/bnsg/ - blade & soul general

Sky Pirates Edition

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Yuns are #1

cat lyns #1

Best Hair

xth for i love you all

and the threads already falling into the abyss

How did yun end up with having such perfect butts ?

they always had but people always pre-judged them

post more !

did dukk quit ?
i want more of this freakin' butt

#744 094 EU legendary dungeons\sanctum

Cute yellow fox!

I have some exclusive dukk lewds but I dunno if I can post that without permission.

You want that dukkhole son?


who are you guys and how i can contact even


Dukk is just busy with ffxiv just like other people from here

Nooooo ;_; poor cute fox

Well it is pretty fun, I don't blame him.

I want to hug this lyn!

Who else is playing?

sloppy kyoppi

wew you sexy thing !



nice ASS

anyone here playing Master x Master? I'm looking for a vg guild

MxM was a fad no one plays that shit anymore

eu has a guild. idk about na

let's remember BnS fondly

the esports

the bots

the drama

the fun times

you will be missed ;_;7


you can circlejerk in discord

What about the grind ?
It's still not over.

It is a nice hair style

>combat bug
>escape on cd

how bad is f2p grind?

It's really not as bad as some make it out to be. General progression isn't so bad if you're not hellbent on it and you kick back for the ride; running dailies casually (about 1~3 hours a day for the Daily Challenge in addition to a few other dungeons) can still earn 30-60g, which is pretty solid and racks up pretty quickly, of which also drops a decent sum of materials you will need. Sure, you can go well out of your way to no-life and farm certain dungeons for materials to save or sell and/or some of the more difficult dungeons available presently for the next tier of gear in an effort to get them asap, but casual play isn't so bad an option.

The one exception to this is a high tier soul, of which has materials which cannot be reasonably farmed for (there are a clue of reasons for this, of which some are 'being looked into'), but something worth noting is that a high tier soul isn't really required to do the rest of the content; that's what all the other gear is for.

If not the best, one of the best!

Don't forget you can also make some extra coin from crafting which is almost zero effort.

Do you ERP ?


Which is just another thing you can do if you're going at a casual's pace; between dailies? Just submit your current stock on the market and reorder before you log off for the day.

first bnsg ITF clear, it was a close one

>first bnsg clear
>literally who people

You don't need anything after getting 8 piece MSP and like baleful 7, you are ready to do anything unless you want to join pugs who want to be carried.

EU doesnt have enough people to do BNSG clears so they have to emply random whales and chinese

There's also raid content you'll get higher gear for doing, but you tend to get into a raiding guild to do such a thing anyway.

Those are alts.

Hello bnsg are eggplants lewd?

>Why can't I get my Raven material for 100 feathers
Because you can get like 10 a week for free by doing Weekly challenges and Daily challenges. Not to mention how common they are in daily dash and F10.

>Why can't I get X without doing X content?
These people are the worst.

prove it

well then you better hate ncsoft since they literally put materials in the dongmoon store and even sealed accessories in the exchange so people dont have to do content

well no because you still need 200 runs of normal or 100 of hard
it's much better than running that shit without even slightest hope on getting what you ned

Accessories in exchange I can somewhat let pass since the currency needed for them drops from their corresponding dungeons. It's a kind of "shit luck safety net" if you run a dungeons 100~200 times and never get the drop.

However, putting those tokens and the like in the fucking cash shop...

3 additional tokens per week is hardly a fucking difference my dude

As long as that hard limit is there, that can still be somewhat forgiven. Still a lil' gross imo

/bnsg/ has a guild, dunno about Veeky Forums

people who want everything while not playing the game like Slayn

calm down princess

how much do i have to play the game for princess to like me?

It's all but confirmed that the next trove will have raven weapon mats, legendary necklace/belt/ring, xanos hands, and pentagonal obsidians, among other useful things

lmfao you took the time to type this out when you could have been investing in ToI. Get out of my face kiddo.

it's all but confirmed that you're a retard

I don't play at all and I think Princess likes me

I pity you

>when your party member has no field repairs or escape charms

wow im never responding to you again

Thanks for the heads up user.
I just bought some revival charms.


>when your party members weapon breaks and he refuses to fix it.


>when your party member's weapon breaks and he equips a weapon skin instead



jinf butts > yun butts


EVENT train



what are event dungeons?
can I join if I haven't really played in 5 months?

>that womb tat
Taeyo pls, I can only get so erect.
>Naryu foundry
>Desolate tomb
>Ebondrake Citadel
>Sogun's Lament
>Shattered Masts
And then there is 3-win ToI as one event daily too.

wait wtf there are 2 of them?

Yes get in here.
We leave in 5min unless you leave a message.

5/6 depart in 5


I want the chubby one


>liking manface hambeasts

Something I'll never understand.

>still playing this pay to rng game
>grown ass men still pretending to be girls

>being a low-test
I bet you like noodle sticks too.

I prefer women that look like, you know, women. Not someone that looks like the "before" picture in a rehab commercial.

whats the most you ever lost in a coin toss


good morning bnsg!

good morning sweetie *kisses*

whats the most
u ever lost in a coin toss

no thank you

Ive never had a coin toss for anything

fuck u bitch

My pride.