League of Legends general - /lolg/

keked negroes edition

old: eyosongive.us

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Duskblades! Get your duskblades here! Don't leave home without one!

Who started this meme buzzword?


that's actually a cool pic I appreciate.

>tfw will never be vlad thundercock and cuck people just by breathing in the direction of their gfs

Do you have any physical merchandise of your waifu?

It's nice to have pictures or reminders of her while you're away from your computer.

Tfw you havent enjoyed living anymore for the past 5 years and spend your days drinking increasing amounts of alcohol and medication while just playing vidya, shitposting and going to bed early

Sure am glad to be alive

Side note - wonder why they are removing the depression from characters, can't wait for the amumu rework where he becomes a hyped up happy and confident mummy

xth for Syndra

are you me?

>only sombre and serious characters in the entire game, Galio and Poppy
>reworked into xDing meme machines

they can absolutely do it with amumu too

>patch 7.14 hotfix
>minions now no longer passively gain kayn's abilities

xth for why the fuck are people picking shit like Tristana,Jinx and Vayne when there are much better picks

I do, but I refuse to open it until I achieve my desired goal. I feel like doing otherwise would be doing her a disservice.

Jhin's back baby.

Yorick is more depressed than his old self tho

maybe people are picking what they enjoy and is a legitimate pick more than being a meta-sheep?

>Ugly teemo from an ugly game nobody cares or play.

>She has no merch

I would otherwise

Most other adcs are boring to me or just dont feel as satisfying or endearing. I'd also get bored of them in like two games max. Also she's one of the few things I'm good at.

>He thinks picks matter below high Diamond.

How cute.

w/e more freelo for me when i smash their weaklane asses with fertile plant girl

they're either mindlessly trying to copy lcs without knowing why they pick trist (because better adcs are banned and she excels at running away) or they literally don't know she's the worst ADC in the game.

Yeah I was thinking about him as the only exception really

Damn shame he's so reliant on the maidens AI, else Id play him

comfy bfs~


Most likely some streaming idiot like imaqtpie or Tobias fate.

I think it's actually gambler terminology where one of the gamblers make poor decisions and are tilted/on a tilt.

If you love her, for real, then what else is there?

She will eventually, it took a while for everyone else to get some and she's relatively new.

Some of the stuff I have is custom ordered from mousepad companies or from framed artwork companies so you could also always do that if you want something that rito doesn't make.

Vayne always has a high pickrate regardless of her position in the meta

stupidly overbuffed to enforce lethality meta in the world pre patch

It's not a meme, it comes from poker, you nig


>running it down

fucking hate league players parroting phrases

Jesus you are so cringe I'm shivering. Not even buzzwordind.

Is anyone (good) smurfing/playing in OCE low elo? I'm looking for someone to play with who can provide actual advice on how to not be so garbage. Support main, mostly Soraka, Vel'Koz, Thresh.

I feel like if I were to indulge in it while still harboring weakness, it would be like diluting my love and making it feel less genuine.

tristana does fine right now and it is meta as fuck. They've started nerfing every other ADC and buffing crit/the items she needs to survive so she does well. She has burst, dps, mobility, and safety all in one champion that no longer takes forever to scale.

slowly creeping up to replace lich bane as my favorite item, Ive both versions from the comfy bf sword buildpath and true damage to now with the more corebuild centric cdr and more lethality

probably going to be nerfed since everyone seems to be building it now, im pretty sure the invis proc has zero cooldown and im thinking theyll probably add one

Oh that's a pretty cute ship. I'd watch the porno.

>this new

xth for Cute Ashe

>implying I wasn't cringing from king faggot since he started shitposting

ashe a shit


Who's the strongest champion in the lore - excluding forces of nature like A.Sol, Bard, and Kindred.

Why aren't you playing treeman of tanky disruption and infinite heals?

I mean Ryze has the runes which can literally destroy the world
> the world

you have 20 seconds to justify why ANY champion should have a point and click literal 1 shot ability


>spooky isle champs like yorick, morde, hecarim, karthus are not serious and somber

Jax including forces of nature like A.sol, Bard and kindred.

I'm a rocket man.

>shit like Tristana
? she is really good right now

> sombre and serious
> amumu
excuse me

I honestly still don't understand why people care about the lore, like you have to be mentally retarded to actually care about it.


can someone explain to me how p1 zig is any good?

>loses cs in 1v1 with no ganks
>hero puddle is kled, shen, jayce and hes useless on anything else
>no performances lategame


So are we getting a across the board buff to armor like when they nerfed boots once they remove runes?

They already did that when they lowered the armor yellow runes gave

adc cancer like twitch and caitlyn

> losing
> cho is obviously feed
> stands next to the teamfight with ult activated
you deserved it adcuck

I have a couple things. I want to get some more posters.

>pick taric
>rush bramble vest


Syndra and Ryze are probably pretty high up, maybe Swain as well.

>he doesn't want to know more about his favorite champions
>he just views champions as blank avatars

Shit taste, desu.

Armor, attack speed ect runes are being added back

Also depending on what tree you use there's a bonus such as attack speed for the ad tree

>get good team comp and nice people twice in a row and get my role
>someone dodges or some retard doesn't lock in
>get auto-filled with cancerous teammates and a terrible comp
>no one dodges
Every time.

We still have stuff like Annie and lux with sub 20 base armor, they will be literally unplayable with stats like that if we don't get some stat changes.

I did :)

>Jhin is obsessed with the number four
>his quotes aren't all four word phrases



cho was 7/3/something

twitch was 12/4/12

they were also the same level. Just face it, it's not your typical 2 lvl 10 kills up stomp

Reminder to always bully the scuttle crab

Fluffy Ears
dem cyber-hips

> 7/3 cho kills the out of position retard
oh wow

How exactly is he cucked. That's not what the image is at all.
>5 word phrases
Not sure how that's supposed to prove anything.

I love Jhin's dialogue too much to care about that, honestly.
Xin speech pattern is still rad tho.

I am viscous dude




who has the most depressing death animation and why is it objectively jarvan

I don't trust my team on followups, I will be the one hiding in a bush.

how to fix ryze?
make him an anti assassin mage there i've done it for you

>Xin Zhao is pronounced like Zin Zao
>Dota's Xin is pronounced like Chin

Dragontrainer Trist

I cant even kill them anymore without breaking my heart if they use that skin

where'd you get that figure of regular trist on the top right?

that's a terrible idea
Hope you're ashamed of yourself
fuck you


t. scared assassin player

I see. Well I'm a complete shitter but my heart does not falter. I feel like how good you are at the game isn't what is important to her (well, depending on who it is I guess), and rather they would care about if you're a nice person, and a good person, and a good husbando, and things like that.

But I still get what you mean. Perhaps she misses you and is sad you're not with her, and you're keeping yourself from her? Just speculating.

That's pretty neat user.

How do you think that's correct? 90-100% of someone's health bar in true damage that is not a skillshot or dodgeable. And it's not like the twitch was dumb and sat in something, it's a flash+no cast time ability. Twitch can't even respond with his own flash because you can queue the commands as the cho player and flash doesn't disjoint the ult.

It's pretty clearly an unintended interaction between a new item and an old champion that rito's infamous coding is having difficulty making an easy solution to ship out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the recent cho buffs. He was meh and they've not only buffed him but also created a few items that are good on him recently, and these are great things. But to sit there and say that the stoneplater interaction with his ult is fine and dandy is just wrong.

>completely winnable game
>all 4 of my """team""" tilt and start inting

diamond is fucking cancer

I think I need to play on /mute all
If I see one more person flaming when they are playing just as shit if not worse im gonna go nuts

I want to break every bone in Riven's legs and then jackhammer that thing she calls a sword into her anal cavity

all cho has to do is get cinderhulk/gargoyle/righteous glory and he can 1shot carries with his ult. you can't hold back the cho forever

>not Dragon Trainer Tristana

>Zed literally never dies, he just scuttles away like the coward he is
This always bothered me way more than it should.

>Urgot rework soon
>Im no longer gated into buying 750g worth of mana stacking in a lane where its dangerous to do so unless im Jayce
>Urgot is no longer conflicted on his build path
>Shotgun Knees
>Im finally free of that retarded "EQQQQ" flowchart


xth 4 Urgob :DDDD

Ekko, Lulu, Kindred, and velkoz dont die either

kooba ?

this was in my previous game, was fucking awful at his champion

guess the champion

Ekko literally gets lost in time for 30 seconds all of eternity, that's kind of worse than death in a way.

They will decrease dmg by like 20 in the early game and 40 in late and introduce 10 sec cooldown because the item was supposed to be buyed on junglers and assassins and not on bruisers or adc. Oh and they'll probably reduce ad by 5 and increase the cost of it by 100-200 and then buff the hell out of edge of night. If you don't believe me just wait for the new patch notes.

I preordered it from a sculptor called ConceptSculpt on Etsy when he announced it a few months ago. He made the Poppy I have as well. I think he's going to make more Trists in the future.