>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
kill all tripfaggots
Tharja is my wife
I respect your dedication at least
Post units with no wasted stats in speed.
Sonya is shit
There better not be any Duma worshipers in this thread.
You're going to love this...trust me.
This is a Super Saiyan.
Looking into making a cav team for the first time and what the fuck is this shit
>Eliwood is the only 4* source of Ward cavalry
>Gunter is literally the only source whatsoever for Hone Cavalry
>Camus, the limited GHB unit, is the only 4* source of Goad Cavalry
How the fuck do people have these cavbuffs all over their whole team?
Glimmer or moonbow for +atk Eirika?
actually thats a worthless pile of shit
So that's how it's gonna be huh?
I want to be spit roasted by these two.
Alternate Sakura when?
And this...THIS is what is known as a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan. Or you can just call this a Super Saiyan 2.
4% pity rate is over
Should I pull everything? I didn't grabbed the lewd tactician and if I finish I'll be out of orbs
glimmer is bad
Shouldn't you be busy eating out Faye?
killing julia with a fart cloud!
Please don't post my wife alongside that whore on the right. Thanks.
Robin sucks just be happy with Tiki
You're a whore, Celica.
Ward and Goad are less important than Hone and Fortify, and you get two Gunters for free
Reroll blues from now on.
you did it wrong tho, sorry about your resources loss hope it wasn't much
>tfw wanna do a SoV run where I reclass everyone
>dunno if there are cheats for SoV out there
can someone answer this?
Well Gunter and Camus are free, so...
The real reason Raul likes Sonya so much.
There's a cheat plugin but I don't know if you can get infinite forks or anything yet.
so how likely is it that the horses all have cav buffs?
also has anyone thought of a strategy to do this yet, even if all we know is berkut's stats? my flier team seems like it won't be effective here because there is a firesweep cav archer and 2 greens to cuck my main damage, maybe savage blow shenanigans with leo and ninian would work?
Infinite forks would work, but I was thinking more of a "reclass into any class" thing. I think there is because I remember pics of the characters in the monster classes and villager units before the forks.
The only thing I worship is your ass, milady.
Caeda user?
There's cheats that can make units any class, yes
I mean, I guess if you just had the Caedas lying around...
I dont see a way to do it and I will probably will be unable to do it with my units anyway.
It's unreal. How is he generating that much power?
Who is the Gold Frieza of Fire Emblem Heroes?
>Caedanon ever having enough Caedas to merge
>not getting hp+3 and 4 before inheriting
was it autism?
Don't bring that shitty fetish here. No FE girl deserves that.
One of the cheats in the plugin is something along the lines of that, so I guess that would work.
>thinking about giving +atk/-spd Robin Brave Lance+
reposting because last one was at end of thread
Slaying edge... For what?
Nino Nino Ni!
We dont know the skills yet, but just plop Hector where Doot is and it will probably work just fine.
Apparently I missed the fact that blade tomes are fucking retarded! She just keeps killing everything! They melt before her unstoppable Force! My little illiterate murdercannon!
Not with that attack she isn't
It's an okay way to salvage a bad IV unit. There are better options for Brave Lance+ though (Cordelia and Effie stand out).
Why is Nino so bullyable?
Was thinking of doing this with my Titania and plopping Sanaki where Alm is and Reinhardt where Mathilda is. Will orobably put my WoM dancer where Faye is too.
thanks user, I actually stopped being a lazy ass and googled it. I accept ideas for reclasses, so far I have
>Paladin/GK Tatiana, Sage Zeke
>Merc Clive and Boey
>Pegasus Knight Mae, Silque
>Cavalier Forsyth and Lukas, Clair
>Cleric Mathilda
>Thinking of mage Genny but no healer early game scares me a bit
Also debating making Alm and Celica into each others' class for the laughs, but I'm scared that might fuck up Celica's mandatory promotion
This would be a no grind, as late as possible promotion run because I hate myself, too.
Possessed Berkut.
I like Hana
Probably Reinhardt if you're talking about power
Hold on
Post your team's stats please because I have literally that EXACT same team
Groping Nino as punishment because she never learned how to read!
That makes the most sense, but she hasn't inherited it yet.
What a coincidence. I too like Hana.
>and you get two Gunters for free
What books would you read Nino?
i don't have a hector, but im doing damage calcs on my units attacking berkut and my spring chrom ORKOs him with 35 or 31 health left after, but i don't know if he could survive the red mage/archer, but if he can and i can kill the ranged units he'll be easy vantage bait for the axe horse
right now im thinking s.chrom/doot/leo/ninian might be able to do some work here, maybe klein if leo doesnt work out but the team might be too blue heavy, palla could work too
i wish i had a +atk caeda
>TFW I don't have a Reinhardt or any Desperation fodder whatsoever.
>TFW I'm never going to raise up my mages.
>TFW I roll for Doot anyway because of my Ryoma and Hector and Azura.
>TFW I get Mathilda with bad IVs instead.
Maybe I should kill myself.
wtf they're a cute couple
I thought that Luthier was autistic to comprehend relationships
Please, /feg/. Talk the stupid part of me out of spending money for Doot. I got stuck with a Mathilda and a -Atk Reinhardt and I already spent $40 after rolling through my entire stash. I don't want to do this but god is this addictive.
so this is waifu power....
heh....not bad....
me too
Gunther is part of the free weekly rotation units you can get for free as a 1* and 2*
I got the same Robin and a +res / -HP Robin. Which one gets the +1?
marth please get off /feg/
It wasn't that bad. Alfy can tank hits like no other.
I need more SP and give him a proper special.
Strongest level one!
Damn I wish I had eleven of those bitches just laying around.
She'll be on a banner where she's the only blue one day.
Are you a whale or she is your waifu?
Another $40 and you will get Doot.
Guys, help me out here. I have a shitload of Cecilias and want to promote one of them. The best IV one that I have is +Atk -Res and my idea is to inherit both TA3 onto her as well as Gronnblade so I can change up her build depending on if I'm running her on a Horse Emblem team or not. I know a +Spd Cecilia is better for Gronnblade builds but can a +Atk one also work? Also, I have enough of her to make a 4*+6 version but I don't know when I'll be rolling greens again since I'm kinda done after rolling it exclusively in Summer + Sonya banner so I don't know when I'll be rolling more of her.
>It's another "Marth bankrupts Altea" episode
How much do you love her? How much are you willing to sacrifice for your love?
stupid whale consider suicide
Simple ones that don't strain her untrained brain too much!
>tfw my only Caeda is -atk
+Atk. Optimal nature for her is +Spd but neutral speed is effectively not worth it so -Spd becomes the least restrictive bane and she just tries to survive mid-speed units better.
Do it user. Think you are contributing to this game and also you gonna get three!
cumming in bercute~!