have you seen me edition
FACT: scouts cost 275 minerals, 125 gas, 3 supply, and have a build time of 50
have you seen me edition
FACT: scouts cost 275 minerals, 125 gas, 3 supply, and have a build time of 50
that's broodwart not sc2!!!
gosh i am not good at this
scout pew pew
Overpriced Wraiths desu
Cardboard planes
please be kind to scouts, they try very hard and are really good at killing battlecruisers and carriers and overlords! all 3 races!
voidrays are so much better
think twice
thats my only advice...
>need to research to have decent speed
>need to research to have decent vision
>can't go invisible like the terran equivalent
>called the scout
what did blizzard mean by this?
remember when you had to research stuff in sc2...
is anyone looking at the nothern lights
imagine if they secretly buffed the scout in starcraft remastered but no one has noticed because no one has built a scout
rip flux veins
It's still bright out
Is the Scout the only Vanilla/BW unit that didn't get brought over to SC2?
But Wraiths could get cloak, which could ruin your day in a hurry if your mineral line didn't have enough anti-air.
the way the void ray was handled in sc2 is a classic example of how blizzard fucked up their unit design
its original concept of being slow but super powerful if allowed to charge up was kind of cool imo because you had opportunities to base a strategy around it, like charging up on rocks or debris and then microing to keep them charged
then there's an available upgrade to improve on one its weaknesses, i.e. speed
of course this was somehow too interesting so for heart they changed it to prismatic alignment or "press e to increase damage" which is just boring as shit and removed an available upgrade because apparently upgrades slowed down the game or something
i cant understand how blizzard thought these were good changes
ahh.. tired
yeah i remember charging up on rocks before entering a base
a ton of bw units didnt get carried over
(i dont care if they show up in the campaigns)
dropship (kinda)
science vessel
infested terran (complete redesign)
queen (complete redesign)
lurker (until lotv)
dark archon
so lonely...
Zephran Cochran! What did you do to your hair?
uh... bot
eating cereal again j...
it is good...
literally who
yes sir sc2 sir
try it next time you're in the shower j... what do you have to lose??
>imblying he showers
going to bed
gachimuchi helps my depression a lot and i'm not sure why
do you think if the scout got into it it'd make it less of a shitty unit lol
whens gsl
4 hours from now
thank you
janitor i apologize this post is going to be slightly off-topic but the denizens of this thread are well-equipped to answer and i will politely use sage
have any of you ever had an ingrown hair/infected hair follicle? i feel with the hygiene around here someone must have. how do i make it better? there's a red ring that's been there for like a week now
pew pew scout pew pew
inner thigh
scrub diligently every shower or get some tweezers
i stay fresh and clean
heh... hmmm... no i won't tell that particular story
you're going to have to puncture it and squeeze the chunky puss out... it smells so awful
but if its inflamed then there's really nothing else to be done so no point in delaying
if you see a doctor... well your experience is sure to be different but
they'll try to set you up with a surgeon... its all quite stupid
bad gas
last bump back to sleep
i'll kill you
>GSL Code S 4m
hopefully maru and jjakji advance!
my dick was juicing too hard to sleep jan :/
jjakji good
saw gumiho getting owned by maru on his stream. jeeky got lucky
go jjakji!!
jjakji nooooooo!
I'm sorry guys I never did that script
I had 20 days of free time and I SQUANDERED it and now it's back to it again
amazing sc2 discussion
keep it up
ive squandered my life
went to the doctor about a big lump on my neck
they took an xray and showed it to me, it showed a huge tumor that was completely filling up my chest
looked at it and just spontaneously said "i've wasted my life"
one more bump... brb
where you going
bump my ass daddy
Guardian is pretty much brood lord
RIP so many good units
I dont understand why blizz changed so many units in boring ways, like vulture to hellion
scarlett is a very cute zerg player!
you can say that again~
he's bad
more like dump
just burped and some coffee came back up ~_~ >_
thats a cutie one...
did yall know scarlet is a man?
yeah i did...
never a man. always just a boi
boi... gotta say that differently than "boy"
touching my spermer j... no ur waking up buddy
i make bad decisions
i fap to gooks and i like it
the mood strikes
golly gee sure wonder why the mods want this general gone
this is probably the worst general on this whole website
only 3...
only 3 :/
only 7... :/
what because of starcraft discussion?
fight me 1v1
did he just reply everyone...
janny must be busy lately... did something with college happen recently? hmmm... something changed
*goes balls deep*
lost a day