League of Legends general - /lolg/

Star Guardian edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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Reposting to post more of this cunt right here

Duskblades for everyone!

Looking for a nice friend to have some fun with on my level 3 smurf on EUW!
IGN: AlreadyGotReady

>Looks exactly like her

Gay yordle lovers get out

this is a futa only thread

SG yuri is the best!

Lux is the cutest champion

Still not as bad as BC meta


Threadly reminder another human bean will never make you as happy as Veigar makes Lulu

xth for Syndra

i want kled to

I really like Karma.

Do you like Karma?

Best ship
Furfags on suicide watch

comfy bfs~


>From bad to bad
Nigger what is you doing?

i can see her butthole

Get fucked Lulufaggot

Jinx is cuddly and cute

Okay does Poppy wear pants or not?

I love Karma. She needs more fans.

>might get demoted to s3
why is it so cancerous at this hour

>annoying ass voice over
>retarded optimism and fitting the 'blonde r dumb' stereotype in an unfunny and not creative way
>terrible base model
>character dephs of children swimming pool

Dont tell me you seriously believe this.

I really enjoy spectating these clusterfucks

litterally worse than girl yordles with vaginas, and trust me, i am the biggest dick lover you'll ever meet.
>white hair
this shit was drawn by a girl and you know it

They should both get a VU at the same time and share cute interactions towards each other.

Nice post, dude! Hilarious!

>from openly gay to closet gay

not much of a step up, actually its a step down since futafags are delusional homos

Truly lethality as a mistake and duskblade need a gutting

I like Karma on top
As a tank

make webms for me showcasing this bullshit so i dont have to

futa is okay in small quantities

Stay positive

Post entertaining LoL content.


>play jax
>lee doesnt get jg so goes mid lee
>starts roaming
>ganks more than the fucking jungler
>starts camping my lane
>makes the poppy go 0/5
Im so glad i didnt dodge

>get a S-rank with buffed Taric
>get a box
>open that sucker
>this is inside


yeah probably but its still good right

then id feel cucked
Id like some small "hints" towards each other though just not xayah rakan 2.0


Just a maid getting a regular, well intentioned health checkup by her employer.

i dont see it. if anything its less gay than gay



>out yi enemy yi
>enemy Trist gets fed and we lose
It was my first yi and I didn't buy infinity I screwed up


>no lulu DELET THIS art

make it happen drawfriends

Also I want to steal Lulus Veigar body pillow, her only source of happyness

>enemy top laner picks rumble

I want to rape Veigar's tight asshole until it looks like a gaping mess and force Lulu to make out with it!

No I'm just not some horny fucker.

is right too.

What champion pisses you off the most?

You with that same fucking webm all the time about how you engaged with a clear disadvantage against a champion you know has just as much mad regen as you.

I can't tell if this is shitpost or if you're still genuinely upset anymore.

woah renekton is fucking bullshit, he almost 100-0 darius in one combo, renekton is pretty fucked up

Orianna is easily the most braindead and boring midlaner in the game. Has no losing matchups and is safe as fuck.

>qtpie plays support
>15 minutes in enemy team is taking innib
why is he such a washed up shitter?

>dick around and miss out on at least 3 autos
>wonder why he was able to slap your shit

xth for breast metal waifu

I want to HUG all the lulufags

Except cuddle and protect fag hes gross

I could bet a few sheckels that the guy who posts this webm threadly has simply saved it after it was posted by the angry renekton main and realized the (You) potential

orianna take skills and is hard to play user she is totally balanced (:

Lulu is CUDDLY and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!

While it's sad to hear that you think i'm gross (probably misattributing some degenerate imitator's posts for mine), i'll have you know i am the ONLY real Lulufag.

Yasuo chasing you at mach 3 speed through minions was annoying til i realized that following Prometheus school of running away from things is bad.

>"Why is Orianna balanced?"
>"Well, she's the definition of a balanced champion"

More balanced than lethality j4 that's for sure


>orianna is balanced because she has a weak early!
>she auto attack you out of lane and shield all your harass

*sin count noise*

>"She doesn't win that many games!"
>Meanwhile Ryze got rightfully butchered while having a bad soloq winrate

>you can remove two champions per role
who are they?

>tfw lethality meta is back
haha magebabs btfo

you guys got any starting tips for a dotard?

Play Lux

leeg is faster, you're already better than half the playerbase by playing dota
slash mute all in the beginning of every game
pick one champion and stick to them for a while to learn basic stuff if you need to get used to league mechanics

why dont people play zilean?






Get used to League's animations in terms of last hitting and stuff. IMO League's are better synchronized to the game's events. Itemization is simpler, less active items. Since you have a smaller map, take your time to learn it good.

im uncomfortable

Supports should be always in front of the ADC. If you just stay back letting the ADC 1v2 then you're just a XP leech and should kys.

riven yasuo
lee nidalee
ahri vlad
vayne kalista
thresh lulu
just fuck around for the first 100 hours

what about Soraka who need to stay healthy in order to heal you?

Woah! I love Riven!! My wife!

It's true, that's a terrible fucking Taric.

As a support he offers so little compared to someone like Lulu/Zyra/Janna and in mid I'm sure he's outclassed by others. He's boring and most of his reliance vomes from his ult which can be bought and if he messes it up or the enemy waits around it's pointless. His utility/damage can be seen in other things. He brings nothing but a level up ability to the table.

Farm, let people die unless they're taking towers or Dragon/Baron. Try every champ that's on free week.

He's perfectly viable just boring as fuck to play.

>mfw i'v unironically never made it out of silver and i'v been playing since aatrox's release


different user but even she can poke and apply pressure. Its in her best interest to stay alive and well topped off but even she can have some influence

needs like 70 mana items to be truly effective

/v/'s thoughts on the slump of hauntzer, impact, arrow, contractz, looper, and ray?


Lee Sin

P1 needs a new adc

>Get outplayed
>Lose lane
>Team says I lost them the game
>They're completely right

can you teach me how to be good at lol?

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

>Kayle has a point and click q
>still miss

I'm not exactly the best myself right now either. Last time I played was in S3. Many things have changed in the meantime.

Give me your top champions to abuse Dankblade on

>one side oom and going aggressive
>they actually somehow survive this spectacularly stupid move