/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1856

"Calm before the storm" Edition

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

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Has anyone tested her with wind grid yet? I only have babby-tier dark grid and it might take sometime to make zoi usable.


I am the strongest






Halle is love


I did those plusses when I was a granblue baby. I'm a toddler and know better.

Zoi work with any source of enmity. Her usefulness outside of easy content is also wastly overrated. She is just the best QoL you can ever dream for.

Hey toddler, do you know you can move them

Post wind memes

You can use zoi with wind teams which is an easy element to improve.

well now it's time to become a granblue child and learn that you can remove plus marks and reallocate them

Debating whether to do two more nez's so i can 4* another gun.

lily who

Host, I'll help.

Where is your Raph bow

I'm ready to smack Vohu until she gives me some harps.

>no raph


I'm ready to NOT do Xeno Vohu and have a third week in a row of goofing off in this game.


Why right here senpai, I finished michael's sword since my grid needed it more, and I'm working on gabu wand since i finished flb'ing a varuna. Someday.


You really want us to know that you wont be doing Vohu, don't ya?

Keep this up and I'm kicking you a day before GW. This is my last warning.

I just need one more harp, so I'll be done in an hour or so. Why is this game so fucking dead?

Well what the HECK else is there to do? Maybe the Bonito side story will finally come out and I can do that for like a day.
My guild leader isn't even online, nice try.


I love Lecia!

Playable Leona and Cain (Grand) when

>kmr is actually not going to realize a pixtix before xeno vohu
what the fuck

Do star gachas always have the element rate-ups?

>tfw you don't get any stickers and fear you might not be cute

Maybe not the one you think is the leader.

Playable Reinhardtzar when? One of the best males in this game along with Jamil, Joel, and Ayer.

There are also general chara and summon scams.

>rank 108 and stickerless virgin
w-we're cute right?

>Horns drop got boosted
>Not a single drop after 500 berries
>Sagi Showdown after 2 days


shut the fuck up already


you do realise having your profile ID posted here will get you stickers regardless of whether you put it here or others did for you

shut up dumb cuck

>tfw want to sticker people, but it may actually be a burden to them or they probably hate me already.

>tfw have stickers on profile from others
>but never send stickers to others

And cummed on


literally zero, 0, nil stickers sent to others, user. How does that make you feel?

Post them

Host more HLs so I can cap pendants before xeno vohu.


It's okay, nobody would ever post my ID here if they don't even want to send me stickers.

Do it user! I'm sure they'll enjoy it, as long as you post something cute!


>fight chev with beato
>beato gets smashed twice for 6k and dies even though chev is blinded and beato has her new dodge passive
>this happens every other fight
TA isn't even a problem with beato, it's her ability to get bullied to death before a fight really starts

Okay.. Post your ID and I'll give you a sticker

Explain further.

I'm bored, /gbfg/. When are we getting fun new content?

just play another kusoge until you get the gbf itch again

Vohu in 10 minutes.

when I return

>fun content


2nd lizard

Soloing magnas with bad teams always fun

How would you make Lecia comp better?

Next Story event will be SR Elmelaura.

it will be available on the 21st

what would be better for xeno vohu, lecia/carmelina/korwa or lecia/carmelina/rosetta?

I don't know. Scatcha and 5* Nio looks good on paper but you never know until you actually test stuff.

Korwa's unusable due to xeno triggers.

Last bakamut

I'm afraid I might have annoyed some people and they'll post rude stickers. Don't want that!

It's summer time, why aren't you running around with your summer characters clearin' content? If you wanna have fun, you gotta make that fun.

How do you get through clearing all the coop quests for crystals? People never stay in the coop room and I don't think I'm strong enough to solo them with an alt.


this person wanpans

Host a Baha HL please

You're way too cute to annoy anyone. But, if that's how you feel then I won't pressure you

Maybe tomorrow when I feel more brave. Thank you for understanding!

Thanks for the dead month KMR.

what does the achoo sticker mean

This gets me 4* Lucis

Is it pointless to run a Titan grid without Ayer and Sarasa? Gacha has seen fit to give me 2 Titans so far but I definitely have not rolled Ayer.

On that matter, for Yugu grid, who are good team members with Hallesena assuming I am running Elysian since I dont have Mahira?

>Everyone calls this a dead month
>I've been farming non stop and I still have to farm Xeno Vohu and RoB

Oldfags shouldn't complain about having time off from the game. You cunts aren't the only players in this game.

She is best girl.


It's mostly seaniggers.

>tfw newfag but too lazy to farm

What makes you think Ayer or Sarasa are required for Titan?

I wish you all the very best in bed where you will be in after this fantastic sneeze I'm giving you and for when I will visit you and then continue to lie by your side regardless of whether you want me there or not and I will slowly but surely approach you like a cat before a mouse eating a piece of cheese before sneezing on you all night long



What the heck?

Mainly because from crewmate experience, they are the best members for Titan since weapons for Titan grid almost always use enmity

One guy I know who is a lightlord who can be counted on to almost always MVP HL Bahas talked about how one of the people he knew who ran a Titan grid that was not even complete was outracing him with Ayer and Sarasa(IIRC)


Th-that's too romantic.

Summer legfest when? I'm ready to roll

ironic coming from you