dash meme.

Question: Would you recommend getting in an Index fund right now? I feel as if, if there is a recession, I'd just lose all my money.

So, should I wait for a recession, then hop in an index fund?

>cryproshills here just throw everything they have at the new flavor of the day

If you're on your computer 24/24 it's really worth it as long as BTC stay """stable"""

did you buy the enron dip?

Time in the market > Timing the market.

No one knows when a correction will happen. By sitting out your missing gains. Unless your retiring in under a decade you're missing out. Even if someone dumped money the day before the 08 recession they still would have come out ahead had they rode it out. Just make regular contributions and let it grow. Time and compound interest are great things.

>small dip

Nigga what's your opinion on the current """dip"""

will it recover


No fucking idea.

Did you think it was just going to shoot upwards indefinitely?

This is how crypto markets work.

it is correcting, this is nothing new. Did you honestly expect DASH to sustain the crazy inflated price it had? Short it now on the way down back to its corrected price.

I was supposed to sell at 50$
It crashed at 48, close enough
Luckily I was on Poloniex when a huge fucking RED BAR pop'ed up and I knew it was over. It's at 32 now.

>it's correcting

That's my favorite meme.

Yea, the market is at an all-time high something like 87% of the time, so the numbers work in your favor if you're in the market.

If you're feeling uneasy, you would wait for a dip and then buy in. But would you have been better off buying from the beginning and letting compound interest do it's thing? Idk I'm not can see future.

>Millions of coins insta-mined.
>Mined before even officially announced to public.
>Not a scam.

how is this a meme? Any time a coin pumps like that a correction is inevitable. They don't just pump 50% and then hold that price going forward.